Skilling is Just a Means of Communication and non-aggressive playstyles

Kezrai thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter. The numbers however might disagree with your statement that the event will not change people’s PvP behaviour. The ingame heat map and zKillboard are showing a signaficant increase in PvP activity all over New Eden already.

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LMAO, fake of the year.


If you believe that, it’s not because you are a “new player in EvE”, it’s because you are stupid, and that is not related to how long you played this game.

It doesn’t take more than an hour of play time to be aware of what Concord is doing in High-sec, and then with this information, it doesn’t take more than two brain cells to end-up with the conclusion that nobody will target you, if what they are searching for is targets for their skilling spree.

Well, yes and no.

First of all, it doesn’t take any SP in any skill to actually find a corp that will help you with the realisation of your daylies, either by letting you kill them, or better, by bringing you in a corp-fleet for some group PvP.

And secondly, it’s pretty frequent to find people PvPing with very sub-optimal skills.

So yeah, of course they won’t be able to be at 100% performance, but playing around it isn’t anything particulary complicated.

My skills sucks whenever I play something that isn’t a Laser boat, still you may find me in low-sec with something else, because I wanna try it, or because my corp gave the ship to me for whatever occasion.

This is not even enough to be worth killing alts.

It is pretty clear all the PvPers have left CCP development.

It’s a small thing, but I consider it to be a very bad sign for EVE.

I think this is our “token PvP event” like the token attempt at blackout.

My tinfoil hat prediction is the next thing they give us is going to be really horrible, like an instanced PvE increase or something.

Honnestly I disagree on that part, 10K SP everyday for a period of one month is a lot when you are a beginner or a young alt.

I’m still having tons of skills that I need/want to upgrade that takes under three days of skilling, 10k is ~5 hours worth of skilling.

Even if I’m unlucky and never get any bigger dayly, it’s definitelly worth IMO.

This, however, is also true. While I do appreciate the SP, it’s far from being an outstanding event in itself.

Unfortunately we don’t know how much of that increase is down to people (like me) just killing their alt’s in unfitted ships.


current stats If you click on the names in the top 10 you do see a drastic increase since the start of the event. However, those are systems with large congregations of pilots at any time of the year, the trade hubs (jita, amarr, dodixie, hek), Uedama (where Kusion was active), etc. The killing has indeed spiked enormously in at least the trade hubs since the start 29 hrs ago. Kills may of course also be due to dueling aka consensual. Other systems don’t seem to be affected significantly at this time. Avoiding those places and the pipes to them reduces risk, as always.

Check zKillboard. You’ll see it’s updating every few seconds with kills, a great many of them completely unfitted T1 frigates.

“More player ships being killed” is not the same thing as “nonconsensual player ganks”.


Probably because people are shooting their alts or trying out pvp for the first time.

There’s little reason to think people are murdering noobs en masse.


They should have scaled the SP based on the ship value.

Now that would encourage some hunting!

Or on the difference - a frigate killing a BS gets more than a BC killing a BS sort of thing.

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A Carrier pays 250k, Titan more :rofl:

Cap problem solved.



You do realize the rules for PvP have not changed? A new player is no more attackable now than before.

Also ganking in new player systems is a bannable offense.

Maybe you should educate yourself on the rules before you piss yourself, have a kneejerk reaction and post?


All that salt …

What salt?

For instance, you are the one complaining in this conversation. If there is salt somewhere, it’s yours.


I think he is referring to the complaining that this event is in some way, going to trigger a wave of newb ganks as if this doesn’t already happen anyway. I get my 10k sp by doing the exact same thing I do every day - hunting explorers.

Yes, and we explained him in a pretty calm way why there is no reason to trigger more newb gank than usual.

So, what salt?

Explaining him why he was wrong is salty?

No salt … ‘before you piss yourself, have a kneejerk reaction and post?’ ??

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Fair enough, but that’s something to be used to in the EvE forum tbh. I don’t even notice it anymore LMAO.

Sure but there are people complaining/raising fears here and this is who is is referring to. These are the people you guys need to be reassuring. As for my own opinion on this, the simple reality is that EVE Online is, and always has been a brutal game. A little 10k sp isn’t going to make it any more so. I understand the worry mind you. As a fairly new player myself, I often think about the health of the game after killing explorers as there just isn’t that many people playing. It’s why I will usually compensate generously and offer advice if they accept a chat invite.