Skilling Spree Speed Run Contest - Feedback

news at 11 - video editing guru wins eve contest manages to undock warp to roid field in under 2sec kills NPC BS video proves win indisputable.

FFS ccp really this is a contest or you looking for new video editors ?

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What’s the difference between a “pro” and a “casual” player here? And how do you know this?

This event is not for me.
I prefer event Where the focus is in playing the game. What i mean is. I did not mind the “kill Some rats” since the only thing I har to do was Play. This i will spend more time outside the game uploading etc. Ingame event should be that… INGAME :wink: i Like you experiment with ways to do events and make the game New. But just to back to The agency event Where we har to collect points ^^ that was fine

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CCP has the ability to parse through server call logs of players participating in the challenge in order to verify times.

Hello CCP,
i would really like to take part in this. But i have no idea how it works, to make a video clip from a game.
People here speaking from some video capturing software required for this.
I have no idea how this is done, where to get such software or how to make a video clip.

So acutally only people how already know how to do this can do it and have because of their experience at least a fair change to compete in this.

For me … I was out of this event even before it started.
Why do you , CCP, do this to me?
Restricting such contest only to some people?
Should not all people treated equally having the same fair change in such contest thing?


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This is a new level of retarded and promotes having multiple alts for a perfectly setup encounter. Or you have absolutely 0 chance of winning. And this doesnt even come clsoe to promote teamwork with others as 1 person gets the skillpoints so why would anyone help you for absolutely nothing in return.

If you really want to have speedrun in this game make players speedrun Epic arc mission chains. That way you wont look pathetic with random stuff like this.

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How is that more accessible? I get that it’s a more multilayered approach, yet it still relies on client latency, access to high end modules, implants, and easy access to known space. Epic arc focus event would also require GMs to respond to a lot of player petitions that have already run arcs within three months–that is unless CCP deploys a full reset for everyone.

Abyssal speed runs with categories for each tier (and weather type) might be more welcome and require less dev time, however there is still an RNG element with enemy spawns.

Good practice for defenders in null, or the ganker in High sec. Idk, I see the benefit in it tbh.

Bump How did my entry go?

Did I win a prize?

Its really not about the prize or difficulty, its the inanity of a selfy competition like EvE was some little themepark begging for FB likes…


Oh dear

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Hey! There is nothing wrong with setting speed runs through the most heavily used smuggling routes in all of New Eden.

Okay! you take that back…

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Ok yours is good.

Have a like

Not a fan of the contest. When Skilling Spree was announced, we were told we’d get a random chance for 10k, 25k, or 50k SP per day. Phase 1 of the contest has locked the rewards at 10k per day, and some of us are not going to make videos and pray that we can be one of the lucky handful that get a reward for doing it.

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yip doesn’t seem very random.

to-date, personally I’ve only had 3x 25,000 skill point challenges, the rest have all been 10,000 skill points.

as for the speed test, limiting it to email and Twitch only! really, no Youtube or other video hosting site??

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I’m normally fine with this stuff but this whole gimmick of free skill points for all kind of stuff is gone a bit far. Is this what we can expect now? Daily’s for skill points?

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Well, I had to log into the game yesterday and the day before to transport some goods and complete some contracts. While doing that I decided to go ahead and do up the SP tasks.

The first task was kill 1 NPC for 10k SP’s, then a 3 hr wait before next task. Unfortunately DT happened before the task reset.

The next day had the same task, kill 1 NPC for 10k SP’s, fortunately I was still online when the task reset which gave me a 2nd task - kill 5 NPC’s for 25k SP’s. Course DT hit again before that task timer reset.

So far I’ve got 2x 10k SP tasks and 1x 25k SP task, which took about 10 minutes of my time to complete those 3 tasks.

I have eight characters in the game atm (this one is just a forum alt), and I’ve done all the skill-kills offered since the event started. On average I get one ‘10 npc’, one or two ‘5 npc’ and the rest ‘1 npc’ each day. Some days I get all ‘1 npc’, but it seems to average-out over time.

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So what’s the problem with that ?

The next step is CCP paying you to play their game.


It encourages collection but not engagement.

Its a bad metric

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