Skilling Spree Speed Run Contest - Feedback

I’m doing the daily skilling sprees, but I don’t make videos, I don’t know how to make videos, I don’t care to learn how to make videos.
If you’re going to make a competition of some sort that is supposedly open to all players, the means to participate ought to be available in-game.

If I’d been asked to retrieve a game log and send that in, I’d have maybe had a go.


THis does kind of cater to the most wealthy and best located players. Wealthy in that one has good high end internet with top quality service as well as a good quality machine that can record constant HD gameplay for as long as it takes to complete the required steps (as someone who has tried to screen record even with an upgraded graphics card and 16gb of ram it still dropped fps to 30 or less (and that was 4 or 5 years ago definately not running that well these days lol)

As for best located, thats pretty self serving. Live close to the best server hub enjoy good connection times on top of internet service and quality.

People who may have outstanding skills and gameplay knowledge/strats can still be dumped out in the cold by this purely because they arent cashed up or simply live somewhere like rural australia


You have to ‘engage’ with the npc’s in order to kill them. Good metric (whatever ‘metric’ means in this context).

A game which is not encouraging you to play it further once you complete the daily is failing as an enjoyable experience, and by its nature relying on the daily as a crutch. This is why it is a bad metric and no measurement of engagement with the product.

Players are compelled to complete an inane task in order to feel they are somehow competing with each other, and to miss out leaves you behind.

Its rather standard marketing, and pretty basic psychology.


Dan 4-2-0:

“if they gonna make this mmo into carebear easy mode game too it’s all for nothing… again! and i cant take this retard stuff anymore!!”

If you think a new player winning 250k-2+ million free skill points is going to make them some elite pilot you have a lot to learn about EVE and should stick with game. If you think some veteran winning 250k-2+ million SP will ruin your game, you should stick around as that won’t change how you play a all.

More people logging in and flying out of the station is a bad thing?

Using it to gauge how many people are playing the game at a given time is, yes.

More specifically, its not accurate.

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I cant fix my FPS in game and its killing off my ships you give me if I give ISK and PLEX, I am now dead for trying to open the rift and seek new places and did not get the discovery count when I when threw the worm hole, just a destroyed ship. and back to the station as the EV bounty dart board as usual.

Q? It says – “All stages of the contest are centered around the most common of the three “Skilling Spree” challenges: kill one NPC for a 10,000 skill point reward.” Does that mean that quest or mission has to be active or can I record, un-dock and kill an npc any time I want. It’s not really super clear. Also if that’s the case what if I have the kill 5 npc’s for 25,000 mission up… will the timings count then?


Win 10 has the X box game bar built in. set up a free account and u can use it to record video in game. I don’t even have an xbox lol but it works great.

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I thought Stage 2 would at least make somebody kill 5 NPCs. Nope. Just 1. In a cruiser.

I like to imagine the CCP meeting where everybody agreed this would be a great event.

Eh, I’m killing Hideaways and Refuges with 6 alts and if they get escalations to DED3 or DED4 sites, I’m contracting the bookmarks over to my 3 mains and running them later on that day. I GUESS that’s additional content past the free SP? :slight_smile:


That would indeed be engagement.

CCP would also be curious to know if you engaged this content before the Event or did running it help you to do something you werent otherwise into?

Id probably do something like that if I had more Omega alts

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Then why bother making us record and submit videos?

Just look at the server logs and award from there.

… whaaa? DeMichael, my task timers are always up DURING downtime… tell us this wizardry you have managed to perform on your clients where sometimes the tasks reset before or after downtime instead of during it? :slight_smile:

Occasionally (when I’m not doing incursions, WH stuff, triglavian stuff, burners, or regular L4 mishing for old time’s sake, that is) I take my 3 jackdaws loaded with scourge FOF light missiles and rip up some Guristas Hideaways and Refuges in Caldari HS until I get a nice stack of private escalation DED4s to run with no one else trying to snipe the site and try and get some Pith-C invulns (hardly ever drop anymore these days, but still fun to try). Used to use Tengus with FOF heavy missiles but Jackdaws are faster and can get into the DED sites, whereas I had to reship from Tengus to Ishtars or something else before doing 'em due to the no-t3cs-below-DED5 gate lock.

But not every day. This event is definitely turning up my HS anom running frequency. Although my toons all live near Amarr, so I’m doing more Sansha/Blood lately than Guristas… need to take a field trip to Guri-land once more for the better escalations.

So! I suppose CCP’s logs will show that at least 3 accounts had altered activity during the deal. But you’d better believe that by late August I will not be doing this anymore. Also, I’ll be done training into 3 Ikitursas by around the 21st, so… I’ll have new toys to play with. :wink:

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Thank you, I very much enjoyed reading that.

I do like hearing how people are making the best of features.

Makes a change from “it all sucks”.

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Not sure what you’re referring to, I logged into the game late, completed the task and the timer stated 3 hrs and Downtime hit before the timer was done. I didn’t bother logging back in after DT cuz I went to sleep.

The next day I logged into the game earlier than the day before and got the first task again, timer stated 2 1/2 hrs for reset, was online when it happened and got the 2nd task. The reset then showed something like 1 1/2 hrs but again DT hit before the timer ran out and after logging out of the game, I went to sleep.

Anyway, logged into the game yesterday, late as usual, and had a task to kill 5 NPC’s for 25k SP’s. did that and once again DT hit before the timer reset.

I previously had 250k unallocated SP’s in my character sheet gained from previous events before this Skilling Spree started.

So far I’ve gotten 2x kill 1 NPC for 10k SP’s and 2x kill 5 NPC’s for 25k SP’s. Last night before I logged out due to DT, I checked and now have 320k unallocated SP’s in my character sheet so the numbers are correct.

By the way, this is on an alt character that has well over 50 mill SP’s but due to being an Alpha Clone, those unallocated SP’s can’t be used until I turn that account back into Omega Clone.

I actually logged this character in last night to check assets and complete some contracts. This is the first time this character has logged into the game during this Skilling Spree event. The very first task listed was kill 10 NPC’s for 50k SP’s.

So while in the process of traveling around to take care of business, I decided to do the task and check the Asteroid Belts in a 0.5 system. The system had about a dozen belts and as usual, all the ones I checked had NPC Mining Fleets in them.

I actually only checked a little over half of the belts in system to complete the task since some of the belts didn’t spawn regular roid rats after landing on-grid. The whole process to complete the task took me about 10 to 15 minutes max because I also decided to loot all wrecks and process the loot in station for minerals.

First group of regular roid rats found was 2 NPC’s, then 4 NPC’s, then 3 NPC’s and last group to complete the task was another 4 NPC’s. The thing I found most surprising was the fact that all wrecks contained loot. I think CCP may have also buffed loot drops for this event.

Anyway, the task reset timer once again showed 3 hrs and as usual due to my late log in, Downtime happened before it reset.

So this character’s first task = kill 10 NPC’s for 50k SP’s.

I was interested in this and I was trying to get involved but it seems like anytime you want to get involved you have to go through the Omega and then you make it work for you. some modules are Omega. We can’t really go there without the specific part of that going. and I’m also in exploration trying to get things going with expiration but it’s just that basic part so what do we have to go with it? Maybe someday I’ll get to prove it .

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And in the middle/end of summer when most people are on vacation, well done CCP.

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Surely this will be the gimmick that saves Eve.