Yeah, I have an instagram-warp on my local hub for when I fly my orca. I have mine about 2000k and one at the heart of the station… Bump that lol
Because, in the cluttered mess that is Amarr local, he’d have to be paying very close attention? If the bumper had rookie ships ready to go, it would have been far easier to just keep the freighter under a timer and ignore local. And… the pilot didn’t mention anyone using rookie ships to extend the logoff-disappear timer.
I was just saying “it could work,” not “that’s what happened.”
The OP didn’t mention any help on the bumpers side because he didn’t see it. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. Also it’s not hard to pay attention to local even in Jita. I do it everyday.
I am able to keep a freighter bumped that is actively trying to get away with counter-bumpers all while ransoming it, talking on other clients, and actively flying 4-5 other accounts in pvp. I can manage to watch local too. That said it’s lonely here at the top.
Why would you do that? As a ganker you’re wanting them to log because it makes the ganks so much easier. Why potentially spook them with a timer, on top of the fact that there are some people that know these mechanics and know that logging out with a timer is a bad idea. Best to keep your cards close to the chest and take advantage of someone listening to bad advice, like DMC is giving here.
There is a purpose of bumping: Getting delicious salt and more bounty. There are things one can do to prevent bumping: Don’t get salty, use bookmarks and have some friends web you into warp or bump the bumper. If you have enough bookmarks you can learn how to get bumped into warp too.
Why would logging make the gank easier? Do skills suddenly stop affecting the ship’s hitpoints?
By GMs.
Talk about being hardheaded, you just won’t stop adding more ‘What If’ crap to the OP’s scenario. Gawd, talk about making mountains out of molehills, if there was a Suicide gank alt ready to pounce on the OP, it would have done so. Obviously the OP’s scenario is way more simpler than what you keep making it out to be.
You weren’t there, you don’t know what exactly happened or how long it went on for. If the OP has no Capsuleer Log-Off timer active, it’s better to take a chance and quickly log out and then log back in instead of just sitting there and be continuously bumped, waiting for a gank squad that’s en-route to the single bumper who is holding the ship there.
In that instance there’s a 50/50 chance of escaping the issue than just waiting around to be ganked. You tossing in all that ‘What If’ crap and saying it won’t work seems very biased and an attempt to make the OP and others basically give up when caught in that situation.
More importantly, all your chest beating and smack talk about how much experience you say you have in ganking doesn’t mean crap. However you making snide sarcastic remarks about me definitely portrays yourself as a forum troll, especially since you have no idea what I do in-game or how many alts I have.
Few reasons:
The freighter will warp to an ewarp location 1 million KM from the original location. This means that where you would have had to gank in plain view of everyone, it is now much more private. They have to probe down the freighter to rep it or otherwise screw with you.
A ship will stop benefitting from a players skills once said player logs out. That means that skills that benefit your EHP and even the High-Grade Slaves you might have had are now worthless.
Re-read the OP. He says nothing about logging off there. He is just crying about being bumped where he can’t dock or warp. You’ve already displayed a sub-par grasp of these mechanics. You should just stop.
I don’t suggest that they give up, because there’s plenty that a pilot can do to get himself out of a jam. Thing is that most of it is prepped and ready before he undocks in the freighter.
I mean come on dude. Both of those tactics are easy and quick to do. It’s fully simple to know if someone has logged off…
lol, you’re clearly wrong about that which was proved here.
You could dock at a different station and bring your stuff in to the trade hub in a transport ship or something too. That way you solve the problem and avoid the bumping. Only time it won’t work is if you have something bigger than 50,000m3 or something.
There are plenty of solutions to this problem other than “WAAAA CCP, change the game mechanics for me I don’t like this problem someone is giving me!”
No man, you come on, that crap isn’t being done right after a ship undocks from station or emerges from gate cloak. Also that convo crap doesn’t prove anything since the client can be set to decline automatically.
Read carefully. The op in that link says that fitted modules in the highs stop “working” once the server declares you logged off. That would insinuate that lows such as bulkheads persist.
What I am saying is that your ship once logged out will no longer get EHP bonuses associated with skills trained on your player, such as Hull Upgrades.
You’re welcome.
Again you are wrong. If you try to convo someone that is offline, even if requests are auto-declined, it will tell you that they are offline or unavailable which means they are not logged in.
You’re welcome… again.
God, not only are you really dense, you’re also incorrect. When disconnected only offensive mods get deactivated.
Some more bullcrap, the client doesn’t tell you the player is offline and unavailable could mean anything.
If skills stop applying on logoff, that would suggest cap skills and shield compensation would also not apply, which would make a barely stable fit not stable.
Dunno man. Just…
I dont know what to say. I do think that some of the stupid things people post to avoid having to take responsibility for playing their game sound the same. At the same time, it is possible to read someone’s posts, over an extended period of time (Or their online blog.) and start to identify their writing structure.
No, I’m not trying to make myself seem like some sort of Internet Sherlock. I’m just saying, a few of the posts that I have called out are eerily similar to the diatribe that gets thrown at miners. Almost as if someone who really hated miners, was taking a turn writing what they think a miner would say.
I would no more think every complaining care-bear is actually a Co-Dalt, then I would accuse every post that I did not like of being a shitpost.
That’s other peoples schtick.
Also, full disclosure: earlier this year, I did login to EvE, and the Minerbumping channels, and investigate the notion of maybe playing the badguy and what not. Ultimately abandon this Pursuit, because despite lurking on Eve’s forums for almost ten years, I still know jackshit about how to actually play this game.
When it became clear that I was not focusing on this anymore, I noticed that a few of the people that have been initially friendly to me, (and kudos to those people who were friendly to me, like Dom, because fuck me if people will just not talk to you or engage in conversation in this game.) now seem slightly antagonistic.
Dudes, not following through on a thing due mostly to ignorance doesn’t mean I dislike CODE, or gankers, or anything.