So, it seems Daleks are canon now

Exactly. As it should be. That’s my whole point.

A troubling thought.

There was a dread Dalek from Derelik
Who wanted to fly a Damavik
da da DAH / da da BAM
da da DAH / da da WHAM
da da DAH / da da DAH / da da PING

Forgive me.
I’m anxious about this temporary crossover event.
Bad poetry It’s just my way of dealing, but I can’t find the last three lines of a limerick in me. I just don’t see it.
With the over the top initial reaction on the forums and the potential for lasting damage to a storyline I’ve set my heart on, I’m creatively paralysed.
Help me?

CCP wastes time adding content few have any interest in. Details at 11.

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:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Says who? Do you have a metric? Is this just a feeling? There is a significant amount of people who are excited to see what the in-game sites are like. Generic blanket statements don’t help.

He doesn’t. He’s just crying :smiley:

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Removed some inappropriate posts.


We’ve been given assurances on other social media that the event will have minimal impact on the game lore, the Doctor will not be involved and the Daleks will likely be described in-universe with non-committal terms. It’s going to happen in its own space in the game, so I’m happy to let those that want to enjoy it go right ahead and do so, since this isn’t going to affect my experience as a roleplayer.


Says who? Do you have a metric? Is this just a feeling? There is a significant amount of people who are excited to see what the in-game sites are like. Generic blanket statements don’t help

You’re right, generic blanket statements don’t help.

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Cross-overs are interesting, but there is so much lore IN GAME to work with, why bring outside IP in? And to be transparent, I can’t cross-overs in general - like when a car commercial combines with a movie… ugh. Maybe that’s why it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. :stuck_out_tongue:

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BBC approached CCP and its just a event thats not really going to have an effect on the game outside of the event aside from skins or clothes. and its already been made known that no references to dr who are going to be done in game, so our characters won’t know they are daleks or aliens or anything of that nature.
as for other cross overs, highly unlikely in the future, but you never know.

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They’re going to have to show Dalek ships, maybe Daleks themselves. Going to need some kind of description on them.

Since they’re never been heard or seen in EVE before, maybe they’ll be interpreted as a new version of rogue drone? :thinking:

biomechanoids… watch ashterothi’s interview… they explain what they will be called.


The world is so full weird stuff. I just connected our half century of denying, hiding the UFO stuff. Oh wait. The gvt says something real might be happening. Hello there, Eve.

You high?

I thought Dr. Who was an American thing. Fancy it being on the BBC.

Lost in Space was our American contribution to weekly SciFi from back in the day. It was great when I was a kid, but it didn’t age well. Except for Dr Smith. He was a Grinch who eventually grew a little bit of heart.

No. But that’s a great idea.

The Vulcan Science Academy has officially stated that time travel is impossible.

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Funny, I was just thinking the same thing earlier. All this crossover business makes me think EVE really is a place you can to anything.