So what happened?

Sorry but you are incorrect. It’s the same kind of thinking that’s bogged CCP down for the last 12 years or so. “PvP or PvE, who do we favor next?”. It’s not an either-or, zero sum proposition.

For a basic example, take a look at Tipa Riot’s thread on Please separate sec status and bounties .

It’s a very simple change, that benefits the overall game balance and if done correctly, adds positive value to PvE, PvP, and traders/haulers as well, while also making things less farmable for bots.

The notion that forum raging has anything to do with proper game design is completely misunderstanding what actual ‘game design principles’ are. They’re not about catering to one group or the other group. They’re about designing the game mechanics and reward systems so that actual gameplay is more rewarding and engaging, for the majority of gamers.