This will be so much fun to Necro a few months down the line.
You mean when you stop playing with the demo money?
What’s funny is you gotta know we all know you don’t got the money hoss.
Why you continue to just self own yourself here, I got no clue.
Did you even bother to look-up what Funded Trading is smartypants ?
So sit tight and stick to shooting space rocks for now.
If you’re a good boy, you never know …
I for one look forward to seeing what you do.
Son, I know what it is.
You apparently don’t already understand Adrien proved you were lying.
Quafe man. This is just sad at this point.
Can you not help the self owning? Or just so needy you shill for attention good or bad?
You got my pity bruv
Define “army?”
A human can multibox so many accounts and a PC can only handle so many accounts. We know it’s possible for 1 person to multibox 40 ships in incursions.
My question is how many boxes do you think your comfortable managing?
Removed an inappropriate post.
I think that there is a strong focus on what would you spend 4 racks on EveOnline.
Considering the number of titans that could be purchased for that amount along with the boosted skill to operate them, it would not be a lot.
Gaming at the top tier these days costs money and there are also many hiden costs such as a Capsuleers time. Time has a cost, same as skill training.
Then there are permit fees to undock safetly in Nulsec space without needing to be fully focused 100%
Shug… that’s all I got to restart this train.
Well, colour me unimpressed then, as it just seems to me this is more about you letting everyone know about your good fortune and sticking it to Gix than really wanting to do any real good, and trying to justify that choice there as some sort of charitable act folks should be grateful and give respect for. Fair enough and that’s your choice to make. Just don’t expect much respect for it from this quarter.
In our country, one of the wealthiest in the world, there are food banks that could really use £40k to feed real people real in dire need. You’d get some real and worthwhile gratitude there. Jeez, they might even know your name!
I’m sure there are other countries where similar real charity work could be supported by such a generous donation.
In that context, dropping this on a game, and moreover publicising it on here with a big “hey guys look at me”, just seems to me at least to be a pretty obnoxious and quite unworthy boast. (One it looks like you may be rolling back on - I’m no expert but why wait months if you apparently have the dosh already?)
Whether or not you are being honest about your wealth is pretty immaterial to me. Either way it’s a poor choice.
I wish you well, whatever you do, but can’t really care or be impressed with any of this. As I said at the start it’s all a bit dismal.
Looks like Gix isn’t going to let this one lie either, so to both of you, all I can say is I gave it a shot guys. I’ll leave you to have at it in peace from me and my high horse.
So now, for me, it’s back to forum obscurity and indifference.
And trying not to lose ships to others smarts and my stupidity, too often…
I mean more posters are always good.
But bro?
He never had the 40k to begin with
Will it take a picture of my bank account to shut your stupid mouth ?
I guess it does :
Would I use those savings to trade with ?
Fk No.
Hence: Funded Account.
Will I share the results of my funded account in a few months ?
You bet I will.
Will that shut you up once and for all ?
Probably not, but hey … at least you get one chance to redeem yourself in public for being a the dumb flaming MORON, 100% of the time.
Euros aren’t real money.
My guy. That isn’t proof. You get that right?
There is literally no way for us to corroborate that and I’m sure you don’t actually want post info to lead to that, nor do I want you to.
Let’s just face the fact boyo. You don’t got the money. You never did.
Adrien exposed your lie and you got caught.
You’re literally just self-owning at this point. I mean it seems to be your thing but bro this is just well, sad.
So then, without proof, how can you even assert that ?
Self-Owning indeed…
Shut up.
Careful, don’t be baited into sharing too many details of your personal life.
Another self-own.
You made the claim boyo. The burden of proof is on you.
You posting random pics you could have made in MS paint isn’t proof.
As I said, I don’t particular care to know who you are. But the fact boyo, is you don’t got the cash.
You never did. Everyone knows you never did.
I know from previous posts, I can safely say you probably suffer a bit from impulse control and have poor emotional control. Also doesn’t lend me to believe you’d do well in finance
End of the day bro, I think you need to spend some time working on yourself. I’m not sure if touching grass would help you, but definitely not making up lies on the interwebs would.
Because he doesn’t have the dosh. He posted a screenshot of a demo account from Eightcap with 95K.
It’s nothing but Monopoly money. When you sign up for a demo account, you automatically receive 100K monopoly money to play with.
He walked that back to it being a funded account to receive a live account.
As for bank balances, there’s plenty of sites online to fake that, so with his history of trying to be deceptive, it’s likely also very fake.
Regardless, this thread is about the same energy as Andrew Tate’s 33 cars post; and worthy of a similar response:
However, the OP has promised he’s going to come back and show all the naysayers what for in a few months.
I doubt it. Could already be done now. That it hasn’t been speaks volumes.
Sadly, I knew I wasn’t gonna be EVE famous for the highest amount of money wasted on someone.
Sad panda indeed
Again, thanks for giving me even more reasons with every one of your dumb posts, to necro this thread in the near future.
I just pity you bruv, truly.
I hope you’re able to one day free yourself from this sad cycle.