So you just bought CCP

You’re basically making a claim that my personal experience is direct evidence to the contrary. I keep coming BACK for the thrill because of its quality. Don’t talk to me about the thrill of PVP if you haven’t done any. Battle royale games? Please, take that casual crap back to console where it belongs. This game is for the long-haul, or not at all. What you just posted is absolute crap.

Read again, I am on bus and had to post before finishing.

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I read your edit. My reply stands as it is.

You basically called EVE ‘cheap thrills’ while in the same post claiming that those thrills are few and far between, while making absolutely zero remarks about the value of what you’re putting on the line for those ‘thrills’. Then, you go and provide two perfect examples of exactly what a cheap thrill is, free to play MOBAs and battle royales, and try to pass them off as meaningful PVP games.

They’re not. Black Desert has more meaningful PVP than all of those games combined, and EVE has even more than that. But even if it didn’t, quality > quantity. No one has a reputation in any of those games. No one writes articles about the heists of battle royale players, and no one writes articles about the assassinations of MOBA players.

Whats the point then? If I would own it, I would want to make some personel changes. Game is created by employees. Mainly its about gathering good team. Money investment would go for additional teams and employees. Then I would start making WIS. For myself.

@ISD I normally wouldn’t tag like this but that post above needs a bit of attention.

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Fixed that for you

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What’s the point? To avoid having this thread devolve into fire xx/yy and be subsequently locked. However, it appears it’s already seriously jumped the shark so I’m not holding out much hope at this point.


You’ll get used to it.

For what it’s worth, I apologise for my part.

Yes, also please notice how I did not want to fire anyone. :sunglasses:

I would just delegate people to forum browsing.

Oh, and if I bought CCP, I would roll back the chat server changes. Enough is enough.

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Shut down the servers.

Edit: I really hate the fken reply button layout on this ■■■■ forum…

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First, we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

No, serious. First step? Get rid of every player who’s ever poasted.

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I’d fire everyone put game on maintenance til i replaced them with new staff.

  1. Build a new engine
  2. Let players walk in and around the ships.
  3. Make ganking impossible except in low/null.
  4. Make the gankers go gank people besides noobs.
  5. Make PvP more rewarding than mining.
  6. Build a new engine
  7. Do not erase what people have been working on for 15 years.

I’d milk the playerbase for every last penny ala Wargaming and then I’d sell it to EA

CCP already has the same plan. If EA wanted it, they would have bought it in the last couple years CCP has been trying to offload it.

is that true lol? they wouldnt exist without eve.

That’s why they jumped into VR and tried to pump up their financials a couple years ago, trying to find a sucker. Noone bit.

Yeah, everyone was salivating over a possible billion dolar payday. Why didn’t that happen?

Well, for starters - CCP has a massive debt load. It may be showing a profit but it still has plenty of outstanding private debt.

Second, this valuation was based solely on what VR might be worth. Not only that, but we’re not talking about software and not hardware - so you’re not really buying anything other than a concept.

Third, it’s located in Iceland - so you’d either be relegated to running it there or parting ways with the majority of the staff (many who probably wouldn’t relocate their families halfway around the world without some sort of guarantee and long-term contract).

Finally, EVE has a history of player base rioting. With a new owner (in particular, EA) you could expect to see half or more of the player base quite en masse. This immeditaely turns a slightly profitable venture into a losing one virtually overnight.


Because there are just not enough people in the world who are not “cry and quit” to support a game like this I would run it on a shoestring staff and let it wind down, banking the income.