[SoERR] Assistance in the current Empire crisis

I know your a reasonable enough man to know that Hindsight is 20/20. The fact is at the moment they are at risk. For them to withdraw now would only increase the body count. If PIE were to drop the war Dec, the MIO would simply gun them down. They have made no mention to the opposite. They have been put into a no win situation. Simply telling them to allow themselves to be killed is no option but that’s what it seems you are offering. I strongly doubt a long standing alliance such as PIE would settle on such a conclusion.

I’m not expecting them to do anything except fight a war. I am quite sure that Elsebeth actively wanted this to escalate to exactly the place we are at now.

But pretending that the series of escalations was to protect EM personnel, rather than because she actively wanted to get into a fight with Amarr forces, is just being silly.

Once again the arrogant, patronizing mewling of the slavery death cultists rises to attempt to tell freeborn Matari capsuleers what they should do in space.

“We don’t know what you’re up to and you’ve broken no laws but we suspect you’re up to no good, despite having absolutely no evidence of anything untoward so, we’re going to war dec you and if you don’t tuck tail and run that proves we were right! Ha!”

I swear I’d just laugh at you slavers if you weren’t such a menace to the rest of the cluster.


You’ve said numerous times they should withdraw, I’m simply saying they can’t. Whether they fight or not, well that’s up to them. I’m simply hoping to see those who aren’t there to fight out safely. Any ideas on how that would be possible?

We have no interest in hunting down non-combat personnel. Those leaving Amarr space aren’t a threat. It’s the people coming in to create chaos that we have to deal with.

Though I doubt many non-combat personnel were ever involved in this operation.

Having seen them, you would be surprised. If I didn’t I probably wouldn’t be addressing the issue honestly. This is their war, not mine.

Except you pretty much made sure there would be many more combat personnel flooding in with your war dec.

Would you like a tissue for those crocodile tears you’re shedding?

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I do not deny that I am personally quite fine with having the chance to some PIE and Icecream, but frankly, you flatter me with the idea that I purposefully designed a chain of events this complex.

In case you haven’t noticed, the Empire is facing a kind of chaotic situation as is. That is fine with me. It opens certain opportunities, which I am willing to take. To predict which opportunities will be open at a certain point of the chaos is not within my capabilities - or, I believe, any other human being’s.

Fate and Luck.

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Open combat personnel are a much more counter-able threat than “aid workers” who also happen to have experience in insurgency organization and advanced guerrilla tactics.

Once again you state as a fact that Else was acting with malice by masking humanitarian aid workers as insurgents with absolutely no evidence with which to back that allegation up with.

Once again I ask that you stop with these malicious and, quite frankly, dangerous statements. Either provide proof or stop talking, slaver.

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I truly doubt that any of her operatives will be so incompetent as to be taken alive or to have incriminating evidence on them when they are eliminated, but I hope to be proven wrong on that point as we start reducing the various hot spots of resistance that we have had cordoned off for the last week.

What is absolutely certain at this point is that someone has been providing trained resistance operatives and coordinated communications to several groups of rebels in our area of operation on Thebeka III.

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As to who that could be I have no idea and neither do you so, kindly stop implying that EM in general and SOERR in particular have anything to do with this.

Given that Elsebeth has been actively connected to operations against Amarr for over 12 years, I think I would be extremely foolish if I did not consider her a prime suspect for anything that causes extra Excubitoris Chapter casualties on the ground.

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By any chance, is the DAEV4 Freeport currently under wardec? Because I’m pretty sure the angel cartel has also been your sworn enemy for as long if not longer. I don’t hear the same level of directed scrutiny on them.

EM related groups aren’t the only ones there…

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Are you really comparing Kalaratiri’s past anti-Amarr activity to Elsebeth’s past anti-Amarr activity? Seriously?

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I’m comparing 2 long time enemy organizations operating in your territory and questioning why only one organization (not singular person) is being scrutinized. Seems like chasing the path of least resistance for a rather notable problem.

First, the idea that one organization is being scrutinized is wrong. Patently so, given that we have declared war on three organizations thus far.

Second, Angel activity in Amarr is relatively limited and mostly limited to petty crime… not facilitating major slave revolts. Edit: If the issue was a major outbreak of drug use on the planet, then I would look to Kala.

Third, Elsebeth is a prime suspect, but hardly the only one. Mizhara, Isha Vuld, Samira Kernher, and Armast Darkar, among others, are all almost certainly adding their own operatives to the pot.

That said, Elsebeth and EM are the single most experienced pro-Rebel force on the field. They have the longest history of covert and overt anti-Amarr activity and the most experienced operators. I will be shocked if the hardest nuts to crack on the surface aren’t the ones that have been actively supported by EM.

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Thank you for those kind words.

One does one’s best.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
CEO, SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari


With the level of issues in this situation are you really telling me it has all come from Elsebeth? Even Mizhara and Elsebeth? Prime suspect maybe but it truely doesn’t seem logical that they are the sole actresses in this. Ignore treating the stab wounds to treat the gun shot, patient still bleeds out.