Some thoughts on dealing with hi-sec Triglavian recons squads

Or you just did not have them on overview. Of you were bumped by a roid when trying to warp out. Or you did underestimate their DPS a lot, eg because you were used to anemic NPCs. Or you thought you could kill them in time.

And then you can be paying attention, eg answering someone in the rookie chat. Or updating your market orders. Or trying to find a nice new fit that just holds super tight. Or just opened the industry window .market orders and fitting window can sometimes freeze your game ; industry does it all the time with enough jobs.

All of those are are problems that are caused by the pilot not the trig’s.
Don’t get to close to the rocks.
Make sure your overview is correct.
I know they hit hard that’s why I prepare myself to be able to warp out.

My alt fly’s an untanked mining ship and not once have a lost it to trig’s.


All those things can happen, and actually do happen. Once people are used to trigs they don’t happen anymore.

You claim that

That’s just a completely retarded claim.

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If by now you don’t have your overview set up for Trigs, and know they hit hard, you haven’t been paying attention.
That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to say at this stage, it’s not day 1 of new content any more.
And your barge getting hung up on rocks is newbie mining level. So… ok, a total newbie might do it, but anyone else again… wasn’t paying attention to what they were doing.

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So if you lose a ship to trig’s because you were focusing on something else in-game whos fault is that?

Newbies do it all the time but once you advise them and train them they lose less ships.

I have yet to see a reason that isn’t the pilots fault.

It’s yours for claiming stupid things.

Or like I wrote can have a freeze of the UI, eg when opening industry job (mine freezes for 30s).
But yeah in normal circumstances it’s pretty easy to avoid them when you are ATK. STILL most people who complain about them are noobs (in the help chan you can have stories of newbros who die without even seeing the rats).

Even people I know are not “very fast to react”, and were ATK (we were talking in vocal), and I watched them getting dunked even though I was already in safety. The time after that I used warped fleet instead. It’s normal to panic when you are not used to a situation or are in a situation of stress.

I will agree that they hit hard and maybe slightly overkill for the problem of bots.

Ok you open an industry job while in a belt and it freezes your screen and yes I’ve had that. But I don’t open the industry panel while mining in a belt.

Look I’m not trying to have a words war with you but you do something that creates lag and you don’t see the trigs. Is that the pilots fault ?

Again, anyone who uses the industry UI sufficient to experience a freeze, since it requires decent number of blueprints to cause that, knows about it, and therefore isn’t paying attention to things if they open it in a system with trigs in it.

And sure, you get newbie stories, that’s nice. They can learn from a cheap ship loss and continue on, fixing the problem, asking for advice.

True, but it’s also Day 1 of new content for a lot of returning players.

Who should know to ask their friends ‘hey what’s changed’, or spend some time looking it up, this being EVE.

Under normal circumstances and without lag,stuck on rocks ect there is no reason why you can’t warp out.


You are over simplifying the problem. Sometimes I am asked to build something, in the middle of a warp . When the freeze stops, I am already in the next system. And I don’t have that much bps.

You are actively trying to create a “player fault” for situations that ARE an issue. It’s a matter of several issues that pile up together.
Yes, you can learn to never get into those edgy situations. Still, they exist and can be the reason why people lose ships while still being active.

FYI I never lost a ship to trigs outside of abyssal pockets. I know how to deal with them (procurers are good). But just because I know, does not mean that everybody who does not know is at fault.
That’s your mistake of bittervet, thinking that because you overcame a bad design means this design is not bad.

Also I consider the trigs are totally fine. Although I think they should warp to anoms and not to sig but, well, just my opinion.
If I die to trigs, yes it would (mostly) be my fault or a bug. Does not allow me to say that for other people it would be the same.

Everything you said so far sounds like people whining because they want to afk mine and the trig’s don’t allow that.
Afk mining is bad.
You do something that gets you ship killed by trig’s then next time don’t do it

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Maybe if their friends are still in the game.

As for looking up info, sure. Probably do that after their first or second encounter.

Anyway, there’s been a lot of recent changes to the game, especially within the past few years. I highly doubt most returning players are going to spend a bunch of time looking up a bunch of info before jumping out into space.

Why not I had to. First time I went mining I saw the trigs. Warped out and went to look at what changed .

Edit: first time after returning to eve

The overview works with hidden-by-default. You don’t seen anything unless you specifically requested to see them.
So the first time you return, you don’t see any trig at all. Because they were not present before and as such, they are not in the list of types to show.

Edit 2 : sorry didn’t fully read your post.