Some thoughts on dealing with hi-sec Triglavian recons squads

I’m just telling you from personal experience what works. I had to train skills for months and spend hundreds of millions of ISK to get these skills and ships just like everyone else. I was a new player once, and I made it along just fine. Today’s new players can too…

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Exactly you’re a 10 year old player like me who came up with out this issue. You got to start out figuring out the basics of mining and Eve with rats you could tank for a minute while you figured out what was going on and got out. You could soon learn to defend yourself and feel you learned and accomplished something. You could skill and isk up in a week or two to confidently do low isk/hr mining and start paying for combat ships and exploration.
If you want to understand it, then get out of the comfort of your skiff and go try it in a new character. You’ll quit after a week or two out of frustration because you can’t get out of the starter systems. Yes, it is survivable but why would anyone stick around as an NPC punching bag with no effective path to fight back and not able to progress much until they train for months.


Yes, it is. /endthread

We had plenty of issues. We had to put up with gankers, bumpers, and every other sort of douchebaggery that has plagued miners over the years. And we had to train months for these skills just like new players have to. Long story short, EVE isn’t for everyone…

You just mined 123 units of Dense QuakeGod.

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It’s not my fault that you can’t adapt. Like I said, EVE isn’t for everyone…

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New players have it easier than we ever did. We didn’t have a queued skill training plan. We actually had to log in to train skills. If you weren’t able to, or forgot, then you were just out of luck. New players have a crap ton of hand-holdey things these days…


Lol, I’m fine. I got my skills and bankroll back when new players could have fun. I understand you don’t care because it no longer directly impacts you and you just want to have your Fuk-the-new-players-I’m-so-mighty jollies. Have fun with it. o7 gf.

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By the way, I’ve been mining in the same 0.6 belt in high sec for almost an hour now without seeing a single Trig rat, or even a single regular belt rat…

Miners have lots of opportunities to mine in hisec without being bothered by trig rats …

  • 1.0/0.9 systems near rookie systems don’t get them
  • Ore anomolies don’t get them
  • Combat sites don’t get them and often have ore
  • Mission sites don’t get them and often have ore, google “mission mining”

Some of the combat sites you can do in a venture with just a couple of drones, for the harder ones use a destroyer or frigate, drop an MTU, go get your venture, easy.


Your reply consisted entirely of what not to do and offers nothing resembling a solution. It is a critique of the other persons assumed laziness and cowardliness without evidence and a knee-jerk defence of the removal of safe spaces to learn and to play. Again nothing resembling an actual tested solution is offered.

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That’s simply not true. With over 40k EHP on a Procurer and over 60k on a Skiff, it’s very possible.

A Procurer pilot with good shield and drone skills (T1 light drones is iffy T2 can do it no worries), can absolutely solo a trio of trigs, even with a Starving in the mix - it gets challenging with two Starvings, I’ll give you that, but that seems rare. A skiff can have between 30% and 50% more tank, so it does this even easier.

I fly active tanked mining ships, so I always target the Starving first to get it off the grid. When they land, pull your mining drones ASAP - they WILL target those drones, and they die stupid fast.

Let them target you before you deploy your drones - you don’t want them targeting your drones, even beefy T2 lights will die pretty quick. Once aggro is on you, let the drones go, and target the Starving if there’s one - get it off grid ASAP. You will, even with all relevant shield skills at V, get pretty hammered - 50% to 60% shield remaining isn’t uncommon.

But as soon as that Starving is off grid, incoming DPS drops (by at least a third). If there are renewings on grid, hit them next - although all the trigs in these squads rep, the renewings specialise in it, and will really slow down your ability to take out any other frigates.

One thing to be aware of though with trigs is that their damage ramps up over time as long as they stay focused and locked on a single target. I’ve not played with it yet, but I wonder if it wouldn’t be ideal to get ECM drones involved (either pull your lights and fire off the ECMs briefly) or mix up the DPS and ECM drones in a flight of five, just to break the spool and lower the incoming DPS. I might go play with that on the test server and see how I fare…

Don’t listen to idiots (they exist) who tell newbies that they can solo trig frigates in a Venture though. I got my corp a 20m bounty for calling out liars in Rookie Chat… :slight_smile:

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There are 0.5 systems that don’t seem to have trigs. Or a high ganker population.

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When was that? Wasn’t the case when I first started in 2010, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that’d changed by that stage…

2003 to 2008 or so. There was no skill queue. If you didn’t log in to set up the next skill to train, then you lost out on a day’s worth (or more) of skill training.

Dont forget training skills to train skills! Always the most fun of any new char!


2 words.

Mining missions.

If mining is your jam, fly up to an agent and start running mining missions. Deadspace pocket, so gankers have to scan your ship down, no trig rats just the normal ones that spawn in yo belt.

Oh wait…

mining missions don’t provide normal ore. They only provide mission ore, that is completely worthless.


Many missions have a decent amount of normal ore in them.

“mining” missions ?

I didn’t say mining missions.

If your ship cannot tank trig’s when they arrive in your belt just warp out or warp to another belt.

I have never lost a ship to trig’s but then maybe because I’m always at my computer. If you lose a ship then you weren’t paying attention.