Stream sniping in eve

Ah but no personal insults right?


In the end, if you stream, you take the risk.

If he was smarter, he would have paid people to gank Adrian.


And really the post could end there. It seems fitting

Yes, just like that Orca guy who paid people to gank Adrian, that’s the play.

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GG. You killed it. Moving on.

Gankers should start twitch streaming.

Then Githany would have no choice but to stop anti-ganking activities and also request CONCORD be removed as they’d be the most consistent stream snipers in the game.

If streamers are somehow a protected species that should get a pass from being in the sandbox, then Gitany’s own play would be toast.

Zeanis and, to a lesser extent, Unlucky do already.

Both in the past have asked me if im stream sniping them

Source: “trust me bro” (although I don’t doubt Unlucky would)

Besides, asking ain’t the same as whining about it and complaining to CCP.

He can’t.

He’s one of them!

Wanting to show the game via live streams is commendable, although some clearly don’t do it to only show the game. That’s up to them.

But why should a live streamer be safe from pvp when pve’ing ? No one is expected to be safe (except rookies in rookie related systems and see discussions on the topic in a variety of threads). Are they claiming privilege for being a streamer ? And that person in particular, HatelesS, trying to push ccp into “doing something about ganking” or he won’t stream EvE anymore ? Moral blackmail ?! Wow… The levels of self absorption are off the scale. Perhaps he wasn’t an EvE player after all and too much of a streamer, not willing to show EvE like it has been for two decades. At least a streamer like Markee does his pve in full pvp areas, completely aware of the risks he takes and accepting them. The risks are part of his stream, EvE the way it really is.

On the side, if HatelesS hadn’t lost his cool that day, he could have made a very informative and fun stream on how to deal with the situation. Instead he made (idle) threats. It wasn’t his day. He should move on.

No, the TiS topic was poorly chosen, and not for the first time. That is sad, because TiS used to be good and reliable, until they lost their neutrality along the way. Perhaps they too suffer from too much exposure, and take themselves a bit too seriously ?

This is the second thread that drops the name of HatelesS, after a stream with him. Asking the question about stream sniping is of course justified, but so is a negative opinion on any extra privileges, like immunity. The subject can easily slip into one of pve vs pvp in hisec, and we do have more than enough (closed) threads on that…


Basically he wants special protection.

If he was smarter, he’d have laid a trap but he didn’t.


He’s down bad bro… take it from Coach Subway.

I’m sure he has enough isk to buy him some protection. And I don’t mean a stack of supertensile plastics :smiley: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:

Stream snipping is a lie

/I have proof that stream snipping does not exist!

2 x streams where one was even auto pilot haulting 13 jumps to jita with high value cargo.


Maybe nobody watches your streams (your alts don’t count) that’s why nobody bothered to snip your ships. :stuck_out_tongue: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :smiling_imp: :popcorn: :blush: :innocent:

:snowflake: :dealwithitparrot:

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I literally laughed my c**t off

You’re a doctor, please reattach


Now that is plain sad!

I don’t care cause I try to avoid pvp cause I am a Miner!

/Also bait not taken…
The response fleet I had just a few jumps away would had captured any pirates and here in this picture we can see there were a few pirates.

I mean with AI tech it should be possible to swap system names on your screens for different system names so no one actually knows where you are, blocking them out is not really enough as you can tell by gate names of nabouring systems but if all the system names are jumbled good luck stream sniping.

Although technically nothing wrong with stream sniping as long as it doesn’t turn into a form of harassment where 1 group is 24 7 hunting someone everywhere they go.

I tried hiding my location on stream but just makes the stream look terrible, so put my event thing over the location to hide the obvious then thats it. Just moved my abysal stuff away from Jita and as a result never been streamsniped. Don’t know wether its a case of people not willing to come to other places or the fact I couldnt care less? Who knows.

I can believe that.