Streamer stops due to grief

Well in most interactions I’ve read, it’s the people who get ganked who get abusive and verbally harass the player who killed them.
Completely forgetting the fact they are playing a non-consentual PVP game, and that they just lost a PvP encounter.
So if we go by those rules, a lot of the ganker victims should be clearly banned from the game … If that is what you are saying, I agree, we should ban all of them on those grounds alone.
As far as I know the RavenX1 guy still plays …


Either way its the anti-social behavior that is not acceptable — this has nothing to do with ganking as it clearly states at the top of the thread

anyone who wants to be toxic or harass others should have their toys taken away like children

*Please don’t use other peoples names especially if they are not here to speak for themselves lets keep it clean

Uh huh. And the fact you didn’t respond to any of my points means you already given up and know you’re wrong :smiley:

If a vidya game affects you that much, stop playing and get some life help LOL.

ROFL, still waiting on your respond in the other thread mate :smiley:

Aiko and I have disagreed before. But on this topic, no way LOL.

If you stream, you take the risk LOL. Can’t evade that truth.

Nope. They aren’t breaking the ToS LOL. And he himself put the target on his back.

Honestly cry moar bro.

Its literally an open world PvP game. And they aren’t breaking any rules LOL. If the guy can’t stop a mach, well he has issues.

If you want to not interact with others, play Stardew LOL.

How is it our fault if they have issues and choose to play a game such as this? They could just play Stardew and grow tomatoes and stuff.

And this is an open world PvP MMO :smiley: We are the entertainment. All of us are content.

I’ve been using you for content for quite a while now :smiley:

You realize I can bump you silently all day in space and it’s not against the rules right?

Please learn to read and EVE kthx.

And there are in game ways to stop this behavior.

He easily could have done it if he wanted to.

He didn’t, cried and picked up his toys and went home. And he has the freedom to do that LOL.

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Targeted harassment is against the rules Real-Life Harassment & Threats Policy - EVE Community

I didn’t reply to your point because this isn’t about ganking it is about harassment & threats
your opinions are just like anyone elses here including my own

I didn’t once mentioning ganking my guy.

Bro did you even read the link you posted?


Harassment has no place in our community and is not tolerated. CCP works closely with the EVE Community and various third parties to ensure an appropriate approach to these cases.

The types of behaviour that we consider to be harassment include but are not limited to:

  • Verbal abuse
  • Abusive messaging
  • Real world stalking
  • Online stalking
  • Social Media stalking
  • Encouraging or enabling self-harm
  • Doxing
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Hate speech

None of that is bumping. Now I know the feeble card you got is that he’s be stalked. But that isn’t the kind of “stalking” they are referring to.

Also he put himself on stream and made himself a target. Without it, odds are low they’d ever find him.

So again, you can find a streamer, bump him silently for hours and you are golden per CCP’s own rules.

Sorry bro. Cry moar.

Not talking about bumping or ganking I feel like we are going in circles now right?

Dude. He was being bumped LOL.

And if he can’t handle some words in an MMO, then yes, he should just stream Stardew and marry fictional characters.

Not talking about bumping or ganking I feel like we are just going in circles

It’s not just gankees.

Anyone that loses their ship while engaging in PVE can explode on you. I got called all manner of things in Russian by a guy who was running Guristas missions in Venal with his little Astero.

Never mind that if he’d been paying attention to D-scan I’d probably have never found him. Never mind that his align time is significantly less than my lock time. I pvp’d him ‘without his consent’ and he was very unhappy about that and keen I know what he thought of my mother too!

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Yes, games evolve and die on a regular basis. But just as often they die because developers changed the game in fundamental ways. I think the openness and choice of action is fundamental to EVE.

Let me give some context, yesterdays stream was titled: " What Does it Take To Mine 1 Billion isk in hi-sec" It is a Hulk mining fleet in highsec, when HateLesS started on his mining adventures he STRONGLY warned against that himself. You can expect that kind of behavior even when you’re not streaming!

I like that you can, if you want literally drive a competitor out of business by attacking his infrastructure, in this case his mining/grinding ships. I don’t do that, but I like the option to be there. That means if that someone does that to someone else you have the opportunity to fight back. I like that possibility. I like the opportunity that if a ganker ganks me once, I can hunt him and kill him a 1000 times (did I mention I suck at pvp, so that probably won’t happen). :wink:

Other streamers have similar issues and they have their own methods to deal with that…

Nothing wrong with Stardew, the music alone tugs on the nostalgic strings for people that grew up with classics like Secret of Mana.

Yeah though this is a far more widespread issue than just one streamer right
the reason its a topic today is because that is a much bigger loudspeaker to a larger issue

Or EvE is perhaps one of the few games that is levelheaded about what really constitutes griefing and harassment, and does not give in to calls to change the game in ways to make it completely meaningless.

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Nope. You’re avoiding the point because it negates your entire argument, which you know it does LOL.

Oh I know. I own Stardew :smiley: And Secret of Mana LOL.

Except it isn’t really. This is a stealth nerf thread as they all are LOL.

I think a large amount of society would find that logic flawed & twisted for many reasons

No one is saying banning people making threats will make gameplay irrelevant

thats not an issue to you? ---- it negates my argument right?

If we could trust people to act like grown ups in the first place none of this would be necessary


This is why we cannot have nice things Ramona

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And that is a result of people being salty and crying because they don’t understand the game they are playing.

LOL buddy, you’re talking to a person whose given my support to Aiko thru times like that, even when most here on the forums were agreeing with her being SAed.

However, the streamer and her are two different things.

The common denominator tho?

People don’t understand the game that EVE really is LOL.

So is it an issue or not? are death threats ok or are they not? confused here