Streamer stops due to grief

Though I do mean the so-called victims.

We both know that will never happen. :stuck_out_tongue: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Have you seen how others have handled streamsniping and bumping/ganking?

Have you seen how HateLesS has handled that in the past? Have you seen how heā€™s handling that now? When I do not have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an issue Iā€™ve dealt with a 100 times before without issue, I can also react completely out of proportion. The trick is recognizing this in yourself, a bit of self knowledge.

Ofc not, its like hoping to wake up in the morning and people not be the worst

But I mean its not brain science or rocket surgery

Did they cheat? No? Then move on to the next thing. Take a mo to get a coffee, calm down and either take a break or plan your next move.

Why you listen to what they say I dont know. They ARE the enemy, ofc they are going to say mean things.

Again this is a more widespread issue ā€” this particular streamer just caught my attention
I know you want a narrative here but this is about harassment in game thus why I am & have not mentioned Hateless

Oh no, IRL death threats are serious.

Bumping is not.

However there are already consequences built in for such behaviors.

He could have gone that route. Heā€™s decided to quit the field, which is his right.

Hereā€™s the kicker.

Aiko and crew go thru way more abuse playing an intended game style. And still go strong.

He streamed because he wanted to be popular. He couldnā€™t handle the price of fame.

You think big time streamers donā€™t get absolutely crazy stuff thrown at them?

If you want to climb the mountain, you gotta be prepared for the air up there.

glad to see we agree about harassment being a serious issue & bumping being part of the game but as I just quoted to you obviously those systems are being gotten around clearly

I dont care to comment on the particular event trying to keep this clean & on topic; toxicity/harassment/grief I am sure you can respect that

Then he chose the wrong game as based on my readings (forums and such) EVE is one of the least viewed games for streaming. Someone also mentioned the guy had like 120 viewers at peak or something despite he was part of the partnership program.

Dunno just a guess but maybe he realized this will go nowhere and better to switch to a different game with better chances at success and this was a good excuse to save face or something? Maybe am too cynical. :stuck_out_tongue: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

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Does he get paid if people go an watch recordings of his stream?

Cos thats whats going to happen now.

They arenā€™t being gotten around. ROFL do you not understand how rules and laws work?

Having a law doesnā€™t stop it from being broken.

If they break the ToS, there are clear consequences. Everything is working as intended.

Now you are saying it shouldnā€™t happen. I agree. But people are people.

But lets be real. This is a stealth nerf thread for ganking/bumping :smiley:

Thatā€™s exactly it. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he knew the bumpers and tried to manufacture drama in order to generate some hype.

Not sure but if ads show up during the vids then he is. Not sure about twitch but if he uploads them to youtube and monetizes them then he gets paid for each ad shown or something.

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I hear what you are saying but

you also just admitted they cop far more abuse

I mean pick a lane on this argument either the abusers are getting caught out or its making it worse
it canā€™t be both

Hmm now that would be some EVE meta right there. :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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Nope, but there are many, far more then you know or are willing to accept. You might be one yourself. EVE is a sandbox where you can play a miner, a trader, an alliance leader, a pirate, anything you want within the rules. And yes, there are many people in EVE (and other games) that collect salty tears. Itā€™s allowed in EVE, itā€™s encouraged to play how you want, so long as itā€™s within the rules.

I am seriously of the thought that IF you have mental health issues, EVE (and many other games) is a bad place to be. How you want the world to be is not the way the world is. I have the hand-eye coordination of a brick, my many drivers lessons drove the point home, Iā€™m a terrible driver. I have no place on the road with a motorized vehicle, so I did not get my drivers license as Iā€™m a danger to myself and others on the road. I could have of course stuck my head in the sand and have taken the exam 8+ times and eventually have passed that, but that is not the wise thing to doā€¦ Or are you the kind of person that goes through the gang-war territory with the sentiment ā€œI should not get shot here, because I should be save here!ā€? Or 40 people have been robbed in the street in the last six months, I should totally pin some cash hereā€¦

A video game is entertainment, that can be fun, satisfaction, or just mindlessly passing the time. ā€˜FUNā€™ is optionalā€¦ And why should every game be ā€˜funā€™ in the same way for all people? I would totally hate that! There are many titles that mainstream gamers (should) hate, but I (and others love).

EVE might be considered the SM in BDSM. If you partake in such activity, you have a ā€˜safe wordā€™. But in this case the ā€˜safe wordā€™ isnā€™t used, people want to change the BDSM club to do no more SMā€¦ If you donā€™t like that, donā€™t go there!

I like it that there are evil pirates (in my mind all pirates are evil) in EVE, I might not play like that, but I can play against them!

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Could you please show me where exactly this particular streamer was harassed/threatened according to the EVE rules? You might not find this particular event relevant, but I certainly do. Because youā€™re basing your whole platform on this event.

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Nope sorry ---- my platform is based on grief/harassment

Sorry, but at this point your just trolling and will be reported as such.

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Thats fine ā€” I think this is a fairly serious issue in the community you have every right to your opinion & to report me

Indeed, no one is saying that, including myself. The finer point is the ā€œthreatā€.
If I were to receive an ingame mail from someone I removed from his ship, and that mail states he is going to do his damndest to locate me and gank me, that would still be normal gameplay. Itā€™s how this game has rolled for two decades.
If that mail or an out of game mail would state heā€™s going to ā€œfindā€ me in real life and teach me a lesson, personally, someone from my family, my employer, my pet goldfish, that would be harassment, which has never been acceptable and is clearly not what the scope of this thread is

The logic is not flawed nor twisted. It marks the boundaries between what is considered game element and real life. A ā€œlarge amount of societyā€ as you call it, is also not involved in contact sports. EvE and its players are the game equivalent of contact sports.

Iā€™m not so sure anymore about your motivation to start this thread. I can empathize with you losing a favorite streamer (who clearly had a bad day, imo), and try to help you understand what happened.

However, if you use your thread as a bandwagon to advocate for making horseplay equal to griefing and harassment, calling for some supreme force to intervene on any playerā€™s behalf for any complaint regarding player interaction, then itā€™s the wrong place, if not the wrong pretext.

If Aiko gets rape or death threats ingame about game features, with ā€œrapeā€ or ā€œdeathā€ referring to ingame actions - and not real world - that is still not harassment, merely a brutal promise for more content, which Iā€™m sure Aiko can handle.

If @Destiny_Corrupted receives a communication that the person she removed from a ship in EvE died from his heart condition due to her (normal game and RP) actions, something that is unverifiable but may have considerable negative psychological impact, I would call that extremely close to harassment, if not flat out.

Stamping out harassment out of the game, sure. But letā€™s only call harassment what constitutes harassment. Itā€™s serious enough not to water it down to hurt feelings and passive aggression.


I know sporting teams that ban players for far less than toxic behavior I donā€™t know of any that wouldnā€™t

When did I ask for some ā€˜supreme forceā€™ mega-pint to come on any players behalf? I have not asked for any particular player or user/group to be banned or removed from anything other than generally toxic behavior

This literally is against the TOS I can link it if you would like & really misses the point that death threats are not ok but anyways

The point is the death threats and harassment for everyone in & out of game