Streamer stops due to grief

spitting on the sidewalk ?

This is taking ridiculous proportions.

The thread has already delivered.



Im going to run for CSM on that platform

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Do sporting teams where you live ban players for toxic or anti-social behavior? curious

If you guys want to talk about Hateless feel free to make another thread this is about harassment full stop — yes i did notice a streamer quit due to grief so lets talk about harassment instead of sitting silently while CCP do not

I hope that splits the issue

Just take the time to understand what is written. After all, it is your thread, and you should be interested in what people are really saying.

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I quoted you cos you both simultenously said you did and didnt want to talk about harassment vOv

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I have read & fully understand everything you have said :slight_smile: thanks for joining in to discuss it at the least

You’re welcome, sir. I think we got off on the wrong foot by the OP and the title mentioning specifically a Streamer. If that is not the subject, then perhaps this thread could/should be merged with one of the others.


I assumed you might have gotten that impression — yeah no the streamer did break the camels back but he is only one person… at the core their is a deeper issue of toxicity within a tiny minority of eves community & its not the ganking community either ;p

most gankers ive met actually dont like spending time with toxic people

If its a minority vs a majority, why do you act like the minority have the power in this situation?

I don’t though I wont turn a blind eye to the issue just because a few people might get depressed & yeah

That is all the more reason to say enough toxic is enough for one enviroment

OP, twitter would be a better place to voice your concerns. There you will be surrounded by like minded SJWs who lack the fortitude and resolve to deal with PvP in a PvP game.

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I’m sorry. I did not see any “toxicity” on the side of the “bumper” in the entire video, only bumping. There probably wasn’t even any exchange in local, we’d have to ask him.
But on the other hand your underlying subject, harassment and grief, is a valid one.

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Thanks for the opinion & input ^.^ lets keep it clean cheers

Poison is only toxic if you let it in.

Im really not sure what it is that you are hoping CCP stops, if its not the mechanics of the gank.

Can you give an actual example of what it is you are referencing?

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Apparently we arent talking about that “griefing”. Thats just in the topic, not of the topic.

Whats hard to understand about that?

No problem “mate”. “Cheers”! Glad you’re having such a great time on the forums. “^.^”


I gets confused. You gotted confuseded too.

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Honestly better systems in place against toxicity & an acceptance by CCP that outside harassment is part of their problem as well we shouldn’t have people on throw away accounts giving out death threats or mailing you

Theirs plenty of ways they could gather evidence such as screenshots — the ‘system’ we have now allows players who have made threats with serious consequences back in to run massive alliances

Otherwise it was a rant generally wanting to talk to others about harassment ‘not ganking’