Summon the Swarm

The titan should be helpless. It should have a subcap fleet supporting it.

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thats exactly how they were designed
out of the things i tried the dread is the only one that can actually do the site.

Thats a verry poor decission ofcourse but i doupt CCP will change the mechanics from ground up to fix it.

It’s also fair in a way - a sieged Dread is at much higher risk then a carrier so that justifies balancing pay out specifically for that ship.
Again 3 bil per hour is what i’d call the absolute minimum, given the build cost of a Dread and the odds of losing it to the first blopls hunter walking by.

Ofcourse they could just remove the convoluted count down mechanic so there can be spawns all the way through and keep a carrier pointet, adjust the rats to not shoot fighters etc.
The dread still seems like the better choise for the job under those rules but at least people could decide for themselves what they like better.

And for Supers and Titans there would need to be capital targets to use anti cap weapons - can’t really mix that with Carrier and HAW Dread.
Could just be a different beacon to do this.
And there would be the question how much pay out can you really do to justify risking 100 Bil and at the same time not break the economy?
Or rely on the fact that supers don’t get pointed and make these sites pay less then the suicide pact beacons for smaller caps?
Seems kind of dumb both ways but ofcourse thats really because the build cost itself is stupid af.

Maybe CCP grows a few brain cells and reduces capital build costs back to reasonable levels instead of bloating income to the point where it can pay for these idiotic prices.

For what reward? Why would you do it in a titan if you going to be helpless and drag another 100 people with you. The result will be no one will do it in a titan.

Depends on the reward I suppose and the stupidity of the pilot + the standing fleet they may have available to them.

Easy to be done bu a bot. Just sit in one place, drop beacons, shoot.
I was thinking we where aganst bots ?

DBS =/ Scarcity.

Scarcity is the reason for the decline of content and CCP had macroeconomic reasons to implement it.

DBS would have been fine by itself. You’d still see supers ratting as common as 2018 if they didn’t cost 3 times and didn’t tank 60% of what they used to.

Not even close. All they do is give you “more control over your space”, as Rattati keeps dream-talking about the time.

What is the reason you did not want FAXes to be able to activate the beacon?

As a player whose first capital ship was a fax, I would think this could be nice content for a fax with friendly battleships, perhaps the first PvE content for faxes. Is it because you would think it is too efficient for faxes with subcaps? Faxes with subcaps might be safer at doing these sites than carriers, but so are dreads better than carriers it seems, so is it really a problem if one type of capital is better than another at these sites?

Downtime between waves needs to be shorter. Most of the time you are legit doing nothing. Not very engaging, but very botable.

Also seems dreads are the only correct play. For supers/titans not enough is going on to actually use them. Feels like usual super ratting is a bit more fun than this. I would make them pay better depending on what you use and make waves faster with bigger ships spawning if you use super caps. Like NPC carriers deploying fighters forcing you to use SS fighters or something like that.

Beacon idea is fine, but site itself feels very empty. Not sure how you can fix that while keeping it deployable.

These sites have a potential to change how caps/supercaps are being used. Lots of opportunities for hunters and for people who run them. Response fleets, counter drops. Please put some more thoughts into it.

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These sites need a rework.
During the site I was watching a yt video because they are so not engaging.
My idea:

  • Abandon timer freeze and make waves faster so it feels like and attack
  • Just a 10 or maybe 20min (or longer in fine with that) defense with constant waves
  • what is “interference”?

sisi test day 2

3/3 beacons exploded before end of count down
160 million Bounty total for a whopping 40 mil isk profit after paying for beacons and 2 hours wasted

I am having trouble finding an apprpriate slur to describe the quality of this game play - just considder yourselves scolded…


Anchor with capitol. Tether up. Then use alt in kitey gila to do the rest…

and back down to 30mins :frowning:

Looks like they’re cycling twice, for a 1hr total site time.

Edit: only my first of the day did this

what dev blog are you talking about? the news article i read was three short marketing paragraphs and had no details.

My 2 cents

Carriers are viable with the increased time limit. Those who say carriers melt, rethink how you are using them, I haven’t lost one. I tried full DPS , passive and active tank no time did I think I was gonna die. . Fighters melting, I lost some initially and yes they do melt, but then I changed how I was using them.

Supers/Titan in general, what’s even the point.

Haw dreads only thing viable, not very engaging content. Reward must be worth it, cause YOU WILL get tackled and killed. Just a matter of time.

I gave it a try with a carrier first, seemed like the rats always just webbed and killed fighters to the point where it felt pointless to do them with a carrier.

Tried a HAW-Dread instead, and it was a walk in the park, i recorded my first try here

Also added some notes from what’ve learned doing the CRAB’s so far. The clip is sped up so it doesnt take too long.

This was my first try with a dread doing these, so its a very “safety first” build thats far from optimized.

Seems like there a lot of waiting around for something to happen?

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Part of the concern was that the rep power of a FAX would necessitate a disproportionately large response to fight off. FAX are still able to be part of the sites - would just need a different capital to spool up.

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Yeah, its a bit backwards imo, since your goal is to maximize the time where nothing happens since thats the time the beacon can finish its scanning. While there are rats on grid, the scanning stops.