Summon the Swarm

I don’t think it’s binary and I don’t think it’s purely DBS either, I just see it as one of a number of problems. For me less rewards from DBS + lower anom respawn rate, fighter tracking nerfs, cap resists nerfs and the increased cost as a result of Scarcity = less content.

My hope is that CCP are trying to buy themselves headroom with Scarcity/DBS changes, things cost more raw materials now so they have some room to create new ORE ship lines that can farm more materials. ISK from ratting is down to create room to use ISK for rewarding other new content to come etc.

I suspect that’s wishful thinking on my part though!

Out of interest, what macroeconomic issues do you think there were? I’ve yet to hear a good argument for nerfing cap proliferation. Nobody complains about subcap proliferation, 1000 subcaps is a good fight, but 1000 caps isn’t? Reading about early supercap battles brought me to the game.

To nerf caps after most vets have them is like Blizz reducing epic droprates from MC after most players have farmed a full epic set. It just completely shits on the new player yet to embark on the journey.


you clearly havent played in years. DBS can go as low as 50%(?) and its just cancer to rat in such DBS.

some would say why dont you move to other systems. but those people dont think about sec status. good sites do not spwan in lower sec status sytems.

now ratting is limited by DBS and by sec status. why would i ever use my big toys in such an environment. i am happy sticking to my high sec alt that can get over 200m/hour running incursion and 300-500m running T5/T6.


DBS can go much lower than 50%. I’ve seen systems in the 30s, because of other folks in other TZ turbo ratting.


Trollmeca has never done a ratting site in his life
When he praises the DBS it’s the clearest sign possible that it’s an idiotic mechanic that should be removed from the game asap.

Also even actively baiting for fights is not sufficient to keep DBS from falling below 100% - i have tried very hard.
It’s an income nerf and it’s a mechanic that punishes people for being active and in space. Nothing more.

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That’s a real issue, using hypothetical numbers, but if your playerbase is 65% pve centric and 35% pvp centric, you’re choking off content the majority of your players as DBS will only drop until you’ve lost enough pve players from the sandpit to reach some kind of 50/50 parity.

The system is just broken, it could only ever work in a world where there were equal to or more pvp players than pve and I really don’t think Eve has that.

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What I see is people only rat when they come back from a break or using a fleet of Ishtars / Vexors. It’s otherwise not a profitable activity. DBS doesn’t seem to deter massive multiboxing, just folks with single / few accounts. So… a mechanic that punishes those not already rich. Pretty dumb tbh.

ive been playing with this for the last two days, its a fun idea, but i don’t really enjoy it in its current form.

Im not usually a cap pilot so keep that in mind. I’ve lost 2-3 dreads and 3-4 thanny in as many attempts. Ive also brought along a marauder to try and speed things up which resulted in loosing two vargurs. I think my last run was pretty easy though I was not able to finish in time

But i have spent a bunch of time in WH space.

The timing generally sucks for players like me. If i only have an hour to play, i have to spend the first 5 minutes locked down doing nothing. Thats a bad way to engage players like me.

The 15 minute timer is actually hard for me to pull off with the long lock delays from warp and long lock times.

The payout is pretty mediocre in general. The payout is extremely poor when considering what has to be fielded.

It is a fun idea. it was interesting enough to get me to log two toons onto sisi, setup ships, and spend an hour experiment on two different days.

Id like the payout to be better, the content to be harder, and i don’t want to have to wait.

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I am just curious what the rewards are I tried to run the site with 3 decently fit carriers and just could not get the timer to move. If anyone who successfully ran a site could please share thanks

CCP said they’d increase the life time for bacons so sites don’t fail to finish the count down anymore.
Judgeing by the single site i was able to finish thats 360m worth of loot, maybe around 750m per hour total

Dear CCP,

I tried the new site on sisi today. I am disappointed in how loveless and uninspired the implementation is.
First off after deploying the structure I get to wait. Ok.
Then another timer starts, and I get to wait some more. Huh?
Rats warp in, I shoot them. Right back to waiting.
Some more Waiting. And then more rats, afterwards, right back to waiting.

Do you see what is wrong with that?

This is like mining. You wait for for the thing to end. No way to speed it up? No way to PLAY the game better? Try it differently? No. Just wait around for the time to be over.
I am sorry but this is not exciting gameplay. In fact it barely qualifies as gameplay.

It doesn’t matter how well this pays out. Or how the loot is balanced. Or if the bounties are good or bad.
At its CORE the GAMEPLAY is BORING. Noone wants to be bored playing a game. Wating around is not gameplay.

I will be going back to running abyss. Because that is engaging. Thinking about what to do is required. Analysing the room and making decisions. You know? Gameplay!

Thank you for reading,
Please go back to the designboard with this glorious idea, and make it so I don’t have to sit there and do something else half the time when playing your game.


@CCP Has the full Mechanic for the sites actually been patched onto the test server ?
The system interference hasn’t changed in any system in eve. what’s the point in having us test something and play around with it when you don’t patch the full mechanic ?

Haven’t tried myself as I can’t fly caps, but this sounds really bad. On the other hand this may have an easy fix … let rats spawn continuously, scan timer not stop … but the beacon has to be kept alive with reps! If you don’t kill rats in time the DPS will overwhelm your reps eventually.

The beacon has to be beefy enough on the resists the rats shoot at, but low on others for PvP options. This also all would make more sense.

I fully agree with you, everybody is talking about the payout but what really bothers me is this poor design.
We wait for enough things in eve (every passive gameplay you can think of+skills), the idea was to do something else than spinning with a full passive ishtar and now we have to wait for gameplay in a capital?

Come on

Just Tried one site on SISI with my Titan and a Super, combination works nicely! Have the titan sit on the edge and insta popping the Battleships while the super kills the small stuff. Having at least 1 smart bomb on each Capital is essential for the Drones that the Gallente Rogue Drones Spawn.

On the other Hand: Man these sites are BORING, it’s just like mining. Kill 2 or 3 NPCs and then Waiting and then more Waiting. It’s just endless waiting with these beacons.
To be honest the Standart Havens are just so much more fun since you are constantly in action and trying to manage your fighters.

At the current state, they shouldn’t be seen as a release candidate since this kind of content needs much more work.

I get that CCP wanted to get away with a Cheap NPC spawn beacon that was easy to create, but this is an utterly bad joke.


Why i changed my phoenix fit and added a smart bomb, but it does hit the deployable but was no way near to get the shield down when i finished the first site, made 104m with the ESS payout + ticks.

Well with me in one dread doing it i did not have that much wait time, but your dps with titan and super is likely way above what i can muster.

Well if you can’t kill the rats super fast you will have more or less continuos stream of rats :slight_smile:

I had an idea that oculd improve the beacon without much change needed.
How about this:
Instead of time ticking down, we count the number of rats killed. You can adjust the number so the time needed for the site is the same. Only instead of doing nothing and wating for the thing to end (boring) we get to shoot rats and count how many died.
You could even take a page ouf of path of exile: Keep a fixed time for the site, but count up how many ratsare killed in that time. Adjust the loot/payout at the end accordingly. The more rats killed, the more reward at the end. Make it feel like what the player does matters to the outcome.

The wave nature of rats arriving is great, so to improve on this already excellent design, maybe we can have a button that spawns the next wave immediately? You don’t have to do it, and can still use the downtime between waves to repair your ship. But if you handle the rats easily, you can speed up the process. And if you manage your ship well, you can reduce the exposure of your dread to the risk of getting caught and killed.

I implore you, the comptent people working at CCP to please take a look at this feedback, and make the gameplay of these sites more engaging to the players. Because risk/reward isn’t the only thing that counts. If people enjoy doing it, they will do it. If it is a chore to do, people will only do it if its extremely low risk, or incredibly high reward. The former doesnt change the hunter/prey problem, the latter could be problematic to the economy.

Please make it fun. Or at least give it the illusion that the player’s choices during the site matter. Just don’t make me sit around and wait.

EDIT: I hope this isnt necessary, but here it is any way: I fully relinquish all rights to this idea and implementation to CCP games and anyone else that wants to make a fun game.

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but the site doesnt progress while the rats are there. so in keeping the rat stream coming in youre failing to progress the site. Keeping yourself occupied = failing

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True i failed twice thanks to the difficulty i had hitting the eagles at 60km, and the drones, changed script to range and added a smart bomb which helped.