Thank you snuffed out for making me want to leave

Today I got caught by something I did not know people could do. I got caught in my jump freighter by a lancer dread. It is a second time my jump freighter gets killed. Yes, that hurts, but you shou;dn’t fly what you can’t loose. I didnt feel then what I feel now.
They then preceeded to scam me. If I would jettison my stuff, I would get to live. They did not honour that. After I did that they wanted me te drop out of my jump freighter. They wanted everything. I refused that. That was not part of the original deal.
Content remove by ISD Kai. The fact that you think it is allright to kick people down some extra after you allready take everything makes me physicly tremble. It is impossible for me to think that people like this exist. At least with pirates they honour their deals. You guys can not even muster that.
You probably think you are smart, but are actively trying to make people leave this game which I presume you like playing and is only worth playing if others do.
That jump freighter with it’s cargo represented over 50 hours played. I accepted the fact that I could lose it. I was not ready for you a-holes scamming me on the back of the desparation you feel when that is at risk. Content removed by ISD Kai

I am sad, as a teacher who teaches kids with social, economic and learning difficulties, that there are others in this world who take advantage of others in these kind of ways. I haven’t been able to sleep tonight. Content removed by ISD Kai

Do I understand that you didn’t give your jump freighter to them, but had it blown up?

In that case you won half the battle. The cargo they scammed they would have had anyway with the current 90% drop rate. So even though they have shown to be scammers, they gained pretty much nothing for it. They almost had your jump freighter but you went down with the ship.

Sorry to hear about the jump freighter loss though.

Lancer Dreads have been around for over a year now, I’m not surprised that not everyone knows of them, but I do think the majority of jump freighter pilots have heard one way or another. Or died.

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I read this and I am done.

Maybe your demise was karma for the 900 Billion ISK worth of stuff you’ve been involved in destroying. I mean…why shouldn’t what goes around come around ?


I do not complain about my stuff being destroyed. =)


Well its just a little ironic to see a complaint about scamming from a member of an alliance that was founded upon one of the biggest scams in Eve history :slight_smile:

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I’m pretty sure the mere existence of this thread makes the scammers happy. Without it the event would have been just some random occasion. This thread being posted means it has elevated the experience to something they will talk about and cite for years to come.

:thinking: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


You are probably right.

Sounds like someone got snuffed out.



Just take the lesson that Snuffed Out is not to be trusted.

I have never seen them RPing the “honorable type”, and I’d not expect them to do it anytime soon.

Hello. As a School Teacher you should KNOW better. You should be teaching your kids GAME THEORY as it pertains to the study of how people make choices when they’re affected by others’ decisions, like in a game. It looks at strategies to get the best results, whether that means working together, competing, or finding a balance.

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Always love me a miner who compares IRL things with in-game interactions.


:chair: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Another Saturday another I quit EVE thread.


:thinking: :innocent: :popcorn:


Snuffed Out, top down wipe. Esp that Vicemen kid.

Welcome to eve


If you think about it, it has to be this way, or else it would be a meaningless game with a meaningless economy. Meaningful actions and losses give the game its unique advantage over other games.


You could have given me the isk and avoided this whole tragedy. :blush: