The 3 Body Problem

To reach another planet 10,000 ly away would take 4.5 years travelling at a speed of 2048c where 1c = the speed of light (300 megameters per second) So to make this trip survivable for a human the ship would need to travel 2048 times the speed of light which is roughly 614,400,000 megameters per second.

These are some impossible speeds spoken about here.

There is a theory that anything with any mass traveling at anything beyond the speed of light will have an infinite mass which is heavier than anything in the universe, so the moment the the object goes past light speed a black hole would be created because infinite is too heavy for reality to support, what are your thoughts on this? Also an object with infinite mass would require infinite energy so there is another problem with the FTL theory.

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It applies, because you are using it this moment, and the stream of 0eroes and 1nes is being streamed now.

This is the math you are seeking maybe in nature, I dont know. But its computer nature. Calculating machine nature. You can have different structures in nature doing many changes with certain schemes. Cell could be sometimes described by human seeing similarity of it to his own ideas as a biomachine, but its just cell, where atoms, chemical structure changes with patterns used. It was there first, and math is something human devised seeing nature as simpler forms. What human can think of will be imitations of a nature’s true form. Including math as a simple language he will use to describe world around.

You, me, and everyone around here, have to be more humble when thinking about what can be known about nature and physics.

Before such a statement is made we would first need a full understanding of what the universe actually is and most importantly the foundation the universe sits upon, When I say the foundation of our universe is numbers this is somewhat speculation, the universe does seem to correspond to numbers because everything we see can be measured, An example of this is the earth needs to exist in a goldilocks zone where we are the optimal range from the Sun, any closer we will burn, any further we will freeze.

The distance the earth is from the sun cannot be coincidence and numbers or something representing what we percieve as numbers must be in full effect here. this is the only conclusion I can come to based on what we can see and based on the results of countless science experiments throughout history.

Interesting theory, could our reality/universe be generated by a type of divine machine? are we in a kind of matrix? We can see there are strict rules in reality like nothing with mass being able to travel faster than light speed. Anywhere rules exist denote some type of system in some sort of fashion. these are interesting thoughts brother.

Not sure if this was mentioned before in this thread but might add to the discussion:

Not sure how scientifically accurate it is and just rushed through it but hey maybe Kabbalah as a subject matter can add something to this discussion.

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Zeara like would happily send him back

It’s totally abstract. Especially speed which you can’t even measure directly but is always relative and derived from how distance to some other thing changed over a given time. It’s also completely depending on the observer who calculates that speed.

But I have to acknowledge that I’m not absolutely sure about this point. Speed is really weird, as it is completely dependent on the observer. I mean at this very moment we think we are sitting still in a chair, but relative to the galactic core, we are doing this:


I don’t think I even remotely understand what speed actually is on a fundamental level, so it’s hard to talk about.

As for the numbers, I think it’s much simpler. If you have 5 things, then this 5 things are physical. But the abstract concept of representing them as a single collection with the symbol 5 does not exist in physical reality, it’s something we came up with. Everything in the universe would work exactly the same if there was no intelligence around to come up with the idea of an abstract collection of 5 things.

And sure, it may be the case that every intelligence may come up with the exactly same abstract concept of a collection of things we call numbers, but that doesn’t mean the universe needs this concept or is built on this concept or that in any case this concept has some higher meaning other than it’s a nice tool intelligence that emerges in the universe comes up with.

I enjoy this as well. I’m in no way as convinced in my opinion about this as I may sound, but this discussion allows me to order and actually formulate a lot of fleeting thoughts about this I had in the past. You are doing a good job at poking holes in to my reasoning and actually make me think deeper about how to formulate what I actually try to say. Thanks Aaron :slight_smile:


You jump suddenly to fantastic possibilities, instead of holding up and thinking before jump what are the perspectives. That you can use tools and use a language like math is, doesnt mean that you need to measure anything. It exists and works without measuring by anyone, and without your mind thinking about numbers it would exist too.

It is obvious case that arose, had to somewhere, and we dont know how many times in universe it could have already happened. Same as your consiousness. Same as mine. You dont know how many other people are watching this, but we are not alone.

It was an obvious case of your parents meeting and having sex. Same as many such cases, including mine. Its so common we tend to forget about how reality collapses now and then it just is the way it is.

Answer is you and me. The world is an answer. Scientists can only try to find a way how, using their tools, including math.


After every sentence.

An object only has infinite mass due to encounter gravity the faster the object travels. Think of stationary atoms for a moment that exist along a line that is 2,000 ly long by 2,000 ly wide. As the object gradually picks up speed, the object encounters more atoms at a faster rate, which adds mass and slows the object down.

But if the object has the same field around it that allows the light photon to travel to the speed of light without additional mass, then the object should be able to travel at 25% c.

Could a light photon exist in Primordial Space?

No. That’s ridiculous.

Another question is, what happens to atoms when the electrons are moved closer or farther away from the nucleus? Could the result be similar to the Habitable Zone around a star? Do the slight changes in gravitational forces cause the atom to become something different? What if certain elections were sped up while others were slowed down?

Do you think its like a small solar system with planets and little people on them? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe. Look at how big of a world the Tardigrade sees. Wouldn’t the Tardigrade view the Earth as being infinite like we view the Universe as being infinite?

The Tardigrade would perceive a swamp it lives in as its Earth. The Tardigrade would know that its world had a boundary but also that something existed outside of its swamp boundary, like we can see the stars and moon wonder about what they are, and then strive to reach those stars.

Big thundering rocketships leaving the launchpad, on its way to Earth with hundreds of trillions of Tardigrades on board.

If only a Tardigrade could have occular enhancements to focus the light it sees moving around into what is actually moving around it, lions and tigers and bears and birds, and people and cars, etc.

If only scientists could develop and enhance a microscope based on how the Tardigrade sees, then human scientists might be able to see 2 or 5 or 15 times smaller than what the Tardigrade see.

Nope, but I’ve started to look for some stuff about his views and his projects. Unfortunately he seems to be more of a business guy than a scientist, and locks his approaches behind IP, making it difficult to assess his work.

Yeah, that is why he is a bit of a controversial figure. He kinda does his own thing and quite often brags about finding out some stuff that was known in academia for decades. But there is some interesting stuff there too, so it’s not like with the usual crackpots who just want to dismiss science because they can’t math. There are some good interviews on Youtube from Lex Friedman with him that give quite a good overview. They are like 4h long :sweat_smile:

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Rereading that thing, and I have to explain obvious thing you can find in the internet, what scientist agree on.

Heat doesnt have enything to do with light speed. Emmitted light speed doesnt change, the way may be blocked tho. So photons can bounce, but they dont stop. They can be absorbed, they can be changed to something else.

Now about time. Light: nNothing gets FASTER. so nothing gets there in SHORTER time. If you have max speed, your time to arrival will be max short. At one end is the ULTIMATE and nothing past that, and on the other end is also ULTIMATE and nothing past that.

Time is motion and space, you cant separate them, its a relation. If speed increases, time it takes to reach destination shortens, see it as the very quick car, you will be faster at the target location. If you give it all the speed allowed in the universe, time it takes to arrive shortens to… nothing! And even when universe is expanding faster than light speed, it would still take zero time to reach destination, the wave is only stretched by space, nothing changes for it. It changes for you when you absorb it. If there is nothing that can absorb light, nothing to curve a light beam, then it still does max speed, and time it takes to reach destination is zero.


Photon speed is boundary that cant be broken, for photon everything is instant, it gets from point a to b in NO TIME at all, because its speed is the limit ANYTHING can move, There is nothing more past that.

Now something from me personally:

Everything already happened and we only are played like a tape in walkman.

The beam of light will travel exactly with light speed, and will reach exact destination with that speed, and nothing will be there faster. So you can assume It already did overtake your thought, your lifespan, every moment of your life.

This also means there is no time, only speed and location, and everything already reached the destination, same as you will reach it, just slower.

It is all predestined. Your birth was, your death is. You just dont know it yet, because you are too slow to see it (you have mass), but there will be location, where last light (for you) you will see with your own eyes.

It all have to reach the destination specified.

Time is motion and space, you cant separate them, its a relation.

Not really true. Time is the measurable distance that one or two objects travel in any direction, based on how the properties of both objects interact with each or how a singular object interacts.

Space is the area between the objects. Space cannot effect upon the atom or object nor can the atom or object effecr space, because is not an energetic component. Space is the absolute of non-interaction where interactions take place in.

You just wrote what I wrote, just different words. It is distance and distances imply locations relative to each other we can call speeds. Thats what people say together is time. Changing locations of objects. How much they can differ, how much speed you can achieve, is limited, and so you will have limited distances between the points. The road (space) shortens ultimately (zero time) with ultimate relative change of location (speed of light).

This is where you are wrong.
Space takes as much part in everything as everything else. With it being non-interactable you would not even have locations and whole universe wouldnt even be an infinitely small point, because space is needed for a point to occur.

Nope, because if space itself was able to effect up or be effected upon by atoms, matter would be always be colliding and converting to different states. Matter would never have the time to cool down and form planets and stars.

Primordial Space could have seen small pockets of energetic matter constantly colliding together but nothing ever formed due to the constant destruction of any mass larger than an atom.

Basically, Primordial Space is just the womb of a woman. Atoms constantly bounce around in a confined space until atoms form non-destructible masses that create larger volumes of space until the moment the water breaks, or the bounding field around the larger massed objects. The larger massed objects, not bound by the field any longer travel through space until colliding with other masses, so forth and so forth, until Primordial Atoms become unpacked and start colliding together to create a Big Bang.

And it isnt so right now?

As I previously wrote, time is an illusion, whats really there is something scalable and mind dont really encompass it because thoughts are so slow and we limit “from here to there” and we experience it on our own scale, while it already happened and it could even be treated as an infinite already. What you would call cooling would not be cooling, you would divide it artificially into smaller pieces and call that cooling.

Once again, wrong.

Time is not an illusion. The Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun, time. Starting at day 1, energetic forces and interaction between the Earth’s core and Sun create the measurable distance travelled by the Earth.

If anyone thinks time is an illusion, then that person has ZERO credible scientific knowledge.

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