The end is nigh. Gankers a dying breed

No, it was roleplay

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn: :blush:

Your assets located in New Eden are at risk!

Here for the Tears \o/

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Im surprised the Amarr havent risen up and gone after the High Sec gankers. After all, High Sec gankers purpose gank to cause inflation in the other trade hubs so that only Jita has the best prices.

Isnt that considered marketeering or purposely causing markets to fail so that only Jita is looked upon as the best market?

Somewhere along the line, High Sec gankers are probably getting kick backs from dealers in Jita.

I wouldnt be surprised if the Caldari arent inflating prices in the other hubs to make Jita the cheapest around.

The smarter pilots know what sells and how to supply the outer trade hubs with ganker type ships and fittings for that odd chance a known ganker is short of supply.

Just been going over Reddit news and found a post on AO , who of later seems to be getting a lot of unwants .

Please read Reddit link first

Re: Ceema’s Master Plan or Just a Trolling Spree?

Oh, Ceema, you’ve done it again! Your letter reads like a love child of a spy thriller and a comedy sketch. Coordinating a 300-pilot strike force with “Absolut Chaos”? Sounds like the next big blockbuster—or the greatest trolling escapade EVE has ever seen.

First off, hats off to the marketing genius who came up with “Absolut Chaos” and “Greater Providence Home Owners Association.” I nearly spilled my coffee laughing at the thought of space warriors moonlighting as disgruntled HOA members. And Lord Xylr as the President and Karen Chicken Sandwich King? Pure gold. I’m just picturing a galactic council meeting where someone complains about space trash cans left out too long.

Then we have Captain Redline XIII, who, if he’s as good at commanding fleets as he is at naming himself, might just pull this off. But let’s be real—100 people on a Discord server doesn’t exactly scream “unstoppable force.” More like “enthusiastic but slightly disorganized book club.”

The cherry on top has to be Sir Vinny Douche and the Wormhole Police. If they’re scouting, I can only imagine the mayhem they’ll uncover. I mean, the Wormhole Police? Are they giving out speeding tickets in nullsec?

Obvious Lee, we all know you love a good mystery, but let’s not kid ourselves. Like a podiatrist at a shoe store, this whole operation sounds like it’s headed straight for a hilarious footnote in EVE history.

So, is this the start of a massive AO takedown, or just another one of Ceema’s trolling triumphs? Grab your popcorn, folks—this show promises to be a comedy of cosmic proportions!

( please note this reply is from a trashy new paper i found in a station bar and thought you might be intreasted)

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You use reddit? Looks like It’s impossible to underestimate you.

Githy writes better now that she’s AI powered.

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Lol…you write as if you actually have a clue about anything, which you don’t. You’ve got more chance of flat earthers discovering bigfoot under an alien mothership than you have of anything factual or even relevant ever being posted on Reddit.

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The End is Nigh. Redditers are a dying breed

Everyone says Reddit is a cesspool. I don’t understand the hate. Where does it get this reputation?

Could it be that people on reddit are never exposed to significant pushback against the “reddit approved opinion” on any subject, they are therefore never exposed to any strong arguments against what they believe but rather strawmen constructed to be easily taken down, or in the end they don’t really understand why they believe the things they believe, at least not well enough to argue for it properly?

Could it be that reddit has a massive population of pot stirring people, gaslighters and woke shutdown mafia?


I’m pretty sure Reddit posters have proven all those things.

Besides, everyone knows that Githy is doing everything possible to stay relevant. Must be hard since no one actually knows, or will acknowledge (probably because they are afk) that she has ever done anything.

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@Ax_l_Thorne what’s wrong , was only having a bit of fun with AI.

We all knew that certain gankers would make a point about killing these ungankable ships and I believe the forums are a place to talk about things that happen in eve. Rather than that sespit Reddit.

I also think post on here can often lead to some interesting game play. There is so much going on in eve that people can get content from , I’ve seen many actions that could be of interest to many people and never gets posted.

Maybe one day AI can help with this who knows and I’m sure you know I don’t think gankers are a dying breed do you

Nail on the head comes to mind here, maybe why they never post here.

I don’t know about that, we most certainly have the Shutdown Mafia. Not easy stirring the pot when they keep shutting you down? Don’t they @Dracvlad ?

And I was poking a bit of fun back.

Nothing is “wrong” per se. And ganking → antiganking cycle starts anew.

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She just admitted to bot (AI) aspirant behavior. :wink:


She also likes watching paint dry, and does some mining when she thinks nobody is looking


Paint drying is correct , I do paint but no mining

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I’m thinking now could be a good time.