The first highsec system flipped!


but it was a big ass post , this point comes at the end as a side note , not the most important part

If CCP removed the empire standing losses, or at least introduced a mechanic in which you could “buy” the standings back up just like with security status, I’d probably keep a character or two in FW at all times. But because I’m a high-sec pirate/mercenary for the most part, I need my characters to be able to go everywhere. I’ve considered rolling a new character just for FW, but I don’t want yet another account (sorry, my “wiwi” is tiny).

And the standings losses still seem to be pretty bad. Not too long ago I popped a FW NPC corp outlaw, and now I’m like 0.02 standing away from not being able to go to Amarr (and this is with max social skills, and only ever having done a few missions on this character to get some locator agents).

Also, not to disparage your source of income, but other forms of PvP pay considerably more over time (not even including suicide-ganking).

All I’m saying is that they could make FW much more enticing with minimal changes. And maybe they should, with these upcoming Trig changes. Having a third sovereign party on the field would make things much more interesting.


yeah i cant deny i could be better with some lil changes

I’ve removed some pretty offensive and off topic posts. I’ve issued warnings about it before, so I have this to say on the matter: This is the final warning. If another warning must be issued, there will be severe consequences. Keep it civil, on topic, and within the rules of the forums. Thank you.


@ ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode

Ugh. I know you had to remove Darlo’s bigotry stuff, but you also seem to have cut out some pretty important posts that were completely on topic and not referencing anything bad, including my post(s) that defined what entails a healthy economy in EVE.

Feel free to reiterate those points. I have no tolerance for anything sexist, racist, or discriminatory, and if your posts were attached in some way to those posts when they get axed, well, my apologies.


im so glad my 5 years old wiwi jokes are fine, i got tense for a sec LOL LOL

edit: super mindful edit , you guys must be proud of me :stuck_out_tongue:

Do it. Reduce your workload.

Edit; I’ve tried to change, spare me! :rofl:

Once again, yours is a thankless job.

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I chuckled.

Removes bigotry, allows humorous willy jokes.

The moderator we both need and deserve.

Henceforth I shall cease to call certain posters out on their bigotry and allow the ISD team and their superpowers to smite the buggers hard; because I’d like to keep my posting privileges.


@CCP_Aurora The discussion goes nowhere, we need a dev blog :slight_smile:

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Patience, Tipa, patience.

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Knock that sort of post off, alright?


You mean this last one, right?
If you removed any other, I haven’t gotten a notification …
… and I haven’t started reading.

I doubt any of those posts got removed. But there’s also no need to do those counting posts,

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Okay, I’ll stop doing this.
It’s personal “flavour”.

… but what did I miss??? D:

Aw. :frowning:
I’ll go back under my bridge. :frowning:

Meanwhile in Jita…flips some change.