The first highsec system flipped!

i didn’t mentioned your killboard but since want to talk about it , you are the typical scrub , die a lot , don’t kill anyone and ganked a titan OMG go play the game and stop posing like you know anything about it

You certainly did. Whatever. I dont care how it looks, its not the way I play to care if it looks better.

Certainly peeple like you dont make me feel bad about it.


Of course it will.

Allowing players to fight (without CONCORD interference) against the backdrop of an NPC war between the Triglavians and EDENCOM is the very definition of content.

Sure, that might mean some player’s compulsive grinding will be interrupted for a few days every few months when an Invasion come to town, but the set piece that is there for the rest of Eve to pick a side and shoot something is very real.

Don’t worry, like the current Invasions, the impact will likely be intermittent and transient, but the chance to pick a side and have an impact on the fate of a system is great. New Eden is about to get a little more dynamic, and that is a good, and very overdue, thing.


i have nothing against you per se
but stop talking s#it about low because you don’t know low
if you knew low you will have at least more loss mails
wen i said you die a lot i was being nice with you ,in reality you do f all a lot
nothing wrong in being a pve player but don’t pretend you know things you don’t

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I’m not sure on this part. I’ve seen CCP hit the game with a hammer for too long now, I still don’t trust/know exactly what stunt their going to pull.


Lets leave it at you having subjective opinion.

ok dont want to fight, we are fine , lets disagree, sry for harsh words , I’m just passionate about low and this topic is grinding my gears

Captura de Tela 2020-05-17 às 16.10.53

i dont want a new player reading this stuff and thinking oh fw is dead , and becoming a nullbear , there is a lot of green dudes in fw (NPC corp like me) , most of them are new bros , I’m so proud of them

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Let us differentiate between Faction Warfare lowsec, which can be quite active, and the rest of lowsec, which is often a desert.


as most of null sec , and even them, because of the npc stations there is small corps … but i see your point

When people talk about lowsec being dead, they compare it to highsec. Obviously lowsec is WAY more active than null or wormholes. It is not pejorative to talk about lowsec not being very populated - we believe that people should be encouraged through strong incentives to move out of highsec into low. Those incentives are lacking right now. Except, perhaps FW.

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I tried FW the day it came out, and then a few times after that. And I have to say, what a terrible mechanic.

You become a target to half of the universe, and every kill you make against your enemies fucks up your faction standings so badly. No financial opportunities that are any less grindy and boring than any other PvE, and you can’t really make any money through the PvP because most players use rather disposable fits.

I tried to like it, I really did. But I realized that it would make my character unusable for anything else if I stuck around, and I’d have to grind on an alt just to make ends meet. So I’m politely disagreeing by saying that in my opinion, FW is hardly an incentive for anything. But if my info or understanding is incorrect, please clue me in.

Still waiting for Darlo to respond to my concise and fairly polite posts, by the way.

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Because it is connected to high sec. People originate in high sec systems and game naturally leads them thru high, teases with low and at the same time warns about low.

Watching that from my perspective and based on my experiences: people, even new apha players few days old can see Its a great place to get some deadspace modules in wikis, cause escalations lead there. Those who know how to make most of their ships and skills, the experienced people, go there because its not as much danger for them. Alphas usually go there too but only in cheap stuff they expect to lose, and if they will not lose the ship, they can quite often bring valuable loot back to high and sell it.

im baned from dodix and rens , the wasteland of new eden , i don’t see any problem with that

sure lucas, to you ufc its like pve :stuck_out_tongue:

in reality amarr is always loosing :rofl: but i like it anyway

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That just reinforces my point, though. You kill three pods, and you’re pretty much permanently cut off from half of all high-sec. And you can’t even realistically repair those standing losses in a reasonable amount of time; it would take years of SOE epic arcs, or thousands of hours of running missions normally, to get yourself back up to your original standing levels.

You have to dedicate a character to FW, and that’s not something most players are willing to do, especially when the rewards are lukewarm at best. You might be fine with it, but it’s a bad game mechanic overall.


True I tanked my Gallente standings within hours of joining FW.

Meh, tanked alot of standings since then. Pods are costly that way :wink:

Dont count on FW being redone n-th time again soon. This thread is a sign they have something else on their minds now.

This is more like War of the worlds.

yes you are right ms @Destiny_Corrupted , it has a touch of bad mechanic , but its nuanced

  1. CCP mitigated the standing problem a lot , in the old days the standing lost was MUCH worst , and I’m an old pilot , prior to safety button you shot a bad structure in a mission lvl 4 and got a hit in standing , in the case of FW you don’t loose standing for shooting the npcs anymore , i shot the amarr ones by mistake all the time , and as long you refrain from poding or killing noobs in npc corps , with good skills you don’t get persona non grata in high sec anymore

  2. its a minmatar and galente problem , i got access to the great golden skyes of amarr , i can go in the largest trade hub of new eden jita 44 , WTF the galente and the mimatar has to offer besides Pede#asty and best#ality respectively , it must be sad to be shot in good old amarr but in rens? the trade hub su$k anyway and even the skies are red, a true hell hole

not rue , i cant count how many times my impel docked in amarr with 200 / 300 million isk in t2 modules,ammo and stuff , if you loot those you kill , and the space wrecks, you in time collect a lot of isk , nowadays you even gain LP for killing infidels , so think about it , i get average 1 mil / minute for BEING inside the plex, if a degenerate galente or a minmatar hobo shows up i gain like 2 mil in lp for shooting him plus 4 mil ± in loot , some of then bling and i got a lot of blue afterburners and green shield extenders in my career , not the best money but not even close to NO MONEY , i fund myself doing it

4 )

yes wen you have several characters , in my case i have only one , i lived in high , low , null and wh in my eve time and i must say my char can do anything i want like it was brand new , I’m a solo pilot , wen i leaved TNT i thought to myself ill go live in low, if i leave low now ill live in thera , i like to have a history in my char , i like the consequences of that history , you see i live by an axiom , "the more accounts you have the smaller your wiwi gets " , and my gf is a BIIIG dark skinned lady , few centimeters shorter than me , she is 1,8 meters hight (i don’t understand feet measuring sry ) , so she is like the Americans bros will probably call a big mama , and big mama don’t want dudes with close to no wiwi , if you know what i mean , i know its not a problem to the female players but anyway …

and finally
5 ) you know those lucrative missions that drop tags , the best ones , but the ones people don’t do much because of standing problems?? I CAN do all day

think about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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So your argument has something to do with the size of your real-life junk? I’m not quite following…

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