The first highsec system flipped!

For this guy it’s personal. What a psycho.

Certain parts of null have zero risk. Does that mean the rewards should be diminished?

Or is this “only applies to hi-sec” logic.


The entire system of reward progression in the game needs to be rebalanced:

from: null-sec > high-sec > wormholes > low-sec

to: low-sec >= wormholes > null-sec > high-sec

And remove capitals from any system above 0.1 (some systems would need to have their sec ratings changed), or disallow their weapon fire, so that players can still move/trade caps, but can’t screw up glorious low-sec gameplay with them.

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Nonsense. All of nullsec is second only to wormholes in risk level. Do not confuse the inherent risk level of the space with the chance of loss experienced by players who are making a major coordinated effort to overcome the threats they face and succeeding at it.


Like renters? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


5 characters min.

The first high-sec system flipped and is now a dead low-sec system.

Who would have thunk it…

when Jita flip?

Vale looks to be the next one.

Perimeter and major hauling routes would be fun flippers

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I don’t think CCP will ever flip one of the major trade lanes. There are four in the game, in a “figure 8” pattern, connecting the four empires. Flipping just one of them will still allow interconnection, but would increase travel times by up to 3x. Flipping two would start cutting off empires from each other.

While I’m all for PvP, piracy, and destruction, I’m not ignorant enough to think that people are still going to be flying haulers and freighters loaded with goods through low-sec choke points if this were to happen. The end result would be that 99% of the game’s high-sec activity takes place in Caldari space, after the other major hubs die out.

Autopilot went on the fritz a few years back and sent haulers through lowsec (Amamake if I remember)

So, why not

Because a temporary issue isn’t the same as an intentional, permanent game change.

flips can be temporary, we should have to check sec status and the game should be dynamic based on events just as we should have to check dscan instead of local

That’s all fine and all, but it won’t change the practical outcome of people ditching all other space in favor of the Jita market.

people ditching all other space in favor of the Jita market.

That’s a weird way of spelling “useless farmer trash wasting its time competing in 0.01 ISK wars in Jita while the most ambitious and capable industrial players secure the trade routes required to take ownership of the other 75% of EVE’s highsec markets”.

Once again, I wish that were true, but history has shown that players will ultimately congregate toward a single primary market. There is historic precedent for this:

  • Yulai was the dominant market in the game until CCP removed the highway system
  • Oursulaert was tied with Amarr for second-place hub size until they removed its level 4 agents (now it’s dead)

Most players will always take the simplest, safest route. Yes, there will be some crafty profiteers propping up small regional hubs near various activity hot spots (such as Villore for FW). But major hubs are driven by sheer volumes of economic activity.

I’m not even making claims with regard to whether the game would be better or worse if this were to happen. I’m just saying that CCP is unlikely to want to take such a big risk.


Well while all that code and ganking stuff is not my cup of tea, imagine if there was only one “artery” left at a certain point.

Niarja was on the Triglavian list. I don’t know what color star it has, though.

Sure, but the fact that those hubs exist in the current game is strong evidence that the required economic activity exists. Demand will still be there, and players who are smart and ambitious enough to deal with lowsec travel will continue to make money from those regions.