The Future of Eve, and why hasn't there been anything new in 10 years?

That was a great expansion, WH-space finally offered an escape for all those who were tired of the blobfights and cynobaits. No local, no gates, no caps (for most parts), no cynos, mass limitations. Thats the recipe for good smallscale content. Fights in WH space still offer some of the best PvP-experience one can get in EVE, because it usually isn’t that laggy/tidi, the potential for escalation is pretty limited and one pilot and his skill counts for much more than anywhere else.


lol k whatever you say. I think plenty has happened in the last 10 years that at least match that but whatever.

Its not like you were around for it

IB4 “I was this is just an alt”

there have been at least 2 the new one is 3rd FPS shooter project that CCP has worked on… over the last 10 or so years

I thought we were talking about EvE expansions, as in the thread topic.

TBH, the posted did expressly mention FPS Games that got nixed.

–Helpful Gadget

Yeah, and I wasnt questioning that. I explicitly questioned the part where he said that there had been bigger and better expansions in the past. What other games have to do with it is moot at best, except for DUST which was part of what had at the time seemed like the it could have been the biggest expansion, cross platforming, but we all know how it turned out…

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Nooo. Spare us from more mind numbing PvE ‘content’. The content in Eve should be other players…in a genuine sandbox…and CCP should be as ‘hands off’ as possible.

Anyone can be a pundit these days. Just as I am offering my balanced and clear-headed opinion to the sea of panic, alarmism, and people creating problems out of thin air.

Yes, hindsight is 20/20.

Is it really that simply to point at 1 mistake and say, “Let’s do the opposite!” I do not think so.
Some basic proofreading helps also. :stuck_out_tongue:


The thing is that it seems that most people don’t see the surprise PVP factor as a problem. There’s not much in game that can beat the adrenaline rush of someone red boxing you all of a sudden and you don’t know if you’re going to get out. My first PVP kill (on another character that was sold) was so intense I had to log off to calm down. It’s not that intense anymore, but I still get that rush. Either doing surprise PVP or normal bashing PVP.

P.S, I know I’m an F1 monkey, trying to change that.


It’s only a surprise if they aren’t paying attention (other than WH/Pochven cloaky pvp), which generally is a result of laziness and the notion that they should be able to do whatever they want without the MMO sandbox interfering.

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I tend to agree, but I so enjoy that turn of phrase that I just had to shoehorn it in there.

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The problem I’ve been having over the years in eve is less and less a sandbox game… CCP continues to remove or restrict features in the name of balancing the game. Don’t get me wrong nice to have blingy looking ships and new sounds graphics… always a plus… But as the old saying goes… “Wheres the beef?” One minute ccp goes left and then few years later right… ooops whats next… Dunno I linger and wonder when I’ll be happy again? I miss eve but man… I don’t miss it ether… Alot of new games coming out looking promising… Choices choices… vOv


Blame the people who whine and cry for balance, asset safeties, protection, timers, local, warning, keepstars, etc. The most balanced game is a coin flip, boring and fair for everyone. CCP listens to the whiners, dumbs the game down so it is an even playing field for everyone, and eventually the game starts to die because it’s no longer fun.


Otis up to the Capsuleer to create their own content even if those around them never see eye to eye. We share a common goal here in the New Eden sandbox

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I agree.

I’m too short to eye-eye with most adults anyway and I love to be unpredictable just to spice things up.

Common? You too like to see stuff go :boom: BOOM :smiley:
I hope the ships I have lined up will light up space like supernovas :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Man, I feel ya and you and I have same problems with this boring and tedious game.
BUT, ccp or whoever is pulling the strings, does not play the game so they do not see the problems- and that is good.

This game is not dying- it is dead.
Less then 10k of players are here and less then 10% of them actually pays for omega.
Less and less people are willing to be butt fuked/do not have the money for them to throw away every month on something that brings them no joy.


Let it die.

Aha, so this game has “10 million” subscribers, yes?

Now that is something great for them.

IF that is true, obviously and if I learned anything from trololos here in forum-> not many people here have their head screwed on properly.

what is 10mil* 20 euros?

Now, go and see how much MONEY does CCP brings in EVERY month.

Then compare that number with your result of precious mathematical equation.

They do not match?
But…but how?


Those are not 30k of players but rather 30k of accounts.
Can you people, please, stop being such fanbois?

t2 capitals?

Oh wait…I need 2 years of paying to get into my T1 capital(with all skills needed to not die in 2 minutes)- now you are telling me I can ADD 2 MORE YEARS to that???

I cant be happier!

Oh damn man, I apologize.
I just checked.
To be fully trained in capital carrier, I do not need “2 years”( I am so dumb and stupid, sorry)…
In actuality all I need is, and I quote-> 1263 days and 23 hours.


God damn and french bread basket!!

Unpredictability is a great trait in PvP. Surprise PvP certainly helps in making spaceship explosions.

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