The Hunt for Komi Valentine is Over!

The Hunt for Komi Valentine


  • Archer en Tilavine - Antagonist, Hunt Organizer, Jackass to some / MC to others :smiling_imp:

  • Komi Valentine - Protagonist, Damsel in Distress, CSM Candidate, Mortal Capsuleer (wat), Outstanding Minmatar Citizen :princess:

  • @Jerry_Falcone - Henchman #1, Name sounds like he’s a race car driver from the 80’s sporting a red Ferrari :checkered_flag:

  • @MB_ThePhotographer - Henchman #2 - Archer’s “My Brotha” (won’t give me a free vote for next year’s CSM though :rage:… maybe some Veldspar will change his mind…), who or what does he photograph anyway? AIKO MAYBE??? :high_heel:

  • @Scoots_Choco - Unlikely Henchman #3 / Money Baron, honestly I thought he was going to say “this is ■■■■■■■ stupid you’re wasting your time” and yet… :moneybag:

  • @Xuxe_Xu - Henchman #4 / Evil Mastermind / Sith Lord / Space Babe, I mean… killing slaves to lure out Komi? You’re as cold as ice :ice_cube:

  • @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras - Henchman #5, I’d make a witty comment here but I don’t like you knowing you as I do out of game… oh how I wish I didn’t… God I hate you… *contempt* :face_vomiting:

  • @Brun_Warbear - Henchman #6, who said Carebears don’t have teeth? :bear:

  • @Shipwreck_Jones - Henchman #7, this man asked the hard questions… :ship:

  • @Wanda_Fayne - Chief Devil’s Advocate - Made some gooooooood points, not going to lie. Respecc! :mechanical_arm:

  • @Xeux - Unlikely Devil’s Adocate, had the opportunity to troll hard and yet… :thinking:

  • @Ferra_Orta - Komi’s Advocate / Knight in Rusty Armor / FW Director, also level headed and sensible alongside Wanda :shield:

  • DeMichael Crimson - The Good Conscience, which really should have been listened to more and had his objections respected instead of morrassed; he did not deserve the treatment he got throughout this thread in my opinion :confused:

Special Thanks

To Michael Jackson for this gif that captures this experience:

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