Yeah, but that doesn’t mean we can’t kill them at will, it just means we have to not kill all of them.
CONCORD has full capability to remotely repair whoever is being attacked. The fact that they do not do this is proof enough that they revenge, not protect.
To provide enough energy to add so as much mass on our ships as a 1MN Afterburner is 44937758936840882 MegaJoules, which is about the capacitor level of 3*10^8 titans.
You DO understand that at least Scoot’s and I are going to chip in at least 5 bil apiece bounty on you when you run for CSM next year! (I’ll match Scoot’s to 10) You still get all my votes, but I wanted you to understand the evil you unleased on the game!
After reading all I could find on harassment, it turns out CCP would do nothing unless Komi complained. Something I don’t think she would ever do, nor you since you started it! (that being said, see below)
It was a fun thd, but I’m glad it was “anticlimactic”. I feared it would start a harassment nightmare for CCP. Just the rumor of a group putting a bounty on a CSM (candidate would have been rumored into a member) out of the in-game bounty sys would be seen by players as a green light to start all sorts of real harassment in the game to me. I’ve played this game long enough to know ANY exploit in the game WILL be exploited to it’s full extent by the player base in any way, shape, manor or form. Myself included. CCP saying nothing in the thd would just be seen as more proof of no wrong doing on the part of the hunters. This is where the Dev’s missed a good PR stunt to me. They could have chimed in, in some way and made their feelings known. Even an ISD or CSM response/guess at what CCP thought of it all, could have could have helped turn this into a mega thread? But without some clarification from CCP? I trust them as far as I can toss my truck. You never know when they will step in, or how…
You insult me with your paltry sum! Away with you and your peasantry! Be gone! (But be sure to vote for me before I banish you to the slums of Hek, tho.)
I don’t know man… Scoots all-but-accused me of being a nullsec krabber in a different thread (I’ve never farmed PVE, not even pre-nerf ECs or Abyssals) - you’d think with rumors like that floating around everyone would be after me and my Nyx… y’ know, the one I don’t own. I don’t PVE in a Thanny-Than-Than either, or any other cap. Sorry to break it to you!
I will say this much, though: if someone starts a bounty thread for me, I’ll probably chip in. Maybe I’ll sell standings to L4/L5 Locator agents and use this as a business opportunity since I’m the Co-Head of the United Standings Improvement Agency [USIA] and can make bank off the hunt. Someone did already start an “Archer Sucks” thread a while back… unfortunately it got shut down before the jokes started rolling in, but not before @Lucas_Kell was kind enough to put a jockstrap over my head. (OP asked “Can someone put a muzzle on him” and Lucas posted a photoshopped image of my avatar but ISD took it down… such a shame… really touched my heart. Lucas’ legacy lives on, however, as he created a website where you can put a jockstrap on anyone’s head!