The Judge Still Loves You - CSM 14

I for one would pay good money for an eve classic server

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from all you plan for CSM 14 the botting thing is the only real thing … the rest … well you wish you could :wink:

wish you luck


The judge is a good boy. And one won who cries about him cucking a war and while still participating in a huge blue donut can btfo. Judge4csm14

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Seek Therapy… Its a video game. One that is literally riddled with espionage and scamming. If you were expecting anything else why you’re even commenting on this thread as a representative of the game is beyond me.


I’ve known the Judge for a few years now, we’ve talked most if not every day for those few years. I can say with 100% certainty I’d rather have him over any other CSM member, and I believe people who think he’s not the nicest person due to his in game persona should really get to know him, he’s an incredible dude who wants nothing more than to see eve succeed and make people enjoy this video game we’re all so hopelessly addicted too, forever. You definitely have my vote friend.

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Anyone who doesn’t give “nothing” as an answer must either be a goon or seriously delusional.

Ah, yes. If you are in a space guild not of your arbitrary choosing then surely any opinion or feeling of FW / Lowsec is instantly invalidated!

As someone whose spent a significant amount of time drunk roaming with Judge and our boys in Dirt 'N Glitter (who are recruiting btw) I can say first hand he’s out there… a lot. Do you also realize that maybe the reason someone is in a nullsec group and not an FW group could be due to the problems FW has been facing for years? Or perhaps that maybe FW, which effectively requires an alt to play, is played on an alt? Aka, not your null-bloc character? These are hard concepts for you, I know. You’ll get there one day, sport. I believe in you.

I for one fully endorse The Judge for CSM. Memes and idiocy aside - the entire reason I met him was because he was actively answering peoples questions (and memeing, of course) in the r/eve discord. Consistently. I met him because he was extremely approachable as a CSM. Turns out he made the CSM discord server for exactly that purpose. The beauty of it all is if you feel unheard / unrepresented you can simply… go to that server and presto! You’re talking to CSM’s. You have Judge to thank for that and you should absolutely be taking advantage of the communication line. If you’re the type who thinks pulling off the biggest heist in a game literally about pulling off heists is a bad thing… well, I don’t know what to tell you.


CSM candidates who want to support and represent FW + Low Sec PvP to post in this discussion:

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Publicly apologize to brisc for the comments you made about him, and I’ll vote.

I wanted to take a few days to think about your comment and circle back to reply.

I, along with pretty much everyone else assumed that CCP had done their due diligence when acting on something that was always going to be incredibly public. The only comments I made the whole time was in the TiS discord where I said that my opinion was that CCP would uphold the ban and Brisc would regret going public.

I don’t think anyone is happy with how everything unfolded, including me. Had CCP removed Brisc with a simple “Brisc has been removed, have a nice day” we could have privately dealt with things a lot better and without harm to his real life reputation. I hope that moving forward CCP will understand the gravity of public executions.

Brisc and I have talked in private since the whole Briscgate situation and we’re on good terms. He’s a great guy to chat with IRL and I look forward to catching up with him at EVE Vegas this year and sharing a scotch.


Here is perhaps the single time that I agree with you. He strikes me as someone who has no real interest in representing new players, high-sec players, wormhole players, or indeed players outside of his remit of gameplay.

That is not, in my opinion, worth getting my vote.

Popularity doesn’t equal progress.

Hi Solecist, thanks for this little read.

Because he has a right to. I for one would like to know as much info as possible about the csm candidates before I vote.

Nothing in this thread indicates OP has an interest in bringing the interests of those outside of a limited frame to the attention of the developers.

That in my opinion is the reason why Eve has failed to progress and grow in the way it should have over the years. We need people who will work for the greater good and not the limited few.

Nothing in this thread indicates OP has an interest in bringing the interests of those outside of a limited frame to the attention of the developers.

Other than you know… 3 years of bringing anyones concerns to CCP when presented to me in a readable and presentable format.

If your problem is that there are too many nullsec CSM’s and I live in nullsec then you should just say that.

So while your on the CSM I can send you a mail with ideas and you’ll actually present them or will you just give them cliff notes and then move on to something else?

Speaking for myself, here, I kept as book of ideas and presented cliffs notes of the ones I thought would work.

Other csm’s did similar thing, Sugar Kyle had a binder with sections and tabs and everything.

I doubt you should expect every idea to be presented so you try to find the CSM’s sympathetic to your cause/space/thoughts


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It depends on the ideas. I’ve forwarded whole googledocs that have had real effort put into them and taken notes of other ideas in more general terms and presented them in my own words. It all depends on whether the idea is viable, big or small.

I have 2 words for you.
Alliance bookmarks.

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A few of us have been bringing that up since CSM 11. I completely agree with you. I even have some of the postcards from EVE Vegas sitting in my collection because I want them so bad lol

Some people suggest that the CSM did not stand up against CCP strongly enough when their gameplay style was either ignored - such as the impact on wormholers of the HIC changes - or, worse, made almost unplayable - as has been claimed about FW with the introduction of citadels. If CCP were to table a motion that made a playstyle unplayable - say, high sec ganking - would you challenge that even if you disagree with the playstyle and, if so, how?

Weren’t you the one who was goiing to chop off hands in a frenzy of keyboard commando rage?