The only way to fix broken isk vs reward hi sec ganks

I used to have a long, black skirt made out of some thick material.
Great in winter, because it keeps all the heat inside.

That’s literally the most excessive (?) piece of clothing (clothes?) I’ve ever had.

Never owned lederhosen, though.
Too … tight. I need space.


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Nothing wrong with a kilt



Ah yeah the good times, carry on up the Khyber, one of the best films of all time, not even exaggerating.

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It was a toss up between the kilt scene from Carry On Up The Khyber and the orange hedge scene from Blackadder Back and Forth.


i wonder how many of the younger generation are familiar with either.

You don’t understand the relationship between PA and CCP if you think this is the case, lmao.

Less than are aware of Monty Python and Queen, and there’s few enough of them.

What you actually want is counter intuitively a longer timer.
Longer timer means fewer gank ships, and more time for bystanders / escorts to intervene.
There are some other changes that would be good alongside that.

What I feel we want to see is something like a ww2 bombing raid happening. Natural grouping of industrials for mutual protection, gankers like fighters snacking around the edges looking for a lone industrial falling behind the pack etc.

This still gives gankers plenty of kills which is healthy but actually makes defending yourself possible in ways that aren’t “just don’t be there”.

Is it anime?


It’s very British comedy, lots of innuendo and sarcasm.


(just kidding, I like it too)
(but not as much as anime)

I ain’t that old ya cheeky bugger.

Gerrof moi land.

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ms @Destiny_Corrupted is calling people old to much today
her birthday must be approaching
there is nothing wrong in being a cougar fgs

I was never relevant. I just enjoyed playing EVE.

You were and are, just a nobody.


Hey Jonah, sorry, quick question.

I’m bothering again because I need to rely on your knowledge and memory.

It’s a rather random question.

Do you remember old forum carebears who were particularly asshole-ish?
I keep forgetting their names, but I’m confident you remember most of them.

People like Naari Naarian.
There was this one guy … Fab? Fabulous Rod!
People like him!

Please help me out! :smiley:

When I hear they have turned BDO into a carebear paradise, then perhaps, but not before.

Veers, Salvos and Infinity Ziona spring immediately to mind.

Fab Rob took it to another level with the lookalikes and the hatemail. Sadly I never pissed him off enough to get my own lookalike.

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Ah yes the Salvos Thread Shred. Where it impeccably veered off course into a thread lock most of the time. A few of them definitely did their best to get things locked ASAP so conversation would come to a screeching halt.

Though there are a couple more beyond what Jonah mentioned. But its been long enough I’d have to hit the archives to remember.

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