The Orca

Years ago I remember using Command Ships for running missions and the Astarte had high DPS and was good for PVP. All without fleet boosting. The Orca is no different in that role.

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That’s your opinion. Clearly more people disagree than agree with you. Make of that what you will.

Perhaps you misread.

I’ve provided more evidence than you.

Feel free to put some leg work in to prove me wrong.

Because it does the job of three ships in one and has the best mining boosts of any other hisec capable ship.

If it gets nerfed and you don’t want to use one, so be it. No one’s going to force you. But if you think their use will drop to zero you are a very mistaken.

It has tank, cargo AND yield enough that they are used for solo mining. That’s a problem.

Is irrelevant. They should not be more favourable than mining barges at their own job. Right now they are. That’s a problem.

Yeah that must be why everyone chooses command ships over assault cruisers…

Grrr Astarte doctrines…


this guys kills a lot of people baiting in his orca

As I stated in my thread, my concern is that CCP will be heavy handed with the Orca nerf. There are lots of things that I like from the Orca that I would love to see in a different ship if CCP decides to remove or dramatically reduce the Orca’s yeild.

I would like;

  • A drone mining ship, been asking for this for significantly longer than the Orca has been a drone miner.
  • More mining ships with a tank, it sucks that the only ships you can mine in relative HS safety is the Procurer/Skiff or the Orca.
  • A purpose for the Orca besides an AFK booster alt, especially with the removal of off grid boosting.

But my wants mean little.

That guy is a legend. Every module that can be abyssal on his fit, is a god roll abyssal.

I like mining the way it is. As for the Orca, I’ve only ever seen them in the fleets I’ve mined with, and they serve their purpose in throwing out buffs, in addition to serving as a dumping ground for a fleet’s ore.

I’d be okay if they took away the Orca’s ability to do any mining by itself. It’s a large ship, so gankers who come after it should understand its kind of like going after an oil tanker on the ocean; you’re going to need more than a rowboat and an Uzi.

This is only tangential, but I think it would be interesting if a ship’s capabilities were limited by the security status. Ostensibly, CONCORD has eyes on everyone in their jurisdiction. It makes sense, then, they might limit a pilot’s capabilities for defense, the way modern law enforcement (or rather, laws) might dictate the degree to which a citizen can defend themselves.

That sort of mechanic could allow them to nerf the tank on the Orca in highsec, forcing Capsuleers to watch more carefully against gankers, while giving the Orca its full capabilities outside of CONCORD control (like in nullsec).

I think gankers operating in highsec are making it more difficult for themselves, since they’ll inevitably have to deal with CONCORD, and that’s a fight you lose, even if you win.

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Only because of tank and cargo. As previously stated. They are far outpaced in yield by barges, but barges are squishy and have no appreciable cargo hold. They’re a lot easier to get into, and billions cheaper. The orca isn’t op, barges are lacking. Fix barges and you’ve “fixed” your perceived issue with Orcas.


While I don’t necessarily agree that the Orcas general ability to mine is a problem, I am fairly positive that it is incoming. I would be disappointed in loosing the only real drone mining ship (since I assume that the same change would apply to all three Industrial Command Ship), but I would just go back to mining in a skiff or hulk like I use to.

It would be nice to not have to worry about loosing 2b on a mistake :slight_smile:

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I don’t think the Orca’s ability to mine for itself is an issue, but it also wouldn’t bother me if they did away with it.

Industrial Command Ship. Read that again. Industrial Command Ship. Not mining ship. Not mining barge. Not solo miner. Not drone miner…


The problem is that drone mining is inherently afk friendly because you can split the mining drones between 5 different rocks.

Change that, i.e. gecko-ise them or put it on a ship with little capacity, and maybe that will be more possible.

And yet people do mine in other barges safely.

Logi, Hauler, DPS.

They had tank and cargo BEFORE they were buffed and no one used them to solo mine.

Fix orcas and you fix your ‘perceived’ issue with barges.

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It’s intended as a flying box that delivers mining buffs to a fleet. I think solo mining in an Orca is a bit silly, but I’ve strapped deep core miners (or was it strip miners?) to a corvette for grins and giggles because sandbox.

While I am tired of loosing drone control on ships ( I miss the 15 drone Domi ), I can understand the issue. But limiting the cargo hold to a similar size as the current barge/exhumer line would go a long way in preventing that.

I have been jumped by CODE. in my tank fit Hulk and survived, but it is nice to fly something stationary that makes gankers think twice before hitting you.

First, Hauling. Hauling and Boosting are counter productive. You cannot boost while hauling and you cannot haul while providing continuous boosting. It is irritating having a range boost drop while your Orca is unloading and you loose a whole cycle.

As for Logi and DPS, for HS, these are not needed. There is nothing dangerous in a HS belt that can be resolved by adding Logi and DPS. I would be all for CCP adding mining signatures back that are more dangerous for better reward. Something that does require Logi and DPS support.

CCP should never have given the ability to mine to the orca in the 1st place. Now if you take it away, ppl/bots will rage quit.

I haven’t mined in yrs and this toon cant fly it. My wife’s toon can but I use it but for things other than mining. Now once again, CCP will nerf the ship instead of the cause of the problem itself.

Once again I’m
The Big Bang Theory Hilarious Clip - YouTube
it seems.


Because they either can’t or won’t do anything about the botting issue…

:laughing: I already know that. I was just stating a fact.

That is the question!
I’m no expert, but with todays technology you would think they could…

Seems they have backed themselves into a corner?

Please show me were exactly I called it a mining ship…
but thanks for the reply . . . lol

Why do people keep saying that? The Orca has higher yield than an unboosted Procurer with mining drones out.

For solo mining, there is no reason to use a Procurer in high sec unless you don’t have the skill and ISK for an Orca, because the Orca is simply better. That shouldn’t be the case.

The Orca has a huge ore hold and high survivability. It shouldn’t also have a higher yield than mining barges.


Did the orca build requirements change along with caps and BS?

Therefore, I responded, in Kind, that it is NOT a mining ship first and foremost… whether fleet, solo, or any other creepy use…