The Orca

I asked if they were going to nerf the Orca . . everyone else bought their bagage into the thread . . lol
haven’t come anywhere near my question.

not true, I got the Orca so that I can stay in the belt longer and mine more without running back and forth to a station, plus you get a mining boost and distance boost.
But that’s just me.

I said “Fleet Mining” key word is “Fleet” we all know what fleet means right?
or you just think it’s for sitting in the hanger and jerking off to?
or you just exist for the semantics?

That’s me!!! :crazy_face:

CCP, please don’t nerf my creepy use of the orca! :cold_sweat:

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I like big Orcas and I cannot lie.


Their ore hold you can’t deny

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I never used it as a solo mining ship, I used it in conjunction with an exhumer. What is wrong is 20-30 characters all placing mining drones on ice roid and leaving them to it.

The yield is less than a barge or exhumer, all CCP has to do is make the player have to re-engage the drone each time it offloads. Issue solved and the ship is not ruined.

I beg to differ. A barge with overheated hardeners and an orca with overheated shield transfers will save you from a gank.

I do appreciate that hauling and boosting at the same time comes with a little frustration when you lose boosts. So maybe mining boosts last longer than a minute. Maybe 10 minutes.


That’s even harsher than a yield nerf tbh.

It is to prevent it from being used as a AFK machine for ice mining, which is the only real thing wrong with the Orca.

Nice! I said for years that this is a completely overpowered. I use it myself, it’s completely insane.

Then go get some friends for the orca because you don’t deserve it. You only deserve what your throw away ship can earn. Orcas die everyday and those people ain’t you whose killing them. That speaks more of you than it does the ship.

lol ganking like the way you brats do IS the reason why eve never got that popular to begin with. Most people are rational and don’t want to gamble wasting months of time away just so you can feel happy.

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Why are miners always so angry? Calm down, miner.

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Erm no. Ganking doesn’t hurt retention. This has been looked at multiple times.

Nor am i a ganker. I’m actually the kind of person who is targeted by ganks.


Yea, I disagree. Many coworkers that I got into this game have left because of such concepts. In fact, one was a miner and she eventually quit because people like code kept ganking her barge and while I would offer to give her isk to replace them she eventually quit. All but one coworker quit and that one coworker comes back every couple of years to leave when he feels disgusted with nerfs/changes. He doesn’t mind the pvp but everyone else outside those two quit when they realized that weeks to months worth of time can be obliterated so easily.


A fair point, that was my experience after the -25% ROF penalty was removed from destroyers with no adjustment in tank for mining ships at the time. Baltec remembers this as a fun time where he said that miners ganged up and tried to defend themselves together, but after a period of just losing ships which had paper thin tanks against cheap ganks many gave up when that ISK and their assets just melted away.

When a games company makes adjustments they have to keep an eye on what it means to game balance as that ultimately defines player retention.

Being told by people like Daichi that this does not hurt retention is just a throw away line because they know that CCP did not keep stats when it really mattered and most people just leave and don’t bother, but you saw players leave due to it, as did I. I know that CCP did not pay attention, as it took two and a half years before they adjusted the tanks in barges and exhumers, that they did that indicated that there was indeed a problem, because why would they have done that if there was not?


So I haven’t ice mined with an Orca, but I thought the Ice Drones sucked compared to an exhumer. On top of that, ice mining is a race, so I would think yield would be king in a match like that, not longevity.

This was another thing they screwed up in that same patch. The boost used to be “off grid” which made the hauling and boosting make sense. But in their rush to prevent combat off grid boosts they nerfed the mining off grid boosts.

A hammer level fix to be sure.

Unfortunately for you data beats feels.


It is best to observe it to understand it. Try your race on yield with the people using massed fleets of Orca’s. Try these three systems and report back when you have seen it.


Remember the issue is AFK ice mining, my suggestion in regards to the drones having to be reallocated after each unload solves it. The issue is AFK play.

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