The Orca

My issue with the removal of “Mine Repeatedly” is that you have mining lasers that have auto cycle and combat drones that have aggressive, but the combination of them is a drone that can only handle one cycle.

There are alternatives to changing drone mechanics, like having a drone ore hold that is separate and small, that drones mine into. Say a couple of cycles like a hulk has (if I am remembering right). Then you still have to be active to move ore from drone ore bay to other bays.

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And every two out of three ganker missiles should explode in the turret.

And every other time a ganker uncloaks there should be a screen freeze timer so the pilot can do nothing.

And…where do you guys make this stuff up?? Is there another forum where you compose rules for everyone but yourselves just for practice.??? Asking for a friend.

I like the idea of having to send them every time. Though to compensate they should add command keys for each drone instead of having all five tied down to one keybind. Plus, the keybinds would also buff every ship that uses drones, imo. Because on my actual drone ships, I can split the dps to make it more efficient but having to right click on each individual drone and send them out is time consuming versus individual keybinds for each drone. I’d extend this to fighters of course.


Out collecting PI in low sec and one place in null. Those systems are dead, dead, dead. Blank local or two people. System after system.

Why? You ask…Well I’ll tell you why. No one will risk anything in those systems because their stuff will get blown up. Yea baby but it’s real !!! Half this forum is pontificating on “riskless” (I see solo Orcas, I see solo Orcas) gameplay who think it will be the end of Eve. Ya’ll got it backwards. Low and null are empty because of your little obsessions and now you want to bring it to hi sec.

I returned to high sec and there’s 20 people in local and on weekends there is +70 in system after system. Commerce does not thrive where capital can be destroyed at any moment.

I’d rather actually be playing this game rather than trying to tear down the false narratives being built here. One guy here actually claims that he knows what all the Orcas in Eve are doing and states unequivocally most are solo mining. I actually fitted mining lasers to my Megathron NI’s one weekend because the ganking was so frequent.

I speculate (see I didn’t speak authoritatively) most people trash talking Orcas have not spent billions on fleets and hundreds of hours mining to build an integrated industry pipeline. I sold (not marketed -sold) over 200 million isk worth of ships, modules and drones today. Go ahead, blow up hi sec by making the productive more vulnerable; handicap the builders more and the activities you take for granted will wither and we can all be meh sec together (well, I’ll be gone).


You get it. These same folks eventually sell their loot from low and null back in high sec as well which is the irony here. It’s like shitting where you eat. You’re just gonna make yourself sick.

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I fell for the false narrative that null and low sec are really cool and that’s where the real world is man. I was shocked at the emptiness. In those places you mine where your clan mines. You build where and what your clan builds. You fight with the other clans.

Scintillating game play - wow. gf no gf no gf

Hi sec is open and thriving so it must be fixed.

Oh show me on the doll where the bad ganker touched you! :rofl:

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LOL very good come back…

Are you a little mad, perhaps the person who asked is the guy doing that AFK mining with 30 Orca’s?

As for rules for myself, I would be quite happy to do this with my Orca’s as I would be ATK.

I notice you are ignoring the AFK aspect of this, not a surprise…

That was your suggestion by the way, not mine.

Another suggestion by you.

What you are doing is misdirecting the debate to try to make my suggestion sound foolish, but the issue is the AFK nature of the Orca which can be solved with my suggestion. ATK Orca pilots can then still enjoy this ship.

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The solution is very simple , CCP just has to remove the mining drone bonus .
Right now the Orca because of its ore hold and the mining drones that are bonused , it’s the perfect AFK solo mining ship / bot tool .
Eve doesn’t need any of this !


Making it when they drop off ore and needing to be manually told to mine again would be enough honestly. They only have a minute cycle time so this way you know they ain’t afk.

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I don’t AFK and I don’t understand the obsession on this forum with AFK. I’ve seen Rattlesnake BSs in L2 combat sites with drones out, should be nerf Rattlesnakes.?

Honest request…succinctly explain the horror of AFK Orcas. Last one I saw was on a killmail done in by Guristas from an FOB.

“Eve doesn’t need any of this !”


They have nerfed the drones and changed the behaviour of rats to target the drones, to stop AFK and botting so yes. All I am asking is for the AFK nature of the ORCA to be ended just as it was for all drone PvE boats.


We disagree on this. I’m too busy with my fleet to be the F1 monkey for this forum.

Then the gankers should have to hold down four keys to scram a barge and launch every missile manually holding two down the “Z” and num lock.

The game is fine…everyone go home.

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Miner calm down.

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Why are you going on about gankers, when this is about the Orca being used as an AFK boat.


My way of having fun.

@Dracvlad Why am I going on about gankers? Context, which most of you have lost. The Orca is freedom in hi sec and people don’t like that. The game is fine. Live with it.

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Would you like to share that ?
I’ve never had an Orca after it got the mining drone bonuses .
Whould you loan me yours ?