The purpose of the pendulum war

You cannot, as regards impacts upon the average person by capsuleers, have it both ways. As freelancers we remain both under constant DED supervision (If one doubts this, the very fact CONCORD responds so rapidly in high security space is due to all the monitoring equipment installed in pods and vessels which gives away your position at all times) and restricted in the ability to impact practically anything not controlled by another capsuleer. This surveillance and restriction we all agree to insofar as we all operate under the aegis of the CONCORD mandates and its signatories. It exists because it is intended to protect the lives of baseliners who aren’t designated criminals from the consequences of all our use of weapons.

We operate within a system and a framework that by its very nature permits impact within certain boundaries but only within those boundaries. To bemoan this because it denies the opportunity to become a political actor with unrestricted influence is to also condemn the lives of far many more than are churned into non-existence today.


Oh I’m not saying the system doesn’t have its merits and reasons for existence, but it does make pretty much all pursuits short of personal indulgences rather meaningless. I am loyal to the Tribes and my clan, this is highly unlikely to change, but what does that even mean now? We can do exactly feck all for them but agent wetwork.

If they want to retain loyalists, other than those very few of us who have some principles, they’re going to have to start looking into different safeguards and better work for us to do. The Pendulum Pretense does not qualify.

  1. ISK is convertible to other currencies. It’s a metacurrency for interstellar trade.
  2. All capsuleer endeavors involve baseliners. Baseliners crew our ships, our stations, our manufacturing and research projects, etc. They get paid. Generally, they use some of their pay where they are and they send some home. Thereby, concentrations of capsuleer activity affect baseliner economies. And not least, lives frequently end because of capsuleer decisions.
  3. There isn’t a lot you can’t do when you’re not in your pod—unless you’re in the State, certain Federation member-states, or certain Matari clans. Money in the right place can do things. Words in the right ears can do things. Even a single conversation with your XOs can do a lot of things.

I would concur with such a sentiment insofar as the nature of the CEWMPA conflict is for all intents and purposes an irregular conflict in which its participants are expected to play both insurgent and counter-insurgent according to what is essentially an arbitrary ruleset imposed and sanctioned upon the belligerents by CONCORD. The inherent difficulty in fighting it is that like any insurgency the participants aren’t actually tied to the territory they’re fighting in or for since they’re funded and supported outside of it. One can seize all the territory in the warzone and the only effect it has is to just push combatants back into proverbial mountains of high-sec to regroup and regather for a new offensive.

Which is, yes, different to other capsuleer conflicts irrespective of scale on which they are conducted: there is an intrinsic tying to particular assets and territory. Seizing territory in nullsec or destroying corporate/alliance assets elsewhere are part of the natural state of conventional conflict – you seek to destroy both the capability and the will of an opponent to fight or resist by denying them access to territorial resources and diminishing their industrial capacity to furnish arms. Which remains impossible in the factional conflicts because you cannot in the end blow up the militia lp stores which funds the activities of its participants.

Worse, divorcing capsuleers from having any vested interest in real terms such as access to resources, potential for investment and production etc., to territorial aggression or defence beyond increasing the “tiers” of militia payouts means it’s inefficient to deploy heavy assets because there’s nothing to actually deploy them against.

There’s the occassional article about how one militia or another has managed to occupy certain worlds in the CEWMPA conflict zone yet, absurdly you’re not even permitted visuals on such fleets or troop transports in the same manner overview targetting visuals are denied on civilian traffic by CONCORD. It’s not that the conflict itself is a pretense, it’s a real war with real effects, but the nature of the rules imposed by CONCORD at present divorces capsuleers from truly fighting it, or having any real stake in the territories because you’re not allowed to see what impacts you’re having except maybe third, fourth, or fifth hand if at that.

Addendum: However, I do think there is often a false equivalency as regards the factional conflicts in that for many it’s regarded as the sole metric to define oneself as a “loyalist”, which I hardly think is the case. If you believe in something, whether a cause or nation, then in the end that is what you believe in – irrespective of how others might try to pillory such beliefs as not actualized according to their own standards.


Well, I will agree with that. As a Caldari, my work in the War zone was even less impactful, due to the fact that Black Rise is barely inhabited. I imagine I made far more difference helping the 24th Crusade flip systems, since there are actual populations over there.

And Intaki, of course. I’m very happy that I found a way to be more at peace with the Intaki people.

Yes. A hundred times, Miz. If the factions want to keep Capsuleers loyal there has to be meaningful work for us to do, rewards for that work that are relevant within our chosen society and, as the obverse, punishments for malfeasance that are equally relevant.

I’m considered to be a Caldari Loyalist, but if you asked Suvee their opinion, they’d disagree. I’m not even sure how much KK trusts me anymore, and I’m share holder.


We would not move our production yards to Empire-controlled space if you paid us to do it. There is absolutely no reason to do so. Citadels and similar production facilities in Empire-controlled space have an even harder time defending themselves from attacking fleets, and it’s impossible to provide even reasonable security to the space itself. Who’s coming? Who’s going? That guy there who’s not in my Alliance, is he my enemy?

And that goes for a damned sight more than our supercapital and capital production yards. There’s no reason to build subcapital ships in Empire-controlled space, either. Better to build them where you’re mining the ore, and where you’ll be selling them.

And those, not your assertion that our industrial centers in Delve would relocate to Empire if only we were allowed, are facts.

No, highsec is not importing materials from Delve that they can’t acquire locally. We’re not exporting to high-sec. We’re using every scrap of ore, PI, ice, etc locally, and then some.



This has to be the first time in recorded history that this word has been spoken in relation to Umpire recruitment.


You do realize we were not specifically talking about just Delve. Not everything revolves around Goons even if they wish so.

Some materials are imported from somewhere, because last I checked, Morphite is nowhere to be found in high or low, and other minerals like megacyte is also harder to come by (but not impossible). Of course null produces everything to some extent, but the vast majority of modules, ammo and subcapitals - particularly frigates and cruisers - are still built in empire space by private entrepeneurs or industrial coalitions, and that is also a fact for now. Maybe some day null will eclipse highsec production in sheer volume, but that day has not yet come.

And my assertion also was that, if capitals were able to be built in high-sec, then they surely would be, by the same industrial forces that dominate industry in high right now. You do realize that there are hundreds if not thousands of industrial corporations out there that have nothing to do with null empires?

And likewise I wouldn’t join Goons even if they paid me a trillion isk a day.

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By joining this conversation, I would like to remind what I have posted here

If you see a certain capsuleer using a phrase like “Pendulum War” to describe the conflict the cluster has been all these years, you should know, that you are dealing with an egger with a rotten and empty soul.

Please don’t fall for this cheap tricks of dishonorable people and don’t let yourself insult honor of billions people, who have been fighting and died in this War for the sake of our Homeland and to clean our Black Rise from Gallente invaders.

As to the purpose, it is pretty clear: Gallente want to invade our Black Rise, and we must defend our lands from these agressors. We must keep fighting them, as Gen. Edward Adams said, “Until there are no Gallente on Caldari Prime!”

For us, the purpose is to secure Caldari State and ancestral Caldari territories, Megacorporate assets and people, who are working and living in the State.

Totally agree! You get your turf, we get ours (the Gallente)! Even think about stepping foot near my door and you won’t live long!

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While there is at least ONE gallente occupant on Caldari Prime or in Black Rise we WILL be fighting you everywhere. Not just in our space.

You brought the war to our doors, now we bring it to yours. We will be fighting in your low security space. We will be fighting in your high security space. We will hunt down every one wearing Federal Uniform and shoot them down like rabid dogs.

There will be no safe place for gallentean occupants to hide. You will be hunted down and eliminated everywhere.

Until there is no Gallente on Caldari Prime!

The Gallante wanted to invade your Black Rise so they had Concord create a war in Heimatar, Metropolis, ect aswell? Out of the realm of possibility? No. Unlikely? Ya kinda.


Abandon thread! Abandon thread!


I don’t know why I should explain there are two conflicts. But I will play Captain Obvious for you now (though I think now it should be Strike Cmdr. Obvious already).

The Empire fights Minmatars not because of Gallente invaded Black Rise, but because Minmatars invaded the Empire. I don’t know if the Empire has any demands to the Republic other than stopping their agression, but if I was among those, who make Empire politics, I would definitely demand Republic to pay war reparations for starting this senseless conflict, after clearing all their presence from Empire territories.

I can say for sure, so making just assumptions.

What is not assumption - is that the Empire fights against aggressors and occupants from the Republic now. Minmatar bullies must be stopped. Empire’s slavery is not their business and they must pay for trying to change Empire’s internal customs. With their lives.

Hardly. The blacklist exists for a reason, and I’ve expressed my willingness to make sure Funk and Vaari can’t get in, among others.


Do I have to go back and quote the number of times you specifically brought up Delve to make your incorrect point?

Edit: Just to add to this: Do you think TEST, TRI, NCdot, PH, Culture, etc feel any differently? Do you think they’re eager to put their shipyards into places where they can’t defend themselves?


Take the joke for what it is.


C’mon, Miz, you know I’m too dumb to get a joke. I’m a Goon. :wink:


So you would say you’re not self-aware?


I’m not aware of not being self-aware…