There are some good people around here

Don’t tell me what other people think. If you think someone else is of a certain opinion, show my why you think so and I’ll come to my own conclusion.

Dare I hope we’re making progress?

This is a bit revisionist. You didn’t ask why he was considered a good person, because no-one really accused him of such. (He did reimburse his opponent’s loss, a magnanimous gesture that speaks in his favor.)

Rather, you seem to have jumped straight to accusing him of being a bad person. Which simply cannot stand.

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CCP is not a person. It’s a company and I already linked the evidence above.

However I agree that telling people what others think is dangerous. You proved that in your last post where you got it totally wrong on what I think.

Following your own advice might be a good thing.

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“There are some good people around here” ← This is the title of the thread.

“If he was such a good guy, why did he destroy you?” ← This is my original post in the thread.

Are we all on the same page, yet?


And the fact that he reimbursed the loss, which he is not required to do, doesn’t already answer the question?

Basic goodness/basic badness. Such high-minded concepts for a video game isn’t it? And not the point of the thread topic. The OP, in my view, is simply expressing the fact that both he and the player with whom he engaged in PVP followed the rules, played the game the way it was meant to be played, and had fun.

This is not Good/Bad in the biblical sense, which is where you seem to want to go with it.

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So, now, in addition to being the arbiter of what EVE Online is “about”, you are now the authority on what the thread is “about”. I’m beginning to see a PATTERN of behavior. Just sayin’.

No, it doesn’t. If someone breaks your leg and then pays your doctor bills, does that obviate the question of whether they did it intentionally, what the significance of that act was, and what our judgement of their character should be based on that fact and our assessment of it?

If he was such a good guy, why did he destroy another player’s ship? There is probably a perfectly reasonable answer. I’m just asking the question.

Why is this even relevant? Who has determined (for all of us) that blowing a ship up even makes someone good or bad?

Don’t tell me, you e determined this on behalf of us all. Surely you wouldn’t after your recent posts.

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I had the very same question, except I phrased it a little differently. I still haven’t gotten an answer, just a bunch of people complaining, ranting, and attacking me.

“If he was such a good guy, why did he destroy you?”

Go evemail the guy. Only he can tell you his motivation.

But why does that make someone good or bad?


The point I’m trying to make is that the “good guy, bad guy” paradigm is a square peg and we’re talking about a round hole.

I played a total a**hole in Mass Effect. I didn’t break the game or its rules. I just played the game in a way that it was designed to permit me to play. If your honest-to-god position is that the way I chose to play mass-effect reflects on my personal character, then we really don’t have anything more to say to each other.

At the risk of exasperating the point: this is a video game, ffs.

The aggressor was abiding by the game’s rules and mechanics. He wasn’t botting. He wasn’t breaking the game or working around the rules. Both parties played the game in a way it was designed to permit them to play.

And here’s the really mind-blowing thing: fun was had.

I just don’t understand why you could possibly look at that and then start moralizing about what kind of person either of these two players are.

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Is the point here that Mayhaw wants us to call him a good person for scamming noobs in Resource Wars?

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If the label “a**hole” is not an appropriate descriptor for your behavior in games, then why are you using it to describe your behavior in a game?

The original poster implied someone is “good” based on their behavior in EVE Online. Your problem is not with me. It’s with the thread. If someone cannot be “bad” in a game, then neither can they be “good”; can they?

^ This is really where our disharmony is coming from. YOU are committed to being a good and decent human, apparently. YOU cannot accept anything else despite your darker inclinations to do what we would call “bad” in the “real” world, so you have to rationalize your behavior by saying: “It’s only game.”

I do not care if I am a “good” person. Trying to be “good” as you understand it is not what makes me behave the way I do. Call me “good”. Call me “bad”. Call me a psychopath for all I care. Freedom of speech, baby! Go for it!

I don’t object to the premise of the thread. I just disagree with the OP’s assessment of the other player. I’m curious about his reasons for declaring someone “good” rather than declaring them “bad”.

Id have thought paying over the odds for any damages caused in most circumstances would be a good thing for the recipient

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A) What are you talking about? [citation needed]
B) What does it have to do with this thread?

Wrong. I do that to everyone I blow up.

That Im trying to work out what you are wittering on about has to do with the thread. Im pretty sure I missed a post somewhere and was wondering if your regular activities in game were related.


I doubt you know much about my regular activities in the game.

You are correct.

I only know of one string to your bow.

I stand corrected.

That he sent you 2mil for blowing you up doesn’t make him “good people”.
When someday, someone sends you 2mil after they wreck your 1bil ship, you will regard it as an insult (which it is).

You will eventually learn that in EVE.
There are no “good people” here.
Everyone wants a piece of you, sooner or later.
Don’t forget that.

PS: Welcome to EVE.

If you beat my sell order by 0.01 ISK “for no apparent reason”. Does it make you bad?

If you scanned and finished relic site i was scanning “for no apparent reason”. Does it make you bad?

If you beat me to run event site “for no apparent reason”. Does it make you bad?

Just in case you are not trolling. EvE is a competitive game. You don’t need to have reason to win. And winning does not make you bad.

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