There needs to be a rebalance on LP stores right now the only one it's profitable is the sisters of Eve

SoE is kind of saturated but still one of the top ones, for L4s in HiSec. It is not the best. Thukker is at least comparable & in my opinion slightly better. Ofc that is debatable as people run missions & use LP differently.

Here is a possibly good tip (depends on how you perceive it). Someone could actually make good profit from LP by just running missions close to Jita for a Caldari State corporation that includes in their LP Store the “Poteque” implants. It is not as good as the SoE but it is more than enough to make a Plex per month - if that is your goal. Really it is not necessary to run for SoE just because it is considered top. Think out of the box for a moment.

All the “Poteque” implants except the ones that end with xx-x02 are good for selling, you just need to pick the right ones the right time as prices change often. Sometimes there are offers almost as good as SoE - although they don’t usually last long. The perk for this option is that it is safer than Lanngisi & close to Jita where you can sell your LP items fast, plus you can modify your sell orders remotely - as you are supposed to be in the same region as Jita.

There was a mention of faction tags. Highly profitable provided you know how & which missions to farm. They are like mini Burner missions, in terms of possible profit. Standing penalty towards the X empire faction is irrelevant, at least to me, as i use a dedicated char for this, so he doesn’t really need to go to the other half of the eve universe where he standings suck. He was created with that intention anyways.

It is more efficient to sell the tags with orders rather than use them to acquire a certain faction item that requires tags. There are definitely some faction items there that ask for tags and would yield more profit than selling the tags separately (in addition to using the LP for a non-tag required item) but usually they are slow to sell & you need to adjust the sell order often. In my experience, either farm faction tags to sell them directly or do not farm them at all (to also save you some inconvenience from bad standings with two of the major empires).

I think youdon’t get why SOE are good.

Lanngisi has the lowest (IIRC) truesec of high sec (0.46 ? ), that means the REWARD from the agents is the highest of all high sec.

It also has a specific topology which makes it much more likely to have your burner missions in 1 or 2 jumps away (while some other agent will send you 7 j away, I think the worst possible is 9j - that is if you are at the bottom of a corridor and the target is in the next constellation, which is also corridor and and the end of it). Every 1j you add to your mission is ± 1min of time for the same reward. So lanngisi being ±1.7 jump average means that the missions are done average 3 minute faster than in a system with 4.7 average destination jumps. a 6min burner in Lanngisi can become a 9m burner for another agent.

Plus of course the low sec is very low probability (10% ?) so you can afford to cherry pick your missions and not anger your agent.

So even if the isk/lp of soe is lower, the truesec, the topology, being close to hek for ammos / courrier, the ease of the lp offers, make it that the LP/h is increased by at least 50% compared to most agents. That’s why you need to reindex your isk/lp to consider the lp/h multiplier of the agent, taking into account all the parameters I just listed.

Respectfully, i think you are misinterpreting my words. I’m all in for an honest & entertaining disagreement, just try not be hasty about jumping to conclusions? I never said that SoE is not good, i only said it is not the best, there is a difference.

I’m familiar with all the things you said about SoE in Lanngisi. I was running missions there after all for a long time. In the same way SoE yields more LP per mission because it is a 0.46 system, Thukker mix in Altrinur for example does the same despite been a 0.77 by offering more value for each LP. You get less LP but you sell it more than SoE in the LP Store. This is a fact.

There are some offers at Thukker that on paper look better than SoE but what u said about the topology of Lanngisi compensates for that. Altrinur has the added perk of been less crowded & somewhat safer from ganks ( not immune though ) because it is a higher security system. It doesn’t have the topology of Lanngisi for burners but what is has is not bad either, just normal. I was getting burners 2-4j away quite often. I didn’t run them all - but they were frequent & within reasonable distance most of the time. Also there is no system like Barkrik that is a time sink (not that this is a deal breaker - just mentioning it as it has some importance).

Putting all these things together, more or less both yield the same profits with some slight variance & is in the judgment of each player to choose where to run missions.

I just strongly believe that SoE is not the one & only option for farming LP in HiSec anymore, that some people make it to be.

How is it safer than Lanngisi? At the end of the day the lower sec status of system the more lp you get…

I have done a bunch of team burners and they barely scratch the profits of some anti-empire missions. Still didn’t try fitting for solo burners and base burners… I just don’t like the idea of putting 200M on a frig (solo burner). As for base burners - I probably can run them in a cerb or a pair of caracals… I will probably end up dual boxing them anyway…

Try Teonosude (l4 thukker)… or Auner…

actually barkrik is not an issue.

average system size should be 10 AU. barkik being 50, that means 40/6 = 7s more to go to the burner location, times two for going and leaving.

Remember that the longest part of the trip is actually the 4 AU to accelerate/decelerate, the 10s to change system, the align time. A 5 AU jump already require 31s to perform it (including gate jump) with a 4s align, 6 AU/s ship. That’s because the deceleration phase is hardcoded to be very slow (with a 20 AU/s ship, on half systems you are in the deceleration phase after 1s - and you still require 12s to decelerate ).

I’ve already mentioned - you just didn’t bothered reading my post carefully. Or you probably haven’t run Thukker LP ever. If you had you wouldn’t have made this observation.

You get more LP from SoE because it is a lower sec system but Thukker LP is more expensive - you get less LP because it is a higher sec system but you sell it for more isk/LP, so you get the same or almost the same profit from SoE, often enough you can get more.

The safety comment was about getting ganked - nothing to do with LP. In Altrinur, as a higher sec system, ganking is a bit more difficult than Lanngisi, you do know what i’m talking about right? Concord response times? That’s all. I’m not in no way saying Altrinur is safe, only that it is safer than Lanngisi.

I agree what you said about the burners vs anti-empire missions. They are not necessary - i focus on tag farming, but they are better than blitzing regular LvL4s (base burners - not the others) & can keep your standings at ok levels till you generate the next anti-empire from your agent after multiple declines.

I never once mentioned Teonusude or any other system besides Altrinur. That is the proper system to farm Thukker. In that context, mentioning Barkrik was more than relevant.

Good observation - agreed. It is the reason in my original post i said that Barkrik is not really a deal breaker, but if we wanted to compare the 2 systems fairly it should be mentioned as Altrinur doesn’t have a system like that.

Dunno about that. Teonosude has L4 agent and system just one jump from there has two L4 agents.

You only need one L4 agent for efficient LP & mission farming (either Blitz or not). I assume you do know how to do that. If you are using more than one agent to run missions or farm tags - respectfully you aren’t doing it the right way. (unless they are both in the same station)

But what is important is what LP Store you are refering to? You keep mentioning Teonusude for some reason. Are you refering to the Lvl4 Thukker agent there?

Thukker Tribe stores.

Yeah, about that. I would rather have a bunch of best missions for farming than to constantly attempt to roll good missions. Running same rats from 2 missions from different agents fro a couple days in row is better than attempting to roll good stuff.

There is no attempt in rolling good missions. They just spawn eventually. I don’t know if you are blitzing or running the missions fully. Personally i blitz a small certain number of very Blitzable Lv4 Missions with a combination of base burners & my ultimate goal is to spawn from the same agent as many anti-empire missions as i can.

Quite often i spawn Smash the Supplier & In the midst of Deadspace 3-4 times from the same agent within a 2-3 hour window. This is unbeatable from any combination of agents from different corps you might use to run missions. Your goal should be to complete each mission & generate the next one as fast as possible, not farm it the next day again after downtime. That is the most inefficient mission running you could do. I know because i used to do it - before i learn about the alternative options.

All you need is good certain social skills like diplomacy. I keep declining the unwanted missions by the dozens if i have to before i get a mission in my list. That is so fast like the time it takes for a single undock, to put it into perspective. Most of the time i get a proper mission after 2-3 declines, there are times where i get streaks of good missions in a row.

Less distance to cover by traveling from agent to agent, Focus the LP only to 1 Corporation & not spread them out to 2 or 3 different ones. And more importantly, just keep all your stuff in one location.

As for Teonusude - the fact that it is next to a bunch of low sec systems makes it inherently a bad choice for any kind of mission running. Altrinur doesnt have that problem at all, except on some of the burners, which is really not an issue. Lanngisi is even better in that regard if not the best.

Lucky you. Smash the suppliers I got only twice from over 80 missions. That is why I would rather farm it than hope it happens again. And as far as tag farming goes - they are not blitzable if you want tags (it can be blitzed if you just want to do it fast, but then you get no tags).

Dunno about this one. It is not like missions are my main income… I just do them when I am done managing my industry/PI/research/inventions/trade. As such I would rather do 2 farms a day on the week days than to properly run missions. On another hand what you say is correct on weekends - that would be really inefficient to do two or three farms and then… have nothing to do.

Spreading lp across 2 or 3 corps is not THAT stupid. In fact it can help in case one of them spikes in value (happens quite often, and will happen more soon as faction weapons will have access to t2 ammo [corps like six kin or boundless have some nice stuff in lp store - e.g. blueprints for republic fleet ballistic control systems]) As for keeping stuff in just one location… a non issue. Just gotta deliver ammo once in a blue moon (or have someone deliver it for a few M).

Low sec systems a problem? Not in my experience… also those near Teonosude are pretty much dead. It is not Rancer after all.

Generally I do missions for Krusual in Nakugard so anything you say about Lanngisi also applies. It is good area for missions.

For the anti-empire missions, you only need to destroy & salvage battleships, that’s where the tags are, not in cruisers or frigates. Destroy cruisers & frigates only when necessary & possibly to tank properly. Otherwise ignore them. In that regard all anti-empire missions can be done at half the time than trying to destroy everything.

Farming the same tag mission the next day after downtime constricts you to a certain timetable. It’s like the game is managing your RL schedule. With the other way way you make isk when you want to without having to worry about logging in the next day to farm the same mission again. It is kind of stress-free.

Ok i can accept that. Honestly my argument lies purely on missions been the only income. If you have other sources of income i suppose you can be a little more relaxed.

Dude i din’t said it is stupid. I have done it myself.

My point was that in the long run this method proves to be less efficient, both in terms of profit & amount of personal effort we need to spend doing it. I would accept it if the 2 different corporations were SoE & Thukker. In your example though of Teonusude that is not the case. It is more likely that you were refering to Thukker & Republic Fleet LPs, correct? I wouldn’t spread my LP that way.

It is not only that. Your agents in Teonusude, Gelfiven or Gulfonodi can easily generate missions that send you in LowSec. That is a time sink in the method you use for running missions. You would run missions more often in Altrinur, because the agent there will quite rarely send you to low sec for regular Lv4 missions (including the anti-empire). For burners is more often, but that is not an issue as most burners are in hsec.

I used to do mission for Krusual at Nakugard as well. I consider their LP a good alternative to both SoE & Thukker. But honestly i’d prefer to farm a similar LP Store close to Jita for Caldari rather than in Minmatar. See my original post about “Poteque” implants regarding this subject.


shhhhhh too

Let people think soe are the only good LP stores. because the moment people find other interesting agents they will crush the worth value. I see people who farm a lot more than me in eg nakugard (and close to jita too ^^ ) and I see the worth of those agents go down (been farming them for 2 years now I think - just realized now some people are farming them with two accounts +)

Hehe, i wouldn’t worry about it much. People like certainty & SoE represents exactly that. Not many will leave SoE to go and experiment with another LP store, and even if someday the worth value crashes as you said, it will go up to the place they left.

well I know of at least 5 agent who are much better for burners than SOE but that’s a pain to move every time some people over farm and crash the market (actually I have all the ships there but I rather play at my speed and not be forced by otherpeople).

Interbus shuttle price would sink like a rock.

I see. Minor detail… I run missions in cov op ham loki :wink:

Cruisers go 2nd, after battlecruisers - reason being they often have neuts. And neuts vs active tanked loki is not a good thing to happen. Frigates are killed by drones (just need to kill the few elites that spawn). Also in my experience it doesn’t take half the time to kill small fries - they die very fast. Ususally just one load of standard hams is enough to kill all frigs + cruisers and still have some missiles left in the clip - and the only frigs that have to kill are elite ones as they target drones. Unloading full clip takes only 2 minutes. Most of the time I am spending on “bombing” battleships.

On the weekdays I am already constrained to a certain timetable so it is moot point (that timetable constraint is called job).

That smell is formaldehyde and it is a known cancer causing agent. You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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