There needs to be a rebalance on LP stores right now the only one it's profitable is the sisters of Eve

So agree with this topic … There’s also Concord but only possible by Incursion

They should give more option for Concord LP

Hope CCP read and act

My post was made way before the change was announced lol check your dates. Also you’re wrong, just observe the faction missile launcher market and you’ll see soon.

Devoter is at similar price tag :stuck_out_tongue:

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IMO concord LP are fine by their own.

on small LP values empire factions may be more interesting, but on big LP values CONCORD capital modules are much more interesting.

miners need more LP love , faction strips,MLU, gallente mining drones for fucks sake! faction mining ships, faction mining barges!

My issue with the LP store is the artificial difference between items of the same meta

Why does a RF scambler BPc cost 240k LP, 48M, and 128+211 tags ; when a CN scrambler costs 42k LP, 16.8M, and 111+185 tags ? Sure they have 1125m more range, but they consume more CPU, more capacitor, and are in the same meta level.
They should require the same number of LPs, isk, and tags (but of course different faction tags)

It’s the same for the 50mn : the FN costs 108k LP, 43M2 isks, 285+477 tags ; the RF costs 144k LP, 57M6 isks, 381+635 tags. The FN consumes lets PWR and cap, but more CPU and increases the signature more. They are almost the same, they should cost the same and let the market (especially tags) create the difference in prices (I don’t say they should be the same, but they are balanced and somehow should have same creation value)

considering ORE : yeah it sucks that the offer for ORE strip miner costs 45k LP plus 30M isks. Make it cost ten time less, but also serpentis tags. Why is there such a high hardcoded ISK value in those items ?

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Just this morning I had a few thoughts about this very topic:

I hope he gets elected and at least talks to CCP about it.

I actually don’t like “removing tags” at all. Without the tags, you remove the variability of LP market, the need for trade to make profit, a reason to farm specific factions. It basically fixes a minimum cost for the items.
I understand that the isk cost makes it an interesting sink, but if you want a dynamic universe you need to make different items worth more or less than other, depending on circumstances.

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You actually increase the variability because tags are no longer the choke point. Tags suffocate the LP stores because they price most things into irrelevance.

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wtf is that sentence supposed to mean ?

If you remove the tags, then the price of the items is ISK_COST+LP*MULT, where MULT depends on the other offers.
You can’t affirm that putting FIXED amount of isk into an item will increase its variability.

On the opposite, if you add an item whose cost is solely fixed by market offer and demand, then that adds variability.

To put it in baby language for you then.

Tags cost x.
That cost can overpower the other costs of items making them wildly overpriced.
Therefore only a few items which cost tags are ever worth buying.
Therefore tags are bad and do not increase variability.

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tags don’t cost X, baby.

If what you are saying is that the tags are too expensive to make the LP offer worth it, then that’s another issue. Maybe it’s not worth BECAUSE people don’t want to use them for LP orders, BECAUSE the added cost of isk makes the offer not interesting compared to the drop rate.

And maybe you are right, maybe there is not enough tag drop in eg missions(or the LP offers require too much of them). That’s something to discuss, I personally don’t care about tags and don’t mind buying them to have the most interesting LP offers. Sure they need more logistic and they need to use market, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing - just like invention requires to have T1 items and moon goo, just as T3 require wh items, I see no issue in faction/pirat items requiring tags.

that extra range nearly doubles the value on a scram, I think the different prices make sense there. making all faction items meta 8 pretty much makes the meta level meaningless.

with the MWDs though there’s less separation in value and if anything it’s inverted as the more preferred MWD is the cheaper one.

all faction items are not meta8, see faction armor repairers.

reps haven’t been tiericided yet

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Oh my Lord, I f.-ing said, that I propose to remove the tag requirement from the module, not the blueprints.

Can you do me a favor and read all of it?

Now on the topic at hand,

  • Sister probe launcher don’t require 90 zillion tags that never spawn in New Eden, they need to be added
  • Sister probes do not require 90 zillion tags you can never get because only 1 level 2 mission in nowhere-land can give that storyline mission and the mission will drop 1 tag at a time.

Now I fixed Sister launchers and probes and made them very much desirable.

While at it we should add republic fleet missiles. To screw ALL caldari lp stores at the same time.

I don’t know about you but I have no trouble getting tags… but then I tend to farm anti-empire missions specifically (+ some other good missions)

How is that an answer ? I did not say “I don’t like removing the tags for modules not bpc”, did I ?

Also I don’t mind adding pirate tag to requirements, and make module use pirate tags while bpc need empire tags.

thats not even true soe store been out years
it is more profitable because it has more useful stuff
namely scan probes
even so op is wrong and there are way better lp stores if he did some research