This is why ganked freighter pilots deserve zero sympathy

Having low slots is a newer thing - thus this doesn’t show why prior to low slot addition all the ganks occurred making your conclusion irrelevant.

Even if he did have low slots filled, you likely still would have killed him as the value was there.

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The reality is they don’t learn, because despite what it looks like, the chances of getting ganked even if you make yourself a profitable target and use autopilot are next to zero. Just look at the latest MER: the chance of losing something in highsec is negligible. Almost everything that undocks makes it to its destination safely. In such an environment, it makes perfect sense to keep pushing your luck and sticking more and more into your freighter give how rare it is that someone calls you on your laziness/greed.

Fair enough. Highsec is pretty damn safe, by design, so why waste time on things like protecting your assets? At least that tendency to ignore their defence provides lucrative targets to those looking for things to shoot.

Seems like my critique of people farming newbros hit a soft spot…

I just think it’s really bad and that it’s keeping a ton of players from the game. Atleast that’s my personal experience. I’ve lost five or so friends from exploring EvE due to things like this. And I know you would just reply with “then this game isn’t for them”. Sure, that could be accurate for a few, but certainly inaccurate for atleast two of them that I know would love it. Just a shame (imo) that we loose players prematurely because of people like this.

  • No, he was 30KM or so away from the wreck since he didn’t have a MWD that the blingy russians HAC had.
  • Yes, and I’ve also seen that CCP doesn’t allow grieving of new players in starting areas. My point was that I want to see the scale to be slided a bit more to the new player side. So that we don’t gank and grief new players to the point that they don’t want to try and put some time and effort into learning and exploring EvE.
  • Great, similar thing happend to me, and probably most of us. It has nothing to do with my point though…

But hey, keep griefing new players if that’s what rock your boat and makes you feel good at PvP. Obviously this conversation isn’t going to be construtive in any way so I’m gonna call it a night. You just keep diverting this into something else by planting views on me that I don’t have so… Yea, thanks for nothing I guess.

I can help you … weird as that may sound.

First step is to properly realize that the way most people talk about them, is as if freighter pilots were of one mind. Without this nonsense, it starts to make a bit more sense. Really, it is important to realize that “people” are usually not “everyone”.

Most people (see what I do here) do not differentiate between crowds. They say “they never learn”, ignoring that those they are talking about today might not be those they willbe talking about tomorrow.

Second step is realizing that most people do not know better. There is no information stream that teaches them, and it is damn easy not to be aware of all the information out there simply by not looking. Many will not know that they should, others will not care.

Third step is going out there and trying to change it.

Using the same MER data: Null sec is even safer than high sec. There are more things and values dying in high sec than in null sec. I don’t think something is wrong with high sec. In contrast, something is wrong with null sec when the “safest” areas of EVE contribute more to the destruction than the areas considered dangerous and not safe.


If you’re going to do that sort of comparison it should be on a per capita basis; that’s how things like crime rates are presented in the real world.

On a per capita basis nullsec is mostly “rural” with the odd population cluster scattered about, hisec is the overall population centre of the game with 75%+ of characters being there, mostly concentrated on or around trade hubs and highways.

While I agree that nullsec is probably too safe given the earning potential there, what you say isn’t true. The sheer amount of goods moved around highsec is staggering, and is way more than what is transported in, around, and out of nullsec:

And almost none of it is destroyed:

Nullsec may be too safe, but those that claim moving around highsec is somehow dangerous are fooling themselves. Only the most reckless or unlucky ever lose anything to other players in highsec. It is easy to see why players get complacent, or never even learn how to protect themselves in the first place.

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Haha, soft spot. Right. Nothing to do with the fact that your arguments are terrible. Right.

Eve has always been a niche game. its not like there was a time where we had like 10 million players online at the same time. If your friends were to stop playing after something minor like ganking or taunting, i mean, seriously? Have they never played Dota 2 or any other game before? What are you, like 10 years old?

I mean, if a Kid starts raging and taunting me, id say “Haha, right, go back to bed kid its past your bedtime” and shake it off. I wouldnt say “OMG THIS IS THE WORST EXPERIENCE EVAR IM NEVER COMING BACK SCREW YOU GANKERS F@CK UUUUUUUU !!!111111” Thats just childish. Just grow up and grow a thicker skin, honestly. If you cant handle it, then, again, this game isnt for you, no matter how much you “Think” they wouldve loved it.

You have to accept both sides of the experience, and still be able to enjoy the game.

So only 10 million+ skillpoint veterans can use MWDs?

As I said before, ive been baited with a navy drake which was pretty damn expensive to me as a new player, and lost it. I stayed. Im not sure why others cannot, and the people who dont, or cant, wont last long either way. I lost a jump freighter a couple years ago, i lost my travel nidhoggur like 2 days ago. Its my fault, i dont blame anyone else, and i move on.

But the thing is, I wasnt getting ganked or greifed left and right, and i doubt new players, and by that i mean individual players, are being greifed left and right either. Some new players get greifed maybe once, twice in the first five months or so. But most of them arent.

The honest truth is that if youre looking for a quick thrill, like a match in Dota 2 or Call Of duty, youre not going to find it in EVE online. EVE is a long, arduous journey. You have to keep at it, think ahead. Most players wont, or cant spend such amounts of time, effort and money into a game.

Of course it does. Players that leave or ragequit because of loss or grief, wont last long. Its no different from a person who hates FPS, playing call of duty. Theyre not going to last long.

I kill anyone, old or new. I dont check the history of a player before i attack, because i know its meaningless. I can make a day old alt, doesnt mean im a new player.

Dunno, people seemed to like my comments a lot more than they liked yours, so, thanks for all the free likes, i guess?

Also, quoted you many times, so yeah, “Planting views” indeed.

Bye. Not surprised youre running, but I do commend you on giving up. I guess it takes courage to run away too.

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Can’t we do the MWD trick to reach warp speed faster in Freighter ?
I used it a lot in my Orca, and now in my carriers (in travel mode if i dont jump)

Freighters can’t fit an MWD…

Well most. The Bowhead can fit an MWD and can use it to enter warp in 10s.

Never simulated any freighter, i’ll give it a try. Orca can fit 500Mn MWD and warp in less then 13secs

bring a hyena and the cant bother you… its really not that hard

Considering that I recently got insta suicide tackled by a Blackbird while flying a worthless freighter (they “just” wanted to what I carry that I web my freighter), that argument is at best naive.

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show me the km i’ll tell you where you ■■■■■■ up


I did not die. As said, they just wanted to see what I carry. And you cannot tell me where I screwed up because I did not screw up at any point. A Blackbird can lock and point a freighter 1-2 ticks (more even if the server conspires against you and makes locking take up to 3 seconds instead of 1) faster than the webber.

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… except no… webbers not only can insta lock but you then enter warp right when you are locked

:roll_eyes: Let me explain the process tick by tick:

The webbing process:

1st tick: freighter decloaks
2nd tick: Alt tab to webber
3rd (-5th tick in worst case scenario): Webber locks
4th tick (ideal case): Webber applies web
5th tick: freighter warps.

The suicide tackle process:

1st tick: freighter decloaks
2nd tick: Blackbird locks
3rd tick: Blackbird points

This is how it works. And as you can see, suicide tackling takes at least 1-2 ticks less than the webbing. And if you do not believe me, look a guy up on the forums who boasted about his “How Webbing Is Done” video, which I dismantled surgically and showed the exact same procedure as above on all of his webs.


1st the standard gank black bird has a res of 523 this takes two ticks to lock not one

2nd a weber has a scan res of 1200 giving you a one tick lock

3rd you should not be alt tabbing no wonder you’re getting caught.

4th you know when you are going to decloak and can be the only one on your overview. much harder for you to be the only one on theirs.

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What exactly is meant by ‘enter warp in 10s’, when does this time interval start and end ?