This is why ganked freighter pilots deserve zero sympathy

i think you need to look up the definitions of factual and anecdotal.

then don’t complain that those using friends beat you

You’d do well to do that as I have more than just anecdotal evidence for my assertions whereas you have nothing but unsubstantiated counters. :wink:

I am not complaining. But how about some proof? Show me in a video where you friend webber beats an actual, not staged suicide gank attempt against you.

… well i mean i have never once lost a freighter to a gank in over a decade of regularly flying them.

and no you have done nothing but provide claims to anecdotal evidence.

Nothing of what I provided in terms of evidence is anecdotal. Lag occurs regardless of your ping; Blackbirds (as one example, there are also frigate suicide tacklers) can and will lock you within 1 tick; Suicide tacklers need fewer ticks to lock and tackle your freighter; you are a sitting duck in a shooting galley when you do what you suggested.

In contrast to that everything that you provided relies on luck and has no conclusive or factual proof. In other words, it’s nothing but prose and tea leaf reading.


Thanks. I do it slightly differently -

  1. Align
  2. Cloak
  3. MWD (set to not repeat)
    when MWD stops
  4. Uncloak
  5. Warp

I’m just wondering which of these points are the start and end of the ‘enter warp in n seconds’ period ?

Step 3 starts the timer.

The cloak adds another dimension, but you can use the MWD alone to enter warp faster. It will put you in warp as soon as the MWD shuts off, which is exactly 10s after you actvate it.

Thanks. Do all MWD’s take exactly 10 seconds to cycle, regardless of their power-rating ? And does the ship used, or my skill-levels, make a difference ?

What am I to make of claims of ‘warp in n sec’, where n is anything between 1.5 and 20, that I sometimes see posted in these forums ? Are they timing in a different way ?

Afaik, yes, they are all 10s. Use the in-game compare function if you want to know exactly. And no, I don’t think any skill or ship bonus currently modifies an MWD’s cycle time. It really only needs to work for your ship and you should check and test it before you rely on it. You might want to put the module onto F1 or F2 for travelling.

For most cases does one go into warp once 75% of the ship’s top speed has been reached. Because webs reduce a ship’s speed, including the top speed, can one enter warp faster by using webs and by lowering the top speed. For example, if your freighter pilot can do 97.5m/s top will it enter warp at 73.1m/s. Apply a single 60%-web and it will enter warp at 29.3m/s. Use two 60%-webs and it will enter warp at 14m/s. A freighter will usually get from 0m/s to 14m/s in about 4s.

I say “most cases”, because the webbing trick doesn’t work immediately in some of the cases, mainly because the ship is travelling into the opposite direction at the moment you activate warp. For instance after undocking. There a ship first has to turn into the direction and this can take up to twice as much time.

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Just to bring the thread back to topic, another whale sacrificed by a freighter pilot:


Its MWD then cloak. If you activate cloak first you cannot use MWD.

You can if you’re quick enough - I do this all the time.

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We still seem to be distracted by MWD/cloaking in a thread about Freighters, so here’s today’s whale:

Expanded and overloaded. Just presenting a great gank target.


Thank you for getting this thread back on track, but I’m going to have to one-up you with yet another fat, juicy whale, valued at 30 BILLION ISK…


My two cents.

I will also cry when I get ganked and my hard earned cargo gets scooped by a pirate alt.

But at least that is over quite quickly. The bumping is rather annoying. some guy got bumped for 2 hours.

Gank vs Tank cont.
Why are some freighters operating with a paper thin tank?
Why are compromising tank over an extra bit of cargo?
And why are you traveling at peak times?
Why are you using plex, BPO and skillbooks as tank?
Why are you afk and on autopilot?

…Why are pirates driving the prices up on your ships, modules and…?


Sorry, but WAHT? Since when are newbros flying freighters with 20B in cargo?

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There is a window of few ticks (2? 3? 4?) in which you can still activate mwd (and some other modules) after activating cloak.

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There have been over 600 billion ISK in freighter ganks in high sec so far this month, and it’s not even halfway over. That’s only freighters, not counting DST, haulers, or Orcas used for transport. If I had included those, it would have been well over 1 trillion ISK…

‘Trickle-down Economics’ in action…

New character or new player?

We have no way of seeing if it is new character injected into freighter or newbro doing the same… but when I see freighter I don’t think anyone is going to stop and check age of pilot - anyone will just assume he is either skilled into it or injected.