Today’s fat, juicy whale worth 28 BILLION ISK…
Followed by this genius with absolutely no modules whatsoever fitted…
Either, doesn’t matter which, because overwhelmingly Freighters are flown by older characters:
The youngest character in the 6000 killmails looked at in that analysis was 23 hours old - injected directly into flying a freighter. Not likely a new player.
However, the kills back to Jan 2016 show that Freighters are flown by characters that have been in the game long enough for their owner to know better than to fly the way they did.
Gankers reaction upon jumping into Uedama or Niarja…
And here we have yet another genius, flying an untanked, cargo expanded, blinged-out JF to the tune of a 44 BILLION ISK loss…
And two more poor untanked bastages, looking like they are trying to move their entire game inventory, racking up a combined 33 BILLION ISK loss…
I know it’s not a freighter, but the same rules apply, and it’s not very often you see a Golem getting ganked in high sec. Having said that, this guy deserved it. Tons of bling. All gank, no tank. It took a surprisingly small amount of players to gank it. Hell, my Skiff would have withstood that…
I fly a Golem and I can confirm that fit is piss weak. Only 5 modules he has match mine. How can you spend an extra 2b to reduce both tank and ehp?
LOL, I don’t even know where to start with this one. A poorly tanked T1 industrial carrying 10 BILLION ISK in cargo…
Madirmilire!? There’s his first mistake. Tayra is his second. 2 runs in a Crane takes less time than one run in a Tayra… or close enough. I haven’t done the math. Plus… cloak.
This has become a shaming thread.
What do you mean has become? It started as one, and apparently it’s not a problem because it now has almost 300 replies. Think of it as a PSA of what not to do when transporting freight.
This thread complies with the “relevant to the ongoing discussion” part of the requirement. And I’m not shaming individual pilots, I’m shaming ALL terrible and/or lazy freighter pilots in general…
I must say, this is one of the most deserving ganks I’ve ever seen in my 12 years of playing EVE. 5.2 BILLION ISK worth of cargo in a minimally tanked Orca, along with a Praxis, two Hulks, and about 100+ skins and clothing…
Again, I’m at a loss for words. 8 BILLION ISK worth of cargo in a piss poor tanked Orca…
Thanks for posting those. Makes me feel better bout my ■■■■ fit Orca loss. Never Again!
This must be the new CODE approved fit. I actually had a chuckle the other day when my agent accidentally gave me the same mission as someone else and I found myself staring at an orca running L4 missions and mining said mission at same time with split drones.
I know at least one person who PvPs in an Orca. The last buff was so over the top that this is just wrecking everything now if fitted correctly.
And going to Niarja. Niarja has always been a “bad” system. Looking like it still is, eve never changes it seems lol.
In the past I tried to help haulers. Know the bad systems. Over tank like a mofo or take a covert hauler and shoot for ninjya in and out. Or jsut find another route. An extra say 10 jumps sucks no doubt. Sucks less than a gank though.