This is why ganked freighter pilots deserve zero sympathy

Whats Gud English got to do with communicating in Eve. A gud linguist understands his audience and uses their unique language. With all their unique abbreviations and syntax.

A Gud Linguist might almost be called Cunning…

Thar she blows!!! This genius freighter pilot lost his completely untanked whale carrying a whopping 35 BILLION ISK in cargo in a well-known ganking system…


Sometimes the stupidity of people makes me sad…sometimes it makes me laugh

Those killmails are beyond my comprehesion. They must be faith related, sacrifices to Bob or something like that.

It wasn’t the missing tank that was at fault here. With 29 willing gankers aiming to get a 500m ISK payout each does a tank not matter. It would have been a minor obstacle at best and and only required a handful of Taloses instead of an “All 29 Catalysts”-fleet.

The mistake is that the pilot had loaded up too much of value and relied on a webbing alt (Rapier with Fed Navy webs no less), but still got caught.

But it may not have been a mistake after all. Question really is how often the pilot has moved stuff between the markets without being caught, because even when the profit margin was just 3% would each trip have made the pilot 1b ISKs. And the profits are often higher than this.

This has nothing to do with the pilot being stupid. It’s a calculated risk some of the haulers take. The last time the pilot got caught by gankers was in Februar. So imagine the pilot doing several trips per day between the market hubs and over several months.

I don’t know how one can gloat there and call them stupid. Maybe you’re only lacking the knowledge and that’s why I’m posting here about it. They are EVE’s version of a filthy-rich Wall Street broker. And the only time I actually felt sad was when I heard a story about one of them being banned for RMT. They can be seriously ISK-rich and use 3rd-party apps to search for and skim the profits that are out there.


This particular load isn’t likely a hauling contract. Courier contracts come as a plastic wrap.

Additionally, all the modules look like loot and salvage from PVE. It looks more like someone moving their own stuff, or Corp/Alliance stuff, to market to sell.

There are also very, very few (almost none anymore) haulers that would cover that haul value in collateral.

So if it is someone hauling for someone else, it’s most likely someone they know, since no one would trust their goods to just trade to the hauler.

Either way, this isn’t an ISK making haul.

Generally these days, aside from Red Frog and PushX, who base the hauling fee on cargo size and value, most hauling in highsec makes in the range of 250K - 2.5Mill per jump.

Madirmilire is most commonly indicative of Jita-Amarr or vice versa. That’s 9 jumps, so at most about 20 Million ISK for the haul if this was inter-region trading (volumes are too low and too many different modules though) since it’s definitely not multi-client if it involves a client at all.

Most likely moving stuff for Corp or Alliance, in which case hopefully SRP covered it anyway for the freighter.

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No, it’s not a courier contract. It’s a trader with his/her own corporation called Federal Gold And Diamond Reserve and the bio also states it’s a trader.

I’ve been trading since 2009, not on such a high-risk level, but I know it has these pilots in EVE. It’s about the kick and the rush. They’re not all bean counters.

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Our Corp info and many of our bios say we are highsec carebears. They don’t mean much.

This is consolidated PVE loot and salvage, not large scale trader movement between regions.

Just look at it. It tells it’s own story.

Just look at it? Really, that’s how you want to roll? :rofl: Well, if you rather want to believe these pilots are all dumb and stupid then I leave you to it of course. I’m not trying to rob you of your fantasies when you prefer to hold on to those. I’m just trying to give you some intel you’re missing, but don’t mind me please.


Reread the title of the thread.

From the op:

No one is saying the pilots themselves are stupid and dumb. The losses are stupid and dumb and are examples of why freighter pilots don’t deserve sympathy.

It’s irrelevant what the guy does. This loss didn’t need to happen and it certainly deserves no crying in thread after thread that freighter pilots have it so hard against meany gankers.

However if you can’t understand what a cargo indicates, then that is actually pretty stupid and dumb.

No, you read the thread and the comments. People are saying it’s stupidity. Even you here and now are calling me dumb and stupid.

Traders buy what’s available and what ends up in their buy orders. You’re only reading too much into it.

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It is stupidity. The losses are stupid.

That doesn’t make the person stupid or dumb, just the losses they have.

No one deserves sympathy for the losses they have. Each of us is responsible for our situation, yet thread after thread after thread, people cry that Freighters need more options, ganking should be harder, bumping should be removed, highsec aggression should be removed, outlaws should be banned from highsec, etc.

None of these losses deserve that. They got the consequence of the risk they took.

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I respect your interpretation seeing how you don’t want to insult anyone really.

However, when you call someone’s actions dumb and stupid then you are calling the person dumb and stupid. The difference is that you’re only not telling it directly to their faces. Still, “stupid is who stupid does” and when one does something dumb and stupid then one is dumb and stupid. There is nobody else.

Anyhow, we’re done here I think. Have a good one, mate.

Not in my book. I do dumb and stupid things all the time. Just yesterday for example:

Wrong ship for the task. I knew it before I activated that filament and paid the price by not finishing the site in time. 3 Billion worth gone because I didn’t want to dock up and switch ships. Am I dumb and stupid? I don’t like to think so, but that risk was dumb and stupid.

Dumb and stupid actions/risks don’t have to reflect wider than the individual action/risk taken.

Same for this thread. The losses themselves are totally avoidable. They are examples of unnecessary risk that had consequences and we don’t need to give Freighter pilots like me, even more advantage than we already have.

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I was trying to avoid a discussion on the semantics, but here we are…

Willing to learn and taking risks for it is not dumb nor stupid. And this is exactly what I was saying about some of the freighter pilots. Some of them take the risk knowingly.

So maybe when you don’t see yourself as dumb and stupid, but rather let’s call you curious and brave, because you’re doing it on purpose, then maybe you’ll also be able to see how for some pilots moving billions of ISKs on purpose can be a thrill.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean they deserve sympathy, to bring it back to topic.

They take the risk, they lose. They own it.

Yet go read General Discussion or Player Features and Ideas and see thread after thread of whining about how it should be made easier for Freighter pilot. How they can’t do anything.

They can and the smart ones do. The smart ones don’t appear on zkillboard, because they don’t end up ganked. And that isn’t a broader “smart people”, just smart in what they do at the time they haul. The play smart, versus play dumb/risky, for that specific hauling activity.

Never said they do. In fact when you’ve read the thread will you know what I think about it.

I’m merely shedding some light for those who can only think of the losses and the pilots as dumb and stupid.

Are you done with this now?

And who has said those pilots are dumb and stupid?

Don’t worry about it.

And here we have a genius trying to hide a Fortizar in a piss-poor tanked Orca, to the loss of 11 BILLION ISK…

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