This is why ganked freighter pilots deserve zero sympathy

Generally the only ship that can fit a fortizar that you can get into a WH reliably is an orca. The only way you get a fort into an orca is with that many expanders. Thus you see a lot of forts destined for WHs in expanded orcas. This is one of the few situations where you’re kinda pigeon-holed into a poor fit by game mechanics. That said the obvious solution of moving it to the destination system in a jf and then doing the last citadel-> WH warp in the orca never seems to occur to them.


Personally I assembled my caps and stuff inside the wormholes. But what this man said is true I looked into this some time ago

Hauling two complete wormhole POS setups, along with 13 Geckos, in a completely untanked freighter, through one of the most well known ganking systems in EVE. Not smart. Bye bye 13.8 BILLION ISK…

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Our next contestant is this juicy whale, clocking in at a whopping 23.8 BILLION ISK. Just look at that loadout. Who wouldn’t gank that? And 16.4 BILLION ISK of that dropped…

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you do know, when you escort a freighter with a huggin or rapier, and web it off each gate as you go along, it makes for less time to travel and you are less vulnerable as you are on grid less time at the gates. people be solo afk auto piloting freighters with billions of isk DESERVE to loose their ■■■■.

It’s another high-risk, high-reward trader. This time more obvious due to an apparent specialization on ship hulls. He also used a webber.

Please stop calling other players retarded just because they play their game not your way.


Retarded nowadays has as much weight to it as autistic tbh

It really just means the guy’s an idiot… esp since he managed to die in highsec (which is a feat in itself)

It’s not any better, seriously.

When you call a friend of yours retarded or an idiot and he’s ok with it then that’s between the two of you. But to generalize and to call others retarded and idiots based on a killmail is rude and disrespectful.

There is a reason why zkillboard doesn’t have a comment section and I don’t want our forum to make up for all the comments players tend to leave behind on kills.

I’ll quote it again.

It’s fine that you want to counter the complaints on ganking with a thread that’s showing freighter kills. So please keep it informal or risk getting your thread closed. The later will only reinforce the complaints on ganking. Decide what you want.


No one is stupid if “lost” a ship in video game
noone is smart or imba if “kill” a ship in video game

this is only game, just fun, nothing serious or important

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Nothing to do with players

@Squizz_Caphinator can confirm it was because Disqus was just bad


It doesn’t matter if you scout ahead or have an alt webbing you. If you are carrying around that much cargo, you’re going to get ganked. Classic examrple of a freighter pilot being lazy and/or greedy and trying to move billions upon billions in cargo all at once…


Well, it has different types of players. If you remember the “Leeroy Jenkins”-video then you know what I mean. There are those who calculate all the risk and nail down their math before they do anything. And there are those who charge in with brass balls and don’t give a single f’ as long as they have chicken. You have the same types in EVE. One fly for Red Frog, the others are high-risk traders. Everyone is having fun in their own way.

When you look at the losses of the player from Charon | torchwood 456 torchwood | Killmail | zKillboard then you’ll see that he only ever lost one freighter and that he used a Vigil Fleet Issue as webber (a frigate with 50% web range bonus). The character is from 2011 and he has only ever been ganked once in all this time it appears.

Maybe this was his first attempt at high risk trading or perhaps he’s been doing it for a while and has been very successful at it. Who can say?! But except for this one loss does it look pretty flawless to me.

(Interesting side fact, when you look at the character’s bio then you’ll notice he’s an owner of a CODE. permit [not expired].)


Permit gets revoked when you violate the CODE.

This miner was anti-tanked (cargo expanders)
and had too much in cargo.


Too much in cargo? That’s a thing? I get the anti-tanking thing, but cargo, not ISK/m3?


It is now. :rofl:

I’m laughing so hard at the moment that I want to buy me a permit only to feel the pain of having it revoked. Buy a permit now, deliver tears later…

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Yes, too much in cargo is a thing. For example, I’ve seen several freighter kills where it wasn’t particularly expensive, but they were carrying about 10,000 different items in their cargo. You could tell this poor bastage was trying to move his entire game inventory. Freighters like that get ganked simply for the lulz…

To be compliant with the CODE., a permit holder must not only obey the letter of the law, but also the spirit of the law. A Gallent would never engage in mean-spirited rules lawyering.

Sounds like a tone of defamantion - You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities.

CODE Permits do in fact harass the other gamers.

CODE. Permits also violate this part of the Eula - You may not submit any content to any chat room or other public forum within the Game that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, libelous or defamatory, encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liabilities.

Issuing permits to miners and other gamers is in fact a threat that if they don’t adhere to CODE.s style of game play that they will be ganked.

It’s been going on for years. If CCP had a problem with it, they would have done something about it a long time ago…

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It’s an extortion racket, something that is allowed by CCP, IIRC the permit itself was created to satisfy CCP when James315 was justifying CODE.'s actions to them.

So no, permits are not a EULA breach as CCP have full knowledge and were involved in the process that led to their creation.