This is why ganked freighter pilots deserve zero sympathy

They would have made fun of me a bit and then not cared.

Proof: I’ve ■■■■■■ up and made mistakes and been made fun of for a few hours and nothing was ever said again or held against me.

What was the mistake? If you are too embarrassed to say well there you go…

  • I’ve lost an expensive pod in lowsec while blopsing
  • Gotten logi needlessly killed by not paying close enough attention to them
  • Messed up while catching a JF and resulting in it getting away

I’m sure there’s more. I don’t really keep a running score sheet. I mess up frequently.

A pod and a logi is not exactly a 40 ship ganking fleet. Im sure if you had lost a blinged out T3 cruiser it would have been a different story.

The 40-man ganking fleet cost what, 300 something million isk is what the video said at the end.

My pod is worth a little more than 300m

Jumped in to kill a JF that bounced off the station and the locals jumped on us after we killed it. I managed to do my job and get the other two blops pilots out safely with my jams, but ultimately I died saving my friends.

There’s no excuse for losing the pod though… That one was totally my fault.

You must have had some dank photo’s of Khrom or Clonekiller, or dank photos of them together.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You really do need to shut up. You are blaming the freighter pilot for being ganked because of how they fit their ship.

A freighter has severely limited options in how it can be fit.

I would go so far as to say that you Quake God are type of person who goes around complaining about ship fits and then using that reason to gank or attack them so you can collect tears as you call them.

You really do lack any type of sensical and justifiable intelligence at all.



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Yes. The options are, fit for tank, or dont fit for tank. Very limited options indeed.

and yet, very easy to choose which to fit for. The person had two options, and chose the wrong one. Not very smart of him.


The options are actually fit for cargo, fit for speed that buys you next to nothing, or fit for that poor excuse of a tank.

I agree that some ppl ship around way to much value in their freighters, but lets be realistic. Freighters offer the worst benefit for active piloting them giving their align time. The tank they can fit is also more like a bad excuse. Reducing their base capacity and giving them slots like to bowhead would open up some way better choices and benefits for active piloting.

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Obelisk- 592k with slaves. 543k with just 5% slot 8 and 10 armor implants.

Freighters are probably the beefiest thing in highsec right now.
With a slave set you can do high four hundreds armor after resists and be able to catch real reps.

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An obelisk will have 499k ehp and 300 raw hitpoints with 3 bulkheads.

With cargohold expanders, they only have 190 ehp and 130 raw hp.

With inertia stabs, they have 300 ehp and 200 raw hp.

So with bulkheads, they gain an extra 100k ehp. Thats the level of a decently tanked battleship.

How is this a bad excuse of a tank? If my battleship gained an extra 100k ehp from tanking, id say thats a lot.

Also, no, bowhead-like slots will not help. Most will try to add shield tanks, and fail because large shield extenders and resists dont really add a lot. The hp is in the structure for freighters. Always have been.


Today’s Darwin Award goes to a completely anti-tanked freighter worth only 1.2 billion carrying 26 billion in cargo…




These are the only options you get and the benefit of choosing tank is rather small in my opinion. Also with the ships fielded in ganks i have my doubts that this would help alot.

You could fit an MWD which would improve active piloting alot and plug the hole that freighters cant to this currently, might also reduce the afk piloting. The remaining mid slots have room for various options. The Rig slots would allow to speciallize the freighter more. You could get more finegraining options between tank, cargo and speed. Of course this has to be offsetted by some changes to base values.

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If I can add modules to my freighter, I would add a DC II.
Then a mwd to align faster by pulsing it once.

Then a bastion module :smiley:

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I dont see how the same amount of EHP as a tanked battleship, is a “Small” benefit. If i could increase the tank of my frigate by 100k EHP, would you consider that “Small”?

Sure. Gankers put in a lot of effort by fielding 30 man fleets to take down freighters.

And you think that some mere modules should be equivalent to the effort of fielding a 30 man fleet?

Are you kidding me?

Since Freighters are treated like bowheads and orcas in that they cannot fit capital microwarpdrives, what would a 200% increase in speed from the wrong type of thruster module do? Were talking about shaving maybe a couple seconds off an align time of 30 seconds. This, compounded by the warp speed, will not make a difference to AFK piloting. The slow warpspeed is part of the reason why people AFK pilot, and adding even 3 of the warp drive speed rigs will only make a freighter as fast as an orca, which isnt saying much.

Nothing about it would change, and the only change that would come about the change in habit that you want, is a base speed increase from CCP itself regarding the freighters.

And the sad thing is, none of this is offsetting the real reason why people get caught; freighter pilots are greedy and lazy. Greedy for choosing speed or capacity over tank, and lazy for only flying 1 account and thinking that modules should bridge the gap between 1 player and 30.

The fact of the matter is, your proposed freighter, already exists. Its called a Deep Space Transport, and can carry 60km3 of goods while having the full utility of mid and high slots as well as rigs, with a mere 15 second align time.

You are too smart by half, therefore come off as a sophistry try hard.:poop::face_vomiting:

Can use sensical as an adjective.

Gud luck in your career as a 5th grade spelling and grammar nazi.

By the by, Eve has its own unique evolving linguistics. Nothing is therefor truly right or wrong. So long as you are understood in the context of what is discussed.


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You can, but it’s bad English to do so.

Whats Gud English got to do with communicating in Eve. A gud linguist understands his audience and uses their unique language. With all their unique abbreviations and syntax.

Are your silly mems gud English? no. Are they a gud shorthand? Yes. Would many be understood outside these forums? no. Are your mems effective comms in Eve? yes.

Anthony Burgess use gud English when he invented ‘nadsat’? Did Jack Kerouac conform to gud Grammar in his unrelenting prose? No and no. Did we understand them? They were brilliant shinny comets in the night sky.