This isn't the cancer, it's the symptom

The real problem to be solved is, too much to do, in real time, maintaining the order of events.

You cant have all the 3, you can have 2. Take your pick.

This silly notion died with your con man Jimmy.

No “organization” can survive without leadership.

*I use the term organization VERY LOOSELY.

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They also speak more than 50 other languages since the movies were dubbed in just about every language on earth.
Maybe you had preferred that you couldn’t understand one word of dialogue to make it feel alien? How much money would such a movie make, where the audience can’t understand one word of dialogue?
how about The Witcher series then? Is that show crap because they speak English? Because you can’t tell me those people in the world of the Witcher would speak English, can you? What form of old English would they have spoken, if any? Certainly not Shakespearian English.

This forum doesn’t give you two minutes to edit a post… and we can only like so many posts per 24h…
ISD, why so tightwad?

Somebody call Elon Musk to fix editing.

We’re supposed to get 5 minutes to edit a post, not 2 minutes.
But that’s ok. Putting someone on Ignore doesn’t work either so my thread about this forum being broken is right on the money.

Demand a refund, SP will do for the trauma caused.

Only a fully-fitted Titan will heal that trauma… oh, and a moon, too.

the bored @tutucox_Khamsi NFT project will be worth millions :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :dollar:



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