This isn't the cancer, it's the symptom

Am I? Cause I’m pretty sure you don’t know what an advert is and you are giving heavy Ancient Aliens dude with the hair vibes.

How many alts do you have Blue?

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Seems to be the way the games industry will go: remote connection to a games server, which sends video back. Clients can be minimum hardware, if this was an ideal high bandwidth, low latency world. Everyone could see the maximum graphical experience the designer intended, since all game code and rendering will run on remote servers.

2, Can’t even fly my main right. ones a cyno toon from a time not relevant. i just ship spin to the different color themes and role play around my fort as if i have a captains quarters separate from ship spinning, to monetize with plushies or fish tanks and Geysers Rendered around Wild Scenes of Nature of what would be the Original CCP team Cognitively saying we have to do what we do to keep up with the world whilst remembering where they come from humbly put.
Without offending the progress of that creation and diverse culture.

The Iconic Quafe Removing Jump Fatigue…Etc.

No it won’t. Enthusiast-level hardware is a massive industry, and hardware companies won’t just give that up, because on-demand cloud computing is much more efficient, and will thus result in lower need for hardware in general.

It will be a convenience service sold on top of pushing flashy gaming systems and components for personal use, in order to double-dip from as many consumers as possible.

Man. You got problems.

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Chains keep persons in contract with their office. Gally slaves to their oars and Mayors to their venue.
Blockchain is no different. Volunteers are welcome.

bah. I don’t check the forums for a few days, and obviously someone tags me.


No. not at all. The processing is done on a central server, which isn’t fast enough to keep up. Splitting it up, to other servers which you don’t trust won’t help. Blockchains are slow.


Everything touched by capitalism turns into ashes.

I simply don’t understand all the fuss over Dr Who. Lore purists will always moan…it is what lore purists do. A lot of people seem to get their sense of psychological stability from sameness, and we’d all still be playing Donkey Kong and Brick Out if they had their way.

A far better way of looking at things is to consider that there really are only about 7 main stories that can be told. That is why everything from Dungeons and Dragons, Skyrim, to The Witcher, is really just shades of Tolkien-esque middle Earth. And it’s no different with space stories…most of which are a legacy of Homer, Jason and the Argonauts, etc, etc. All these ventures have a common origin…so to speak of ‘crossover’ is absurd. Star Wars and Star Trek have vastly more in common than they have differences. Most of those stories are the direct result of crossover in the first place. The Eve universe already shares countless elements from 1000 other stories. Without such appropriation it would not exist.

I would strike the word “sameness” and insert familiarity, but you have the right of it, it’s fear of the unknown that drives the furore.

That and the perceived shift of focus from player driven narrative to sponsored narrative by those that make this ‘imaginarium’ their very-serious-business.

X to doubt

Lol…you don’t think this has any similarity with anything in Star Wars ??

And that sums up the majority of both franchises to you?

Oh they both have people in them too so they must be identical.

I suppose Baywatch is just like them too because theres people in it as well.

Even within your example the only similar thing is that something explodes in space.

So Apollo 13 is just like Star Wars, gotcha.

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Come off it…there is loads of crossover. The entire ‘destroy the death star’ thing…aim for the warp core reactor…the ‘bad guy’ somehow always escapes. Jean Luc Picard being assimilated…’ I am your father’ ( or mother, in the case of the Borg Queen ). They both have their Gandalf type ‘wizard’ characters…Q…Yoda. Endless repetition of tropes.

Baywatch ? Nope…have yet to see Captain Janeway take on the Borg in a bikini while being chased by a Megalodon. Though knowing the producers of Star Trek that’s probably in the next series :slight_smile:

Ok youve clearly never watched Star Trek.

Or Star Wars from the sounds of it.

I don’t know still there fundamentally different. Ones a film series with ongoing arcs the other TV series were everything is sorted by tea time . The established authorities are evil in one good in the other. They haven’t got that much in common except they both happen in space .

‘A long time ago, in a galaxy far away…’

…they look human, and speak remarkably good English.

So… not in the future and not in our galaxy.

Any other “similarities” you want to cite to prove you are talking utter bollocks?

Of course the details of the stories are not identical. But you are fundamentally missing the point that they are both branches off the same tree…in a manner no different to Dungeons and Dragons, Skyrim, and The Witcher all having very similar genes. You are just deliberately missing the point. But that’s par for the course here.

Oh do give over. Dr Who is a timelord who can go anywhere, any time. Why would he not appear in the Eve universe ? As for ‘future’…heck, they created an entirely alternate timeline for Star Trek. If that’s not messing with detailed ‘lore’…what is ? Star Trek lore is so messed up now, what with alternate realities and temporal police, that you could easily have Captain Janeway be Luke Skywalker’s daughter. Messing with time is the very definition of a lore eraser…and I’m all for it.