Shield Hardener Tiericide is on SISI.
I think tiericides need to be a bit more nuanced than just making stuff fit easier or consume less cap.
Tech2 booster is still very poor performance and faction boosters DG and CN are overpriced and very poor cap efficiency.
OTOH I am glad that after 7 years we are finally seeing some effort invested in this, I’ve been on a hiatus for more than 6 months partly because of so little meaningful development, pushing out trig stuff with OP weapons and stats meanwhile the actual meat of the game was left languishing for better portion of a decade.
New Devblog, mentions this thread too \o/, the never ending story may have a happy ending. Thanks for all the posts here guys. I updated the OP, marking hardeners as done and adding a little info on what modules are next according to the devblog.
Updated the OP. Shield Resistance Amplifiers Done and Resistance/Layered Platings on SISI atm.
Honestly, I’m not gonna lie, my favorite part about the tiericide process was the creation of uniform prefixes for modules.
Updated the OP. Resistance Platings & Layered Platings which were done a little while ago. Energized Platings just yesterday. Highlight of that is the 20 cpu serp/fed EANM…or MEM now.
The next module to be done is Shield Boost Amplifier. It will most likely be a few cpu here and there with the domi/rf/gist being the low cpu/low stat like currently. There is a heat damage penalty that might get a bit of tweaking, maybe for meta/faction/ded modules. The combination of meta 1-4 modules will make for cheaper meta 4 equivalent compacts. Officer will probably get a tweak where a ded module is making it look bad.
would be nice if they added an “enduring” version that actually reduces the cost of shield boosting ^^ (of course at the cost of less shield boost amplification)
Rotating shield frequencies.
Polarized deflector dish.
Red matter.
Thanks again for maintaining this. So end of the year the weapon and ammo tiericide will end this…will be interesting to See the further ideas.
Energized Armor Layering were done a while ago, a small category. And Shield Boost Amplifiers were just done today. I can’t edit the OP it seems to be locked, can a CCP member unlock please, @CCP_Aurora?
Hey there, should be unlocked and available for editing now
Thank you very much.
I’m going to mark the black ops as done as they have had some minor tweaks and just recently a decent balance pass.
Warp Core Stabilizers rebalances (along with nullification changes) are happening soon so I hope they get tiericided. Otherwise there hasnt been much feedback for a while. Can we get a update on how weapon tiericide is going @CCP_Aurora ?
T2 Covert ops is finaly getting its tiericide pass, namely removing combat bonuses which were rarely used and getting more slots and either a scanning or cloaked speed bonus.
T2 Black Ops is getting full firepower of what you would expect from a
T2 BS. I think I can truely mark em off as being fully tiericided now, after much half arsed changes.
Still waiting for the remote guidance computer, and the bonus to be added to the Scimitar and Oneiros (to align with the remote tracking bonus).
Updated the OP to add shuttle(nullification), blops and covertops to the done category.
That is a fantastic idea. You should bring it up in the assembly hall for the CSM.
Anyone know if much has happened with weapons? I tried finding the fanfest 2022 ship and module balance video but no luck, anyone have it?