Tiericide - The never ending story

Nothing. After last changes in 2020. Tiericide project is dead. Can’t remember anyone even mentioning this since then.

Anyone remember what fanfests ships and modules balance presentation was about? I asked around and noone has a vid.

No idea. I don’t think that any of “roundtable” discussions where recorded. At lest none of them is at CCP YT afik. And I don’t think those were presentations of any sort.

Thanks for the reply and details. I guess Ill watch some of the fanfest videa to get a idea of whats in store.

torpedo launchers still need to be fixed

How did this get revived when it was inactive for a year???

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I asked for it not to be autolocked, rather than repost over the years. Its a long term thread with a comic title which has inspired some devs to keep a eye on overall ship and module balance. When weapons get their pass I will probably stop the thread. But for now the story continues…


Time to contact csm as aprently no one rembers them @Brisc_Rubal

rocket launchers need tiercide as well

Did any of the small, medium or large turrets get any tiericide treatment in the meantime? I was looking for it but I couldn’t find anything, so I assume all the launchers need a little love and all the regular turrets too.

Back from a break. still no Remote Guidance computer…

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Bump… Back after playing something else for a while after getting fed up with old eve bugs and legacy systems.

Among other things, I wanted to ask, if the small, medium and large tech 1 guns have been changed from meta 1-4 to useful?

No, I don’t remember when they last mentioned it. What they did say is something about the complexity of the task when different ammo types were combined with different guns. YOU CAN DO IT CCP!!! We have computers for this sort of thing!

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They probably mean, if they go a similar way like they did with the capital guns, then imagine a t1 tracking version of a 225mm vulcan autocannon.
Loaded with the tracking ammo could potentially break EVE, but, you know, they can also just skip a tracking gun for the S, M, L guns and just make a range bonused, a fitting bonused and if applicable, a capacitor consumption bonused railgun, lazor(s), blasters one.

It is not rocket science. I feel like I am doing someone elses job again for free, like many time before.

In other news. CCP did fix a annoying bug with next stargate autoselection not working on entering a system. That fix alone made my first month back. I know once weapons are redone ill be taking a break from pushing for basic game changes.

The next thread will be about implementing a largely self regulating gank and antigank environment. So much potential there to gateway drug many highsec dwellers into other forms of pvp in different rulesets.

I don’t think we need guns with various tracking / optimal etc differences. Already have ammo, and the game is complex enough as is

I know that, and I was merely spitballing. They could do something like a compact gun, long(er) range gun (in this case for the longest range tech 1 ammo), but regular fitting, a capacitor one maybe and maybe a large(r) ammo clip gun.

Problem solved.

Make ECM modules scripted for Sensor types. This would save 21 different modules. You could even make the unscripted ECM module the Multispectral unit, further saving an additional 7 modules.

You have 1 ECCM script that works against all racial modules. This remains the same counter effectiveness.