Time for new benefits for omega paying subscriptions

What’s to get here? If you were running your own business, you would prioritize actual paying customers first too, over those, say, coming in using free perks or such. I never said treat them differently directly, but you would find out why the payers are paying and maintain and improve service based on the payers first. Then worry about the non-payers. That’s all I’m saying.

Unless you got hard data backing that up, I will counter with my own non-concrete only the 1% of the 1% of whales fall into your analogy…

I am in full agreement here. :sunglasses:

I agree to a point, but as I mentioned, improve the game based on cash payers as priority, all other populations are secondary. Just my opinion though.


ok , the data came of my ars65
but the point is
plex is more expensive than game time
because plex is made to allow SCRUBS to buy stuff
no plex comes out of thin air
somebody has to buy it for fiat currency
if a SCRUB buy it (lets say with USDS) , and sell it to a non SCRUB for isk
WHY… the less intelligent person of the transaction should get a bonus?

I’m not sure which party you mean is the less intelligent? Both sides have valid arguments claiming they’re the more intelligent…

But I never said anyone should get a bonus. If someone is willing to pay cash for PLEX to convert to isk, then whatever content they are running must be of great interest to them. Perhaps they sub and buy the extra isk to cover a brutal loss. Or maybe they want to “catch up” to their friends/corpmates. We dont have that data. But again, all I’ve said is that paying customers should perhaps take priority over non-payers in terms of improving content.

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There is a huge difference between plex purchases and subscription.

Subscription pays for time in advance, whether you use that time to long in or not, it’s pre-paided.

Plex can be only purchase one month at a time, and if you decide you want a break from eve,the plex stays there and stay there till you come back or sell it.

Something many seem to forget.

You use PLEX to pay omega-time in advance as well. The only difference is that with real money it’s in your bank account and PLEX is in-game. They both function exactly the same way. You do know that you can store your money in the bank account as well?

As i stated before, the injector/extractor is nonsense. It was a cash grab move, there is no other reason to do this. Real developers would of simply altered the time-requirements for ships, as they serve as one of the key primary motivators to keep playing.

As a result, the solution to eve’s retention problems, and income issues are simple. Reduce the time to go from one ship to the next.

The best way to do this is to simply revamp the ship classes to have individualized requirements independent of other ship classes. So no more hac dependent on assault skills, they each have their own set of requirements.

Most importantly, all requirements should be set at 21 day intervals. So a hac takes 21 days to learn, a commandship 21 days to learn and so forth.

This is the best move eve could ever make for helping retention rates.

out side of the best fix, the easiest is to simply just jack up the omega training time to some insane amount, like x12, and remove the omega wall, allowing access to anything on alpha.

The insane speed will pay for itself, especially if the x12 is done in unison with the ship-requirement changes.

On this note i will mention the real problem behind the retention rates is the utterwall that is in effect that really makes “progression” feel like watching paint dry. That is why no one can get into the game.

If you think about ti from a design perspective, looking at games like elderscrolls, guildwards2, etc, you will see just how good, and how effective “building classes” are for a player. In ways, the ship classes are the same concept in eve.

This will have a massive impact on the retention rates, while sententiously improving retention rates.

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I must have missed something.

How is PLEX an ISK sink?
The ISK just changes hands…

–Confused Gadget

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I want a Make Citadel Great Again hat

EVE is not an MMORPG…

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But it is. Massive multiplayer online game and we’re roleplaying space pirates, miners, haulers or fighting entire wars with our ‘characters’.

What you state is nonsense. If CCP would insanely increase training speed, like you propose, to allow EVE progression to be similar to that of other MMOs, EVE would in no time reach that same point that other MMOs have: the point where everyone has done everything at endgame and is waiting for new expansions to make the current levels and gear obsolete in order to keep the game running.

EVE is no such game and trying to make it such a game shows a severe lack of understanding of how EVE works.

Most of bigger groups and older players have wealth to inject in one day super pilots. SP trading should be removed in first place. So the person would have meaning again. Not another alt to inject when you need it.

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It makes perfect sense.

Regular subscription: you pay a fee, gain SP at a set rate, money earned depends on your skill, intelligence and access to opportunities.

PLEXed account: someone buys PLEX from store at a cost higher than a sub, sells are bearer negotiable prices to the end buyer, who is rich enough to have defeated worrying about money.

What is the point of ISK once you have 200, 300 billion? Why not allow these people to sub their accounts for $18 USD a mo instead of $11 a mo if they took 6mo contract.

In RPGs your class dictates your role. A mage tosses fireballs, a cleric heals, an archer picks-up dudes at the tavern…etc…EVE doesn’t have any of that as it’s wide open. No restrictions…

So you basically want to have it all with no effort. Got it…

Don’t you question the great Speaker!

Cause he have seen the truth, while you remain lost in the darkness.

The only salvation for eve, is to make all space safe!

Ah another easy button lover…right on cue…

Another bittervet, that only sees the world through destruction and pain.

New players needs to be cuddled and loved. Hugged and kissed.

This is what will bring people back in the millions. It is the only true solution. Only people stuck in the past, cannot see the pending doom, if the course is not changed.

I really like the way Omega is set up as it is. I truly feel that it’s a fare price with fare benefits. If anything needs work I would put that on the Alpha side.


Even by your standards this is a terrible idea. Veteran players with plenty of SP would instantly stop paying for the game without losing anything and have zero incentive to ever become paying customers again. Congratulations, you just crashed CCP’s revenue in the desperate hope that by handing instant gratification to entitled newbies you can offset the loss before going bankrupt.


If I fly an Osprey I’m a healer. Atron for tackle, Brutix for dps, etc. You’re free to pick up another ‘class’ while docked, but we certainly do have roles in EVE.

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