Time to say good bye EVE online

Can I have your stuff?

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I don’t think you are properly considering how prey/predator balance works. Its not even 50/50. Probably more like 05/95.

The Viking progeny knew what they were doing and they did a pretty damn fine job. But keep in mind the goal posts have moved over the years.

I was going to give a like until you described one of the life’s best experiences in a way that made it seem dirty. I just can’t reward that even if I did laugh.

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se ya dude o/
i dont know why you save isk if you don’t pvp but i don’t pay your bills you do what you like

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NO fun. That’s the best reason to leave the game on the shelf.

Players WANT to PLAY, not WORK. If it’s work they’re after they send their rĂ©sumĂ© and get hired at a JOB.

So-called “open-world” is right. Not only is CCP telling us that losing a 300mil ship in - literally - a minute is “fun” but then they turn around and yank the possibilities to rebuild said ship. Many players take that as a F-off from CCP and maybe that’s what it is.

Anyways, plenty of other games out there. I’m sure you’ll find you niche.

Take care and be well.


ISK is needed for more than just PvP, it’s needed for everything


yeah but the only thing that you can do with LOTS of isk besides pvp is meta game
he is not a politician like mitans or brisk , he appear to hoard isk and will leave with it

i call this the sunset riders syndrome

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“Bury me with my money” :rofl:


Guess it depends on what you consider PvP is.

Hell, training skills requires ISK. Manufacturing, Processing, Trade, PvE, etc all require ISK. Can even include subscription as well.


I’m not sure that’s the case anymore, just from what I see from gaming in general these days.


yah but all this require so lil isk that a crab can get what he needs for a mont in 3 days

lets say this
i lose waaaayy more isk than any crab here
i make less isk
and im fine
ergo , they are hoarders


Contrary to you, I AM sure.

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Well, need to make close to 1.5 bill ISK a month just to purchase 500 PLEX from Market to exchange for 30 days sub.

Then there’s a bunch of other stuff to buy just for gameplay depending on Career choice.

So yeah, I disagree.

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he farm in null sec
he do 1.5 bil in days
my friend made 500 million yesterday farming in null
i understand that eve has a price in isk , i plex with isk to
but most of this guys hoard trillions and do ■■■■ all with the isk

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No sense dwelling on it. He gets off on piling up ISK. It is what it is. You won’t win a PVP convert here.

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As a unit of measure of success in this game, accumulating Isk is as good as any other. PvP is commonly known as ship vs ship, but there is/was Market PvP, beating other players to the punch by lowering prices. Of course, CCP decided to change market rules by penalizing players for merely lowering their price.

Across the board, CCP has decided that non-predatory players are no longer welcome in the game. Solo/small corp players owning structures needed a target placed on their backs, so rules were changed making destruction of those structures much more profitable to predators. ESS is another example of CCP’s sneering at a certain play style and changing the game to reflect that attitude.

The mind-numbing idiocy of magically changing the mineral content of all ores, and then assigning asteroid/ore content to a solar systems’ security status tipped this game into ridiculous space fantasy.

When a consumer purchases a product and there is a decline in the qualities that made it attractive to buy, the consumer loses interest in it.

I don’t suck into the propaganda that I should commiserate with the devs dilemma of having to fix a flawed MMO, especially when it is accompanied by a degradation of the product I originally purchased.
I can at least look objectively at where the game is headed, and can laugh at the Fanboi cult that sees my view as some sort of loyalty test to the game.

Spare me the “things change” cliche. Now that the game developers have become overtly hostile to play styles they once encouraged, I’m outta here, I see enough schizophrenic behavior in RL, and don’t need to put up with it during my relaxation time.


Wow, very well written and I agree 100%.

I rarely log in now, mainly it’s just to keep skill training active. However I still maintain a sub in the hope that CCP will eventually pull their heads out

Course my patience is quickly wearing thin


For sure all that ISK you gathered can still give you pleasure.

Having few billions in wallet was always a nice sight for me.

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^^ THAT ^^

Most mentally-stable people play games for the entertainment value. The word is self explanatory: GAME.
That’s why games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin’s Creed and Skyrim kick-A. They’re open-world with true player choices, no mechanics to force the player to play a certain way. Total freedom within the fictitious world. They’re FUN to play.

Pay attention, CCP

  • is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as
    Light-hearted PLEASURE
    enjoyment or AMUSEMENT
    Although particularly associated with recreation and PLAY.

You think you can code that into EVE? That’d be swell, thanks.

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you guys refuse to partake in 1/2 the game and say its not fun
i bet you pew pew in red dead or ass creed

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Sorry to see you go, but someone has to win Eve I guess :wink:

If you are to leave your stuff, I don’t want it.
Give some to the Bus though!
–> Operation Magic School Bus