To Citizens and Capsuleers of Caldari State in regard to Protests caused by Pirate Subversion

Presumably they stop paying the Guristas protection money, and start paying whichever pirates who move in to fill the void.

I mean you’re trying to sell me some ■■■■ that the Mega corps are somehow perfect and incapble of no wrong doing.

It was more of a broader statement for any group that’s opposed to the main goverment. Speaking beyond just the Caldari state here. We can get into technicalities if you want.

As i mentioned above

These colonies and families I’m referring to are mostly Guristas. Colonies put up by them to house their own families because Guristas aren’t any less human than the ones found in “Civilied” society. They don’t necessarily pay protection fees, they’re protected by the Guristas for being the families of their own people.

Citation needed, pirates are generally of military age without family commitments.

Not doing yourself any favors if that was supposed to be a defense of your intelligence. To deny that Lai Dai all of the sudden wants to kill off its own workforce for no reason is not any claim of infallibility.

Those guilty of crimes will be brought before the tribunal and pay for them. The rest will remain unharmed. This isn’t hard.

If you come down to venal (without any caveat of a massive armed forces - bodyguards are fine - or some hidden explosive) I can see about giving you a tour of some of these places. And while some of them started families, many of them have brought families over from whatever nation they defected from.

To ensure their authority and order.

You know damn well that’s not going to happen… They’ll find any excuse to see them all as criminals and punish them as such. More so when majority of these colonies are pitching in resource wise to the Guristas and therefore are technically aiding a criminal element.

Actually aiding, there’s no need to invent technicalities.

Anyone who thought going to the Guristas to raise a family was a good idea… was as divorced from reality as you are.

Ah yes, authority over corpses. Surely that will restore operations…

I am not seeing any compelling arguments here. If you aid a criminal, you, yourself, as a lesser criminal.

It certainly sends a message to those left alive about what happens if you step out of line.

So anyone born into these colonies that picks up a hoe to plow fields is gonna be treated and tried as a criminal?

Where are we now? Pre-Reclamation Ves-Udor?

A message that they are clearly saying is fake and, according to you, trying to hide? Pick a narrative.

If they supplied known pirates, yes, as is appropriate.

Fine - They handled the maintenance to the drone that does the plowing or even handled the controls behind it.

Whatever updated farming method works for you. You know what I’m getting at here…

Well if its clearly fake then Lai Dai should really show where it’s fake and drop that evidence right?

Precisely why I can’t take the State’s justice system seriously.

And they’re not honorable exactly why? Because a primitive pirate said so? Cmon…

Speaking about word of Caldari Megacorporation against word of a pirate, I guess in this case we could look more deeply at the exact pirate who are saying these words to see whom actually shall we believe.

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present you the: Avio Yaken.
He failed as Caldari, failed as a mercenary, even failed as Gallente. And, really, gallente are known for accepting all the waste from the Universe, and still… here we have Avio Yaken, who have no other place to run except the lowest bottom of our cluster: the Gurista pirates.
Avio has a reputation of a liar, of a dishonorable person and traitor. He betrayed not just Caldari, but even his direct employers, acting with utter dishonor towards corporations that were his home.

Taking his word into consideration is quite unwise, whether he would put his words against Honorable Megacorporation, or an unknown entity, his words simply have no credibility whatsoever.

Maybe not everything you say is a complete lie, after all, that would be just absurd. It’s not just about legitimacy. Your words simply bear neither weight nor credibility.

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An outdated label, yes

Yes actually, I found out Im a way better merchant and industralist

I do regret what happened with Sanxing at times…

Bottom of the cluster yet I feel happier than I ever been.

That might be the most balanced and reasonable post you ever made… progress is within reach for everyone it seems.

Don’t try to deflect this by parroting the same idiocy that has been reasonably ignored every other time you wrote it.

You claim Lai Dai intended to send a message and scare the surviving workers into obedience.

Lai Dai claims these events never happened,

Please explain how you reconcile these two things in your head.

Primitive? Oh, come on. Look at the equipment that the Guristas possess. It’s better than the stuff that your navy uses. So if the Guristas are primitive, doesn’t that mean the Navy is even more primitive?

It is the word of a megacorp against a video. I’ll believe what my eyes see, not what a megacorp representative says while reading from a prepared statement. You want me to believe that this whole affair is BS, give me some solid proof.

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Of course they would… Why wouldn’t they deny this? It makes them look horrible.

Because according to you it was a message to instill fear and obedience, suppressing your own message is… dubious at best.

These… these are directly contradictory. A terror campaign only works if people hear of it.

Fair point

But this doesn’t need to get out of the territories that is’ relevant. If they did this, It was intended to be kept an internal matter. They’re denying it because it’s being brought to the wider stage and now they got the scrutiny of others down on them