OK. I’ll line mine up and contact you.

However, as above 1000 is never the best. It’s the average, and it seems strange that for something you claim is so simple, we need the best.

But whatever. Lets’ just do it and you’ll see how wrong you are.

I dont have a second combat alt for this purpose atm. Its not strange, just a fact atm.

And this is not representative of 1000 Omegas vs 1000 Omegas + 1000 Alpha alts in TIDI.

But since you wont shut up, perhaps this will work.

I doubt it though, you will just make another excuse afterwards.

No mate. Prove me wrong and I’m all good with accepting proof.

Rubbish claims from someone that doesn’t even pvp at all. Well, I know that what you are claiming is BS, so I have nothing to worry about.

If I had two frig or cruiser trained toons on separate Omega açcounts, Id do it myself.

I’m not the one making excuses here Salvos.

Thats ■■■■■■■■, since currently it requires me to have two subs, to your one.

I cant fly an other account as Alpha alongside.

That is exactly what the idiot idea of a free Alpha alongside an Omega would enact.

this is like the worst ever bar fight.

‘hold me back’

‘no! hold ME back’


if you really want to do it and do it properly mail me in game for an isboxer referral, I log into this toon about once a month, you might actually be doing something by then lol.


Still just excuses. “I’d do it myself, but …”

But no matter. We already have a resolution to your excuse.

So no more talk. Let’s just get this done.

No, Im out.

This test proves nothing relevant.

Go ahead and try to get CCP to allow a free Alpha alongside an Omega.

Its Dracs suggestion, not mine.


You are never good to your word and won’t even back up a claim of how simple it is.

I dont want alphas to be allowed alongside Omegas, but if it happened, Dracvlad’s explanation to you above was still correct.

Send me PLEX to Omega another account, and Ill do it myself.

@Scipio_Artelius, @Salvos_Rhoska - Your challenge would prove nothing except which of you two individuals is the better PVP’er on the day. To actually prove the points that either of you are trying to make would take a considerably larger sample-size.


Confirming I am terrible at multiboxing in fleet ops.

Some do multi box in sub cap fleets and not just the scout, etc. But it is not required. Which is interesting in that many veterans in NS have alt accounts. My guess is Scipio is right. The FC wants people paying attention to him and piloting their ships at greater efficiency than 2 or 3 less efficiently piloted ships.

Every single MMORPG game out there can be multiboxed, thing is can you afford it?

It doesn’t matter if it’s on the same machine or not. it been done for as long as i can remember.

get friends, best advice i ever recieved in EVE.

well i guess being as new as you are you wouldn’t understand that’s complete rubbish, it’s rather easy to fund accounts with in game cash (ISK)

but if you could use 3 with the account you have now the guy that pays for another account would have 6.

Just enjoy the game and don’t think too much into shite like this.

I understand your frustration, but i must let you know that you are mistaken, here are 2 basics that will help you dispel the myths.

  1. The best ship in EvE is?
    Friendship, there is no weapon in eve that can break that tank…
  2. group participation is where the real fun/isk/gameplay is.
    example: Incursion runners make +/- 1 billion isks a day on a fast day, and on a slow day? 500 million or so.
    2a. group mission running, is fun, fast paced and decently profitable.
    2b. Ratting/mining in null is also profitable.

All of these things can be done by a player with a single account, it is the social aspects of the game that make or break a person’s experience.
Multi-boxing is optional, for example my son has a single account, while my launcher has 11 accounts in it, but, when I’m in game, I’m almost always in comms with friends, and THAT is why i continue to play.

more importantly than “my” reply is that some will agree with it, and some won’t, that’s the beauty of the sandbox…
I hope that you find something useful in my words.


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In a battle of:

1000 Omegas
1000 Omegas + 1000 Alpha alts

My money is on the latter.

If you like sheep maybe!

Lol? I easily fund two accounts continuously with isk, it’s not hard, and I could fund more if needed. Try something other than highsec mining and then crying about it not paying enough isk to multibox.

That would be an utter disaster. There’s a reason alphas aren’t allowed to be multiboxed and it isn’t because of profits. Requiring omega limits the amount of multiboxing that is possible to more reasonable levels. Do you really want to see a dozen alpha catalyst fleets being multiboxed everywhere in highsec? Or how about tech 1 frigate blobs in faction warfare? Or do you fancy throwaway 50 man fleets of input broadcasters instead, since being banned wouldn’t hurt them as they were alphas? The number of ways allowing alpha multiboxing would kill the game is beyond measure.

Oh shoot, he paid more ingame isk than me and has an advantage. Is that not the premise of any game ever? If I pay more isk to buy tech 2 guns for my cruiser and fight your cruiser fitted with cheaper tech 1 guns, that’s wrong? What kind of logic is this?

Then plex another account? What’s the issue here? To reuse my previous example, this is basically saying “If you’re not willing to buy tech 2 guns then too bad, the other guy will out-dps and out-range you.” Well, duh? Just get it yourself too? Logic please?

It makes a ton of sense, how do you think spies happen between alliances? Or how do you think people even manage to have supercapitals at all? Do you really think everyone with a titan should be stuck docked 99% of the time? Allowing multiboxing also helps even out the advantage in having a lot of friends. Instead of those with a friend having a massive advantage, for example, asking them to freight something for them through highsec (because of low sec status, killrights, or other things), now you can even the odds by being able to do it yourself from another character. How do these things not make sense?

Multiboxing only supports this? If you screw up with your character and get booted from an alliance or get a bunch of people hunting you down, that’s it? Really? Multiboxing allows you to build many different personas and gives you far more opportunities in dealing with other people and interacting with them.

Tl;Dr. Multiboxing is awrsome. You can have several accounts and plex with isk on some and pay for others out of pocket.

Now, on the whole flying Alphas and Omegas or multiboxing Alphas should def stay a no go. Think of Eve as a racing school you have a free coupon for. They wont let you take the vette (911 turbo for you euros) out on the free ticket. You may get a base v8 mustang or camero (holden manaro for you aussie and nz’ers, opell speedster turned fullsize for the euros.) Its not pay to win, its pay to play the premo content. Alphas were ment to show you what you can do in the game. To give you a chance to plex with isk.

Multi-alphas will bring a new meta. Think brave newbies. Youll have a core of vets in omega clones in shiney ships for specific roles behind large fleets of alpha cannon fodder. In result that will cut ccp’s profits even more and we will see more micro transactions, more pay to win type actions on their part. If they expand alphas in that way the new fan base will be more like wow players. We all know what will happen with that.