I decided to log into a paid account and could get in. I went back to rescue my Alpha and could not even get to the screen that lets you actually start up the account after the account is added. Paid yes. Alpha no. Anyone else notice this?
I have plexed and unplexed accounts not connecting reliably … And you can’t compare protecting two different Internet services against DDoS attacks if they can’t compare in the first place … Eve is on one single cluster … Not like a worldwide cloud-stored website behind a load balancing firewall system …
No. My Alphas got in when my Omegas couldn’t. Your childish attempt at a “conspiracy theiry” was stupid days ago, has continued to be stupid and will not stop being stupid.
Stop pontificating man. I have been going at it five years now. I don’t think I will bother if this is the new normal. Its not weak players. Its players that don’t bother wasting money on a product that does not work.
Face the facts. Your wallet is weak.
You guys miss the point , that this is a multi million dolar bussines, someone may just ransoming ccp, or this is corporate rivalry. One thing is sure, whoever doing this, its not a home geek self made hacker momys boy.
You again. Just stop. Really. What would be the point anyway? I notice that you are in hog heaven by the way. It happened and I care not a fig if you believe it or not. If I would have said Omega you would have just simply reversed your comment. Its your very own style of forum PVP. Its you in a nutshell.
Shoosh. Just hush. Really.
No, I am just not a whining child.
It is one server, no difference. “Timing coincidence” is not “anti-Alpha conspiracy”. Grow up.
I think its more than that. I think something is going on at CCP. They may not be putting it out there, but would a big corporation really do so? Nope. Not likely.
Hush. Go to bed.
Nice childish response…
Never mind face palms.
Oh goody, Forum PvP \o/
I guess ya go with what ya got.
yeah disconnection week-end again Awesome work CCP what ever it is your doing try with tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth might help cant hurt
@ccpStaff - num nuts
Nah. Its just how he or she or it gets their jollies. If this makes an enjoyable evening for them, then I am more than happy to make them smile.
LOL. Yep. Maybe they got the angle of the dangle wrong again.